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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Do you have a health problem that stops you leaving your apartment ? That’s three years ?
  2. The little rubber feet underneath have to be turned firmly !!! Also, wet towels are very heavy, so don’t over load. Look how many kilos it takes on the instructions. An old washing machine will move, but the OPs looks new.
  3. Ok, sorry, didn’t know that there were no rules at all. Doesn’t change the fact that for a 15 min drive in Phuket or Pattaya will cost you 500 Baht . They have great new cars and SUVs because they can afford them. At least triple the price of Bangkok.
  4. No , to your question because it doesn’t make sense. A normal person will enter on their tourist visa , stay 60 days, just before the 60 days are up, go to immigration and get a 30 day extension. 60 +30 =90 days in Thailand. If any one wants to stay after this 90 days, they leave the country and either, apply for another 60 day TV ( in Cambodia / Laos/ Malaysia/ Vietnam for example) and return to Thailand for another round of 60 days plus 30. I’ve done this for many years. It’s legal. No one can bend the rules to suit their ideas, today also, everything is on computer the moment you enter Thailand. i suggest you try your idea out if you don’t want to listen to solid advice.
  5. I think that it’s great he’s spilling the dirt ! He’s never lied about his past, and it probably cost him a fortune., A few home truths for these bent officials who are supposed to be looking after the Thais and Thailand.
  6. It’s not the taxi drivers you should blame but the company owners employing them ! They pay really low wages , and surely it’s up to them to install working meters which should be read morning and night every day . And to answer whoever above, ( Richard-Smith?) Ive never had a problem in Bangkok, which I visit for a week often at Christmas and New Year , early December and March. When I go from my hotel they always call one for me and never a problem there either ( Erawan). On the other hand, Pattaya and Phuket nightmare!!
  7. Too right, I left Phuket 20 years ago because of them !! One time, a drunk driver came to pick me up,( Kata beach). I refused of course. Another time , I had to get out of the taxi on top of Karon to Patong hill as the driver was weaving all over the road ( high ?) . Luckily I managed to flag down some foreigners. Another time got dropped off about 4 km from destination due to traffic. He turned round and went back. I did not pay. Ignorant thugs Rich enough to have their own cars and charge what they want to. If I go out evenings and have a meal and a glass or 2, I need taxis. If I go shopping with heavy bags I don’t want to add 500 ++ Baht taxi cost to my shopping. They should have a decent government bus service , for Thais and foreigners. The last time the authorities did that about 15 years back the taxis blocked the road and the driver had to run for it.
  8. Bit late with that comment aren’t you ? It’s been ( not turning into !) a humanitarian crisis for many years. Also, it’s a crisis for all Burmese , not only the ethnic groups. Plain dictatorship and murder.
  9. Very common the sub letting between Russians , phuket and Pattaya.
  10. Do a rapid border hop. You do have 6 months left on passport ?? Use VFS official partner of His Majesty’s Passport Office to get a new passport. You would certainly have proof of passport renewal to do an extension 30 days , chill out somewhere cheap in Thailand , it’s low season , you’ll get decent rentals nearly everywhere. Call VFS first and ask advice .
  11. Quite agree , but I think that Thailand , all countries, should have strict laws concerning the renting out of motor bikes/ scooters. The agencies should be insured for every bike they rent out, or a premium charged and copy of licence proof . Police should do their bit too and confiscate drivers without real helmets . Let’s face it, most tourist accidents are with bikes, or crossing roads , dugs and alcohol related. make it obligatory for tourists to enter with a valid travel insurance with inclusions such as with motor bikes / cars/ sports . It happened with Covid where you had to show your insurance with Covid costs included, why not now ?? That would cost the Thai governments nothing. Just abide by laws.
  12. Maybe I missed something, why does he want to do this ?
  13. It would be nice if those having any cold/flu symptoms stayed home or took respectful care and wear a mask, avoid public transport , put their mouths In their sleeves/ tissues when coughing !! I find it absolutely disgusting that people project their coughs and sneezing all over the place regardless who is sitting near them. I had to tell a waitress lately in a nice restaurant to disinfect a table , thankfully far from me , after the husband coughed and sneezed for at least 30 mins all over the sugar bowl/ salt and pepper pots etc. Covid or not, disgusting !!
  14. I live in France and the food is good.,You know where to shop in your own country. In a Patisserie or bakershop, a freshly made on the spot Quiche will cost you about under 3€ = 100 Baht. Have it in a nice sit down coffee shop/ lunch , it will be accompanied by a side salad, will be enough for a light lunch and might cost you double or more .All depends on the ingredients, salmon, ham or veggie., how it’s served, decent napkin, cutlery, table service. If I’m abroad like Thailand for a good while, then I do splash out on a good from home speciality , or German meal, or Italian , usually once a week. If it’s a frozen / fridge type , then no, rather go without. I do not compare what I spend to a Thai wage , That’s ridiculous IMO.
  15. Kata beach was popular with Russians for a good while. I met one massage parlor lady who said her boss was Russian. So obviously under the table work/ money. Now Kata is mainly Russian .
  16. I think the reporter got off to a bad beginning and bad end mentioning that Phuket was still suffering from the tsunami , which was 20 years ago nearly !! I was there long before, and a good while after, and I can tell you that Phuket was rebuilt rather quickly and people flocked there to help. They also had a lot of government help with money etc. That’s when the island started to go downhill , when many locals sold up cheaply and moved in with family, rather like when the Covid crisis arrived. In came the investors with their multi story buildings and cheap bungalows, and also a lot of rather nice ones like you see in Surin / Kamala and other areas. Beautiful views and still totally unspoiled. One Thai friend I have bought two houses and a shop in Kata plus a nearly new posh suv. Another friend bought a whole row of townhouses, admittedly a bit run down, redone them all up nice and then rented them out to mostly small businesses. Spent three months there last year where Kata was a ghost town, not even roads lights were working ! Rented a nice condo, cheap, near club med. it was great to see my old friends but I was bored stiff. The few working restaurants were full of Russians !! Worried Russians, tho they always look grumpy. My friends called me in January to say not to come back this year , I’d hate it. Russians, pooling their cash to buy cheap condos , Rich ones paying any price asked. Lots of westerners moving out ! Loads of Russian kids and young families. So I went to Jomtien , it isn’t much better , tho at least my condo this year was anti Russian , so lucky. Bali was full of Russians too , same problem, disliked by everyone and creating hell on the roads. They are not welcome here in the south of France , or anywhere in EU , so they will stick to Asia . I do wonder how so many can stay so long/ spend ? Russia must have a lot of millionaires.
  17. Not really expensive if you look at the price of a simple cookie or cheese cake in a coffee shop. I’d pay that for a real French fresh quiche Lorraine with a side salad , delicious,
  18. I don’t usually cry after seeing emotional things, but Cambodia and the death railway museum in Kanchanaburi broke my heart. Not forgetting the two world wars. There you see how evil people can be, and how lucky we are not having to live through times like this. In my opinion , we should all have respect for the people who fought our wars, and the pity and empathy for the ones who died and suffered in these horrific places. The meaning of being « human ».
  19. Well , which girl / lady wouldn’t prefer a guy with money ? Rather someone broke, yes, if you know he’s the love of your life. Ask yourself also, why do THai girls prefer Thai men ? Because same culture maybe. I have a few friends who married well, have great lives , nice homes/ cars/holidays and appreciate their husbands even if they are not madly in love with them. Trouble is, Rich men usually have the choice of the prettiest wives, not poor bargirls.
  20. Borabadur is another fabulous temple. Loved it. Very different to all others I’ve seen. Not very well known.
  21. No comparison !! Angkor is fabulous and fairy tale. Of course if these things don’t interest you , don’t go. If you do go anywhere, wear a hat and carry water. It’s very hot. I enjoyed having a private car driving me around, did the river Tonle Sap ( interesting facts) trip, visited Angkor at sunset, great photos , sunrise, and daytime. Didn’t spend all day there . Had great hotel with pool and good restaurants. Lovely people.
  22. I have two friends who had successful businesses in SKV. I visited them every time I came to Thailand . They were eventually driven out by the the Chinese casino thugs who took over the town, who bulldozed all the well placed existing hotels / restaurants. Apparently , since over a year now, the Chinese authorities have made a deal with the Cambodian leaders to find/ stamp out these illegal money laundering casinos and call centers . Too much undeclared money is leaving China. Quite obvious, these thugs are not going to set up in Hong Kong or Malaysia or Singapore, so they’ve chosen Bangkok, Pattaya and where else. We’ve seen the beginnings with what happened with the Bangkok run casino where mainly Chinese were present. Call centers are seemingly popular in Chiang Mai . Doesn’t surprise me. Immigration needs to stamp this out before they take over.
  23. I bought the Nexcare hot or cold compress in different sizes. Works wonders if you use as you need, ie 3 or 4 times a day. Bought in Boots or Watsonville. Light exercise and no alcohol too.
  24. Just get your wife to check in the hotels etc, I asked in Jomtien about 5/6 yrs ago and the boss said no, ne need for domestic travel.
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