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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Yes that’s right. I do it all the time, check in, passport and I ask for a screenshot of tm30 for immigration. They’ve always given it to me. Print it and keep for when you ask for the extension one week before the stamp date. ( if they won’t give it to you change hôtel)
  2. Well Covid is on the rise here in the west, France published 38000 a day lately. So if I do travel anywhere I will be vaccinated properly, and I will test before leaving home. Small price to pay to possibly avoid doctors or hospitals in countries where I’m not at home.
  3. You’re getting on my nerves now. Read the story properly. Mrs Suwan was talking about the tourist who was quarreling with the motor bike taxi., not Mr Tony. » However, the tourist punched Mr Tony in the face for his intervention and walked away. The tourist also seemed heavily intoxicated, Mrs Suwan added, » God, I must be bored ( laugh emoji)
  4. If it’s anything like other beach towns, they have concessions from the local authorities. When those concessions were taken away, as on Phuket a good few years back, they had to fold up their chairs and leave the beach to the utter dismay of the tourists with families and children who could not sit in the sun all day. This put a lot of people out of work and put off tourists from using the beach. Now they are back again of course after a long absence, and everyone is happy again.
  5. No one is obliged to rent a chair or whatever. Just sit in the sand if you wish. I find the prices very reasonable .
  6. « Also » can also often mean…. Additionally, besides, furthermore, moreover……..so can be taken out of context !!!!!!
  7. Why make this report about the 70 yr old wanting to be a hero, perhaps a nice older man was only trying to help. Ok, he was wrong, but it’s the drunk tourist that needs a thumbs down. .
  8. Where did it say that the 70 year old Mr Tony was drunk ? Read the information properly.
  9. I have a fantastic Daikin reverse heat and aircon which is fantastic , in France ! Both work well as it gets pretty hot here ( Cannes) in summer around 33/35c and can be 12/ 15 in winter and less in mornings and night. I’m sure direct questions to Daikin would tell you where they sell. I was in the Malaysian highlands a few years ago and it would have been very cold without night time heating. Also north Thailand , on a 3 night treck 40 years ago I was freezing at night and early morning.
  10. Very beautiful girl , I hope she’s accepted by Canada. Good place to start over and they welcome immigrants.
  11. There will always be side effects and yes, people gravely ill or dying from any type of vaccine or medicine ! We all saw the effects on people who chose not to be vaccinated, and those that lived, regretted bitterly that they did not listen to the world’s science.
  12. You say « the government is responsible for the welfare of its people and the economy « Don’t make me laugh ! As for foreigners who think they can decide what’s good for Thailand, that’s rubbish. It’s a question of respecting Human Rights . Do you also think that the murdering generals of Myanmar and North Korea and many other rogue governments should be ignored ? Maybe PolPot thought he was doing good for his country too ? Should we look away ?
  13. Yes, they’ve just showed flight tickets at 2700 €. There is organizing in the making for fleeing over land.,
  14. SCOOP, on French TV, terrible scenes from Moscow, as combat Police take away young men off the streets by force !! Incredible ! Thousands of Russians in the roads protesting , at least 1026 ( midnight French time) have been arrested . Airports are full of people , mostly young men trying to flee the country. Some have been filmed and have given statements to the press , or social média perhaps., Is this the moment things change , let’s see what happens Thursday .
  15. Yes, do read all the requirements, I think you’ll be surprised. For 6 months there are easier options.
  16. Well we didn’t have any Russians on the Cote D Azur and Monaco this year ! The only ones actually living here kept a very low profile too,, Maybe waiting for that knock on the door . And we didn’t miss them either, booked out all season. Abramovich who has his manor in my village and all his cronies disappeared. Lots of mega yachts confiscated. Good .
  17. Shame on Thailand. Not that anyone cares but I won’t be coming back to Thailand until they change their minds. Just the thought of having Russians for neighbors ! No loss for me, plenty choice where there are decent governments. I think many people will feel like this.
  18. Lumbago prevents me from swimming too much as I can’t put my head underwater. ( eye allergies). But I do what I can and then exercises holding on the side wall which seem to do me a lot of good. I love aqua gym but hard to find in a group so do it myself. I often get someone joining me. Think I’ll try walking in water.
  19. Lesson learnt I suppose.In my whole adult life of 60 years I have never had a joint account. Surely two adults can come to good arrangements without ?
  20. Question , is 5 jabs normal in Thailand. We are only on our 4 th in most of EU. ?. Unless you have particular health issues / or very old of course.
  21. If thyroid is ok , both need to see a good dermatologist. In France Dermatologists also treat hair loss , nail problems , skin. Etc. Anxiety can also be a cause of hair loss. A young man who worked for us lost his mum , then his hair fell out.
  22. There’s a strange photo on the Pattaya News underneath the article. Looks like he was not alone .
  23. Not the same smell. Overpowering perfume is awful, especially in the heat. Some mens aftershave are awful . I sat near to a lady on a flight to Bangkok who was all designer goods dressed, she absolutely reeked of sweat. It made me sick., That was my point. Designer or expensive clothes can’t hide your body odeurs, neither does perfume.
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