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Everything posted by geisha

  1. Over 15 years I’ve gone early morning before opening. very few in front of me. In and out in a jiffy if you have the correct docs. Then a nice breakfast in Arroy Dee next door which has very unfortunately closed so I’ve heard. Early fruit and veg shop at the market and home.
  2. What a ridiculous post. Why don’t you compare the 1700 deaths a year on UK roads to the 18 000 in Thailand ? The rules are there to save lives. thailand must start from the beginning with obligatory driving lessons, real driving tests, big fines and confiscation of cars/ bikes/ taxis and tucs and especially lorries and buses . Regular safety checks , speed limits, cameras that work on every crossing, manned pedestrian crossings , the list is long. It’s not only the 18000 lives that are taken, but the ones who do not die at the scene ! This is not reported in Thailand , devastating life long disability, families ruined and their rice and soup taken away. Poverty. Thailand is still living in the dark ages where driving is concerned. Shame on all the countries leaders , politicians, authorities, who have NEVER lifted a little finger to stop this.
  3. I think many humans are filthy nasty creatures , but they are so amusing . I love Thailand.
  4. She might have a thyroid problem / hormonal imbalance. Can be checked by a full blood test . See doctor. Cheap and easy to do.
  5. My friend in France had this after loosing her husband. First thing to do, have a nice short haircut. Buy wide toothed good quality combs ,not brushes. Forget the dyes / perms/ chemicals for a year. Buy natural shampoos and conditioners from Boots. ( Kerastase?) panic and worry makes it worse. Buy Biotin and Bepathene vitamin course. Repeat if necessary. (My friend had them injected 3 times a week but I doubt that’s possible in Thailand. ) She now has a full head of hair again after 9 months. Years back, you could buy MINOXIDIL, it’s usually for balding in men, but can be used for ladies. It’s a serum you put on your hair, parting the hair in lines from the ears left to right and lightly rubbing the serum in . A bit boring to do but that was ordered from a very well know dermatologist in Cannes France. Plus the 2 vitamins taken religiously over 3 months +++. There is no other options except wigs or hair replanting which is extreme.
  6. From outside ok. Inside it lacks every practical. Check in rows overcrowded, hand baggage check too small and inefficient. Queues. Awful restaurants, awful tacky shops except the designer shops that are always empty, no deals to be had. Rip off Kingpower. Arrivals, from plane to airport 30 minutes on a stifling overcrowded bus. Lon long walks to immigration. Miles long queues ( which may get better with the new equipment???) at Immigration. Unfriendly nasty looking passport check personnel. Once through, 30 minutes to 45 wait at the baggage belt , then , a maze of scuffs holding taxi offers and pick ups that normal tourist can’t find. Wow. I use priority lanes that don’t help me with the walk and the wait. A lack of information desks and English speaking staff.
  7. There are a few in Central Festival and Terminal 21. It’s trial and error I’m afraid. Maybe ask for one who understands English so you can explain your pains.
  8. I don’t particularly need a Q seat, what I needed to know was if Business Class was good / better than Emirates.
  9. Emirates is the same. That is why I am asking about Qatar. My last flight with Emirates was an older plane, food not good. And the bus, freezing cold and soooo long.
  10. I think that’s what couples do if they stay together a bit longer. You help each other out. If she is not doing the dishes or any housework, obviously it’s a problem if you are paying all the bills ! Talk to each other. When the honeymoon is over, a year or two, and things go downhill , then talk again. If you are the eternal romantic and living in the dark ages ( age counts) and she is not exactly like you, either it works , or not. Lack of conversation on your part here with your partners. PS, what exactly does she ask / expect you to do ?
  11. As if there weren’t enough Thai girls on the streets, the Police are allowing other nationalities too ? I knew there were Russian girls, seen one in a condo I was renting, Phuket, horrible rude person but pretty . Mentioned it to my neighbour and he told me that there was a club on Bangla rd that had all Russian prostitutes. I somehow doubt this was owned/ managed by Thais , so it’s Russian backed and allowed to operate in plain sight. This was 20 years ago by the way. Since then, obviously have seen many in Pattaya, lots were working , probably legally, on those condo sales shops in Central Festival Pattaya. So why is this happpening in full sight of the police/immigration, of course hand outs etc, but I believe it’s a very bad situation letting the city be overrun by girls from everywhere. Plenty of Africans in Bangkok, that’s bad enough, where is this all going to lead to ? A few headlines in the national newspapers would help.
  12. What you don’t have in other countries who vote, is all the religious, often weird praying people , who take part . Is it only because of the abortion subject or what ? I find these people praying and calling to Jesus to help Trump to win the election, when it would be hard to find a less deserving, rude, ignorant, egotistical man than Trump. Disgusting. And it’s these people who cry « don’t take the lords name in vain ». Religion should have no part in voting for a Président or world leader. The others are what you call rednecks .
  13. I would be very embarrassed to post something like that. Definitely intelligence deficiency.
  14. Yes, that’s why I went with Swiss Air because of the older 777 . 2 3 2 . Thanks for seat tips.
  15. I do prefer the shorter flights, I get very sleepy waiting for my next leg.
  16. Thanks, very useful info. Is the normal business ( comfort ) good ?
  17. Name and shame, photos on every newspaper. Confiscate car and license.
  18. Yes, saw that, apparently you rarely get the Q suite on both flights. The reason I’m asking for thoughts is that the reviews of Qatar online are terrible. And all recent too ??
  19. Thanks for the reply. I always have a through ticket so no problem of luggage.
  20. The report here was 2 completely different stories, a load of rubbish ? Was one of them in a coma on the bed next to the dead boy ? Or was he so drunk he couldn’t explain what happened? And didn’t look like a swanky hotel at all. Where did all this reporting come from ?
  21. You obviously don’t know any real millionaires paradise. And neither does Katatonic. I do, and it doesn’t look a bit like Phuket. Most of the foreigners that have money there are criminals. And the rest are warmongers. I lived 20 years in Kata so I do know it well.
  22. I left Phuket because of them. I lived practically opposite the taxi parking lot in front of the beach . Around them piles of empty bottles of beer and Mekong. One afternoon a tourist with his family parked on the side rd to the beach. He didn’t realize that those thugs « owned » all the roads. They beat the driver with an iron bar in front of his child and family !!! The things that happened in Kata Beach , unimaginable. The city hall set up a bus service going from Karon beach to Patong. On the first day, the driver hadn’t gone 300 m , with tourists inside, when the thugs stopped the bus , a few nasty threats and the driver ran like hell leaving the terrified tourists inside. This is why there is no bus service on Phuket, except the crawling one an hour open wooden bus to Phuket town that is a danger in itself. Nowadays there is one Airport Bus that circulates . Too late for me. Gave up my beautiful condo and left.
  23. Hi , both airlines fly from my home town Nice to Bangkok. I have used Emirates for many years, but last year being disappointed with them , I took Swiss Air which was absolutely fantastic. I’ve looked at Qatar recently, seems very good ( business class) and the rates are a good bit cheaper than Emirates. My main necessity is a good lie flat bed due to my back problems. Can anyone here compare the 2 for me please, advantages / disadvantages. The difference between Swiss and Emirates, to take Swiss I have to do a Nice Zurich , then Zurich Bangkok direct , and a little cheaper than Emirates. With Emirates it’s Nice to Dubai to Bangkok. The Swiss flight is shorter. Thanks.
  24. Nothing to do with woke. It’s mainly the not used to traveling that don’t take out insurance. Very naive of course . Lots of younger people in good health also don’t think of the danger. Personally I think that Travel Insurance should be obligatory for all tourists. Then the problem would be solved, except for the fools that break the rules on motorbikes etc, then insurance doesn’t cover them.
  25. Ok, answer to my question found. There is no insurance for « tourists ».
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