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Posts posted by geisha

  1. No, il think that what they mean is an extra tax to pay the debt left by foreigners who are not insured. Not a travel insurance !!! This seems  logical and  Correct. To be  used to pay unpaid bills . A good idea, put the  100 Baht as an extra tax on every flight ticket and name it something different , debt tax for example ( only an example) not to confuse travellers. Honestly, what is a 100 B when buying a flight ticket costing 1000b ? Personally, I think it’s a good idea. It’s NOT a travel insurance, and if I had any say in it, I would make compulsory travel insurance for all tourists. No sensible person  Travels without one.

  2. The last time I flew with Thai I was very surprised at how old the plane was. Prices were high then. I wouldn’t fly with them again. The high Baht will take its toll on all Thai exports too, it affects nearly everything if you think about it. Here in Europe , restaurants are buying the Cambodian rice instead of the Thai, price

    26 € the big sack Cambodian

    41 € the Thai.

  3. Mannequins are  expensive ,a known fact to anyone’s who has a shop. That said, sounds a lot for thailand. On the other hand, kids are often badly behaved when out , parents fault. They get bored.Ive seen a waiter fall over a kid that darted off his chair in a restaurant, plates of food flying everywhere and he hurt himself slipping. The family  said sorry and left the restaurant. One of my neighbours has a very chic dress shop, she was literally screamed at by  rude  mothers when she asked them not to bring their kids in eating ice cream ! How about the couple with their screaming child who spoilt our evening meal out, and all the other clients ? Fault is often put on  business owners when all it is is bad parenting. 

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  4. Tropposurfer, funny that, I’ve found Koh Chang beaches and water to be some of the cleanest in Thailand, and in my 35 years been to nearly all of them. Of course, they were all clean years back ! Also you do not sit on a ferry “ for ages” the crossings pretty quick. 

    Otherwise , yes, Weekends are the busiest times for ferry crossings.  

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