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Posts posted by geisha

  1. By the way, I usually take a taxi from a company that has a good reputation. On the last ride, I got to the airport feeling sick. From Jomtien to half way ,he looked at his phone, then the last half drove about 60 km an hour ! I did speak to him, I did ask, only when I got a bit angry he decided to drive like a snail! Two hours of misery. Think I’ll stick to the bus. 

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  2. It’s quite obvious that most of the tourists are on package tours, Chinese , Indian , and westerners . Just look at the buses outside hotels or at the airports . Package tourists spend much less, and lots of the profits go to travel agencies/companies. Very little indépendant travellers, who have found greener grasses elsewhere.

    In Europe, just look in  any agency windows and on the Internet, super deals , 1000 € , 12 days Thailand ( and other destinations of course) flight, hotel, half board, airport shuttle all included. Work it out ! 

  3. Yes, he told me about the food truck, said it was going to be state of the art. I liked the food in RMPM , I used to live up the road from there. Had some lovely ribs, and good Christmas time menus. I enjoyed the air con myself, wouldn’t go there if it wasn’t opened up on the road, which is narrow, dirty, dusty and cars going up and down get blocked, plus a bunch of motor bike taxis. Nothing works round the area. Hardly any friendly places left.

  4. How can you condemn a restaurant for proposing a 18 h reservation ? Have you even thought that the restaurant might be full, or reserved at later times ? Unfortunately, in the restaurant business , you have to pick and choose to make sure the kitchen staff can cope correctly , that there is enough  staff, and once you’re full, you can’t invent extra tables, especially for 10 people . A couple might eventually be squeezed in . Lots of reasons why to legitimately refuse a booking at a specific time. That’s where competence comes in. As for posting untrue things on TripAdvisor, that is downright disgusting, nasty, vindictive and illegal !!!!

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  5. THanks UJ , up to now, I have always been registered online by my condo office, and have also gone personally to Jomtien , filled in the Notification paper, given them the copy of my online registration from the office, passport etc ,but they never told me this wasn’t necessary, and I thought I needed to because I always have one extension during my winter stay. 

  6. Yes , the condo I rent is slowly falling apart, and so are the pools. I think mine is one of the better ones. So far, only the shower  is leaking, and all the shelves fell down !! The windows are blocking too. I’ve seen worse at the neighbours with their tiles all risen up.This condo is about 5 years old.  This seems to be a common problem here, my neighbour in a previous condo had all her tiles rise, and I came home to my condo in  PHUKet once and thought there’d been an earthquake while I was on the beach ! In general, the workmanship is horrendous in condos under the 5 million mark. In the more luxury buildings I would like to think it’s much better. That said , I wouldn’t swop my apartment in the south of France for one here. Mine was built in the 70 s , is looking great , never had a major problem, and any time one comes up for sale it’s snapped up. Through chatting with neighbours (in Thailand) who own their condos, I know that none of them  have been able to sell , and have been on the market for over 2 years.

  7. elviajero, sorry, we might not all be “typical tourists” but I use SETV s which are for 60 days, and I’m allowed to extend for another 30 days. I’m a tourist , spend a few months here legally and also do my reporting address myself at Jomtien, and my condo office also does it online on the day I arrive. I consider myself a typical tourist , what else could I be. Without the address reporting you don’t get an extension at Jomtien. They turn dozens of people away daily for not having that slip of paper. Unfortunately, lots of condos don’t play the game.

  8. Lots of Thais in Yangon , Bangkok Air flights full of them. Also in Siem Reap. In Scots market Yangon the jewellery counters were full of Thai ladies. You don’t see many Thais travelling in Europe though. Mostly, they are with their European boyfriends/husbands .I think it’s just easier visa wise, to visit neighbouring countries, and of course much cheaper. 

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