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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. The risks of low-profile tyres

    Australian roads can be pretty rough. Your tyres, an integral part of your car's suspension system, are on the frontline when it comes to dealing with humps, potholes and other irregularities. As the tyre profile reduces, so does the tyre's ability to absorb and cushion bumps, which results in a firmer and less comfortable ride. At the same time, the chance of impact damage to the tyres, wheels and other components goes up. 



  2. Do not know about BKK, but in CNX a few years ago, while on a search for my next bike, I rented a few from Pop Carrent. No first class available. Went to see a few insurance companies - including ones that I had my personal bikes and cars insured with. No way to insure a rental bike with additional insurance. You wreck it - you pay. Your experience may differ - but never heard of a rental with First Class

  3. 2 hours ago, ocddave said:

    Have you driven in Bangkok?!?! There is almost no motorcycle drivers following any rules whatsoever, you would have to be blind to not notice this, or you yourself have never driven here.

    Yes I have. And BKK is not Thailand - or not all of it. If you can not adapt - better take a taxi or a bus. Leave the driving to those that can understand the dynamic involved and not make blanket statements condemning all and sundry.

  4. 17 minutes ago, ocddave said:

    I have come to the conclusion you are totally delusional, from my experience, almost 90 percent of motorcycle drivers fall into my description above, it's mass craziness. I would estimate 90 percent bad motorcycle drivers, and 50 percent cars, the roads of Thailand are filled with bad drivers, and my estimations actually are pretty close to the carnage figures that the government provides, where they already show more accidents by you guessed it motorcycle drivers.

    Nonsense. How long have you lived here ? If 90% are bad drivers, they would have been weeded out years ago, leaving the good 10%. In which case there would not be so many on the roads. Same goes for your total hogwash in regard to car drivers. Ever driven in India ?  You ain't seen nothing yet.

  5. One possible problem is alignment between the crank sprocket and the rear wheel sprocket. Can your donor engine be moved over enough to allow the chain a straight path without rubbing on the frame, or swingarm. And if the distance from crank sprocket centreline to swingarm pivot is too great, keeping chain tension may require an auxiliary tensioner.

  6. 8 minutes ago, themorn2112 said:

    Also, can those carburetors compensate for major atmospheric pressure changes (like, maybe, Chiang Mai to Bangkok or Phuket,

    CNX 300 meters ASL. Phuket at sea level. Maybe do some research before you post garbage. Rode my Dyna all over - Udon Thani to Singapore, up Doi Inthanon - 2565 meters - no issues. You describe yourself as being from Chicago. Explanation right there.

  7. Another one - comes on a Forum, asks for advice, receives it - belittles the person who took the time to post. Your post illustrates your complete lack of understanding of the principals of EFI - indeed the original question is ludicrous. Discussing electrical principals - which EFI has, no doubt - but ignoring the mechanicals is a clear indication this. Enjoy ! And at the end, see a good doctor to relieve the swelling caused by beating your head against the wall. And a shrink to discuss ways to communicate without insulting others. AH

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