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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. If just an Evap canister its purpose is to collect gasoline which has evaporated and return it to the engine. Also used in case of tip over. If so, can be removed no problem. Probably installed with various valves - PAIR valve for one - which can be plugged off and all the hoses removed also.

  2. 22 hours ago, kenk24 said:


    Try this first.


    About twelve years ago I was having recurring pain in my knees. I finally gave in and went to a famed hospital in Bkk and spoke w/a specialist, who booked me for an operation the next day... My wife did not want me to go in and so I checked the internet and found this formula "Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation"... and actually mostly it was the ice that helped. 50% better in days and fine 2 weeks later... 

    Thanks. When it acts up this is what I do. But provides only temporary relief. There is no rhyme or reason to it swelling and becoming sore. Heights of the Tides - Phases of the Moon - Alignment of the Planets - Do not have a clue. But will get surgery only when I can't walk anymore. Keep the knives in the drawer where they belong.

  3. 12 hours ago, oldcarguy said:

    How much does changing a car to LPG cost , and how many years / kilometers of "savings" does it take to get your "investment" back ?


    and since I do not know , is there a way to put LPG in your car on the side of the road if you run out ?

    a  Storage bottle like BBQs use ?


    that was always the thought about EV cars  that you could not "refill" everywhere


    Holland , Belgium and a lot of France have been running LPG for decades......


    Run out of LPG - run on gasoline until you can fill up. Systems are switchable inside the cab, so you can use gasoline in the mountains where you will make more HP.

    New multi-port LPG installation in CNX 30,000 baht

    You will have to calculate how many km you drive per year - fuel costs in your area - see if it meets your requirements.

  4. I have what I call my Sportster knee - first caused by kicking over my old Ironhead in my late teens. Coming back to haunt me know. Doctors in Canada recommended the same thing - knee replacement with a one year recovery period. No guarantees - so I did not have it. Pain comes and goes - if I walk for a long time, the ache returns. Interested in the massage therapy - have not tried this. Any other info appreciated.

  5. As usual, all the Thai Bashing critics out in force. Do you know how the accident happened ?  Was the bus forced off the road by another vehicle ? No one has a clue from reading the news accounts posted in this thread. Let me amend that - most posting have no clue ... Until the accident investigation is concluded, maybe express sorrow for the lady killed, and those injured, and spare us from your usual vitriol.

  6. The internet is a great source of info. But when a professional is needed, do you go to Youtube for a clip on open heart surgery ?  Why anyone would use a source from outside LOS to settle an issue inside LOS beggars belief. 740 baht will not buy a decent lunch for 2 people - let alone what will happen to your estate when you depart this life.

  7. The Canadian consulate, where I received the list of approved lawyers, told me that a lawyer is required for my will in Thailand. Is this because I am a Canadian citizen ?  Unknown, but the lady there has been correct in the past on every other matter I have consulted her on.


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