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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. Dangerous activity. Still amazes me that I am still alive, some of the close calls I have had. Here in LOS - excepting front end washouts on sand, and hitting the ditch on the way to Pai when a Vigo passed uphill on a curve, been lucky. But an 800 buck helmet, dress like the Michelin man, then put on a suit of armor, and when Joe Bonehead hits you, game over.

  2. 35 minutes ago, buddhalady said:

    Let's face it, girls, older farang men don't come here for the weather, the food or the laid-back lifestyle, they arrive looking for their lost youth as regards their long-since faded attraction for the opposite sex.


    Not for me. Not for the Western people I associate with. Happily married, and only a slight age difference. 18 year old heart in a 60+ body.  Your bias is showing ...

  3. According to Quora - Intellectual Whore definition:
    If you are compelled by your attraction (including sexual attraction) for someone to do everything for them that a lover would, but they do not reciprocate in the same way (while they still hold on to you), you are an IW and on a self destructive foolish path.

    If you are attracted to someone and they are not symmetrically attracted to you within a short time, it is foolishness to expect them to eventually be. Either be happy with the IWship and gradually transform it to a symmetrical friendship or else cut off from them.


    From the OP - I fail to make the connection to what you say and this definition

  4. As long as I have been here, I have heard most all the 'Plans' to bypass the Import Laws. None have worked yet, and I foresee no efforts in the future which will be any different. And if I have heard a lot of them - how many do you think Customs have heard, or seen attempted.

  5. 21 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

    Anyone have any news on deals offered on the CRF250L recently?

    My local dealer wants 149k bht otr with nothing thrown in.

    Maybe I'm out of touch but seems a little high to me. 


    My 2017 purchased December was 135k Nat Motors CNX

  6. To clarify - if you just push the clutch in, without stepping on the brake, the car stops ? Hard time on the rollers - did the wheels not want to turn ?  If yes to both I would look at the brake booster, master cylinder, proportioning valve, or a caliper not fully releasing. Any and all can cause the brakes at one or all wheels to drag.

  7. 1 hour ago, puukao said:

    when the farang has dreadlocks or simply looks like a hippie, we all know he/she isn't working and likely looking for some smoke.  i wish they had a fake woodstock festival and then they all got arrested.  then they can call mommy and say, 'but our high-school principal said it was OK"  "billie, you are now 33!!"  


    great news....weed legal in Pai for the next 100-days.....go up there now and smoke away!! 


    Judging people by appearances are we ? I guess the same can be done by judging people by the posts they make on internet forums. In which case ...

  8. For another option - I bought some 17's for my CRF, and they came with Quick brand tires. Never heard of them - search found them to be made by a subsidiary of Michelin. I also live in the North and travel 90% secondary roads. Grip good - but was warned when picking them up that they are soft so not long life. Not much chance to check out wet weather performance, but the guy at the Honda shop I bought the CRF from has a set on his, he races Super Motard most every weekend, and likes them.

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