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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. On 1/16/2017 at 5:41 PM, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Wow!  This thread is really pulling all of ThaiVisa's resident gender-equity experts out of the closet.... :ph34r:


    Gender has SFA with my reason for posting. Actions of the people described was the only criteria. If it talks like a cow ...

  2. I posted just to show another person thinking 'outside the box' so to speak. Like ideas like this - trying something completely off the wall. That is the reason I like the Thai custom bike scene - even the scooters. Guys with little money - but lots of imagination ! Anybody can buy a bike - but can you build one ?

  3. To cross the border into Malaysia you need your blue - or green - book translated by the DLT into English. You also need a sticker - front and back - to put on your car displaying the roman translation. Bikes only one - in front. Some say that the DLT translation is not required - anyone can translate. But in all my crossings I have never had an issue - always DLT

  4. 1 hour ago, tropo said:

    When I visited Australia with my young Asian wife you could see the older Australian women talking negatively about us everywhere we went and often giving us evil glances. Even in Pattaya we can see the older female tourists talking about us negatively. It doesn't help that my nearly 29-year-old wife still looks 18.


    Indeed - why care what complete strangers think. I always ask them ' What are you staring at ?' Envy is what they are displaying - as you are happy and they seemingly are not. A loud "Moo"  not out of place either.

  5. I stand by what I said - if your installation leaks, and you can smell gas, by no stretch of the imagination is it a professional installation. Mine does not leak. Makes no difference who he installs it for - if yours is done properly it will not have leaked. Therefore - improper installation. Therefore - unprofessional

  6. I picked up a 2017 last month. Using it for access to the winding, tight mountain roads out my back door that are - in spots - full of broken and missing sections of asphalt. Works well. They do not make a M model so bought an L and a set of 17' s installed. Knobbies still unused.

  7. Seems a lot of generalizations being posted here. Most times they are not true - even remotely. People are different - any statement like 'Western Men' or 'Western Women' will prove most times to be untrue. Take the individuals that you meet on a case by case basis. I for one never say things like 'Thai people are ... ' or any other sweeping declaration of intent directed at people you do not know. If you find that the people you meet are like this - get out and meet different people. The World is full of them.

  8. 1 hour ago, jpinx said:

      In Peru the family is everything and there are gringos (farang) there who are carefully tended in their elder years without any of the palavar talked about in this thread. 


    Here also. Spent 3 days in hospital last year. Wife and her family took turns staying in the room with me. I did not need the extra care - but that is what they do. If you are family - you are family. Whatever your complexion.

  9. Most peoples opinions are formed by their life experiences. In that case, the ones you have had in LOS have not seemed to be too pleasant for you.  There are many great people here - of all nationalities and sexes. The inverse is also true - same as anywhere. Look for nothing, expect nothing - and you will be pleasantly surprised when that special someone comes into your life. Friend, Lover, Partner ...

  10. From what I have read, taken all together - energy required to build a hybrid car, and its batteries, factor in the amount of fuel saved over the course of the cars life, and compared to a gasoline vehicle of similar weight and power output, the hybrid is a net energy loser i.e. takes more energy to produce compared to the savings in fuel cost over its life. And this does not take into account what to do with those toxic batteries when they reach the end of their useful life. They are lifestyle statements for people who wish to appear green but have not done the research.

  11. Unless they go nuclear - where the only waste is the spent fuel rods, or hydro - where the only loss is arable (maybe) land, not environmentally friendly at all. Burn coal, or oil, both heavy polluters. Natural gas better, but still bad. Batteries can be recycled, but the whole movement will not take off until the Government gets behind it. And that will never happen until the election process is not bought and paid for by Interested Parties - Oil and Gas, Big Pharma, Big Chemical, Big Agro ... on and on. And that will NEVER happen.

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