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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. If you want a bike to do 2 or 3 different tasks - you must be willing to accept compromise. As JAFO noted above, two bikes are the answer. A town bike - cheap, nimble, lots of storage. And a weekend bike - comfortable to cruise on all day and with enuf power to keep ahead of most traffic. I found that I could not do it with just 2, so bought a CRF last year. As I live in the mountains I can now access roads in poor shape, and with a lot less effort than having to manhandle a bigger bike in the twisties - some of which are 20kph corners.

  2. A torque converter is a type of fluid coupling that is used to transfer rotating power from a prime mover, such as an internal combustion engine, to a rotating driven load.


    A centrifugal clutch is a clutch that uses centrifugal force to connect two concentric shafts, with the driving shaft nested inside the driven shaft. It engages more at higher speeds. The input of the clutch is connected to the engine crankshaft while the output may drive a shaft, chain, or belt


    Your Filano has the second type



  3. 59 minutes ago, impulse said:


    Hey, they're human.  Even back home where the cops are militant about DWI enforcement,  it's not unusual for one of them to get caught out with a DWI charge on their off duty time.  DWI isn't the same kind of transgression as, for example, robbing a bank.  Serious?  Sure.  But I don't know anyone who deliberately sets out with the intention of driving home drunk as a skunk.


    Drunk driving is not serious ?  How can you possibly say and/or believe this ?  Deliberate ?  Were they forced to drive at gunpoint ?  My thought - first offence - license gone for one year, fine 300,000 baht. Second time - license gone forever and 5 years in jail. That will make people think.

  4. Israel already deserves sanctions, for its treatment of the Palestinians. They like walls so much - build a wall around them. Apply the same shortages of fuel, food, electricity to them as they have inflicted on others. See if they change their tune after sitting in the dark and freezing. With all that has been done to the Jewish people in the past, you would think that some compassion would be displayed by them towards others. But no - they do the exact same things as were done to them. As was done in the Balkans. Someones great great grandfather was believed to have stolen a goat, and 3 - or 10 - or 20 - generations later a grudge is still being held, and all that is on their mind is Revenge.

  5. On 12/28/2016 at 4:40 PM, gchurch259 said:

    Loud music is violence , an unwanted assault on others ears !!


    A little research is in order -

    Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation", although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of power" in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of the word.

  6. On 12/25/2016 at 10:10 PM, Ulysses G. said:

    Stabbing our best friend, in the Middle East, in the back is hardly in America's best interest. Thanks to the present administration, we have a bad reputation with our allies already.


    Please - USA has been the worlds bully since 1945. Their Allies ? - their Sycophants more like it.

  7. 9 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

    Those 250cc off-road bikes are fine when you do some serious off-roading like taninthai does but using it as a touring bike must be torture.


    Went on a 350km ride Monday to check out the new seat. Granted, most of it was very tight and twisty. About 100km on flat road to get from one set of mountains to another. This with 17 inch tires. For that application it worked fine, and a lot less tiring than with the CB650 - don' t even think about the Dyna.

    Heading up to the Golden Triangle for a week or so after new year. Many tight mountain roads up there. May even try Umpang from MHS if it is dry.

    But for the hiways - CB650. And when I do Singapore again - Dyna for sure. Just kick back and eat up the miles.

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  8. Did one for an HD I used to own. Over 10 years ago, so do not know if regulations have changed or not. Bill of sale, receipt of import duty and taxes paid, bring bike to DLT to have serial numbers checked via masking tape and pencil, change engine number in green book. Done. Now-a-days ... ??

  9. I own 3 Givi top boxes. All are mounted on a standard steel rack made for the particular bike model. The Givi box comes with a plastic plate, and all the hardware, to attach said plate to the steel luggage rack. The top box then attaches to the mounting plate, and locks with a key. Insert key, push button, remove box. Installation is the reverse.

  10. 40 minutes ago, Morch said:


    That would be on par with taking the hardcore fans (not to use the term hooligans) of any right-wing-leaning football club in Europe as being representative of general trends. 


    Have you watched that Documentary ?  Seen the leaders of Israel sitting with those Right Wing Haters ?  Apparently not. But if you have - and still post such  ...

  11. 1 hour ago, Don Mega said:


    I dont drive pickup any faster than 25mph as it  feels like it will roll over at any moment.


    Ah - the Balance factor Grasshopper. Do you put extra weight on the passenger side of the car/truck when driving alone ?  Sounds like your off kilter. Carry 24 - or 48 - or 96 bottles of beer on the floor next time, depending on how much you weigh. It will all Balance out.

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