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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. Why would you put the most precious thing you have (your daughter) in a used car?

    New cars are cheap enough and theres no laws stopping criminals from doing cut and shuts here.

    Why not ? You have that much trust in workers on an assembly line ?

    A car is a machine, if it has had proper maintenance it is as good at 15 years as it is new - baring the new safety features which have evolved.

    Of course, if you know nothing about cars, you are at a distinct disadvantage.

    And are forced to take the hit when driving that new car the first kilometer.

  2. Gang violence endemic the world over. As an aside ...

    Heard a radio interview with Hank Williams Jr. years back. He was asked what he thought of Gun Control ...

    His answer - "Putting 2 bullets in 1 hole - That's Gun Control"

    Post modified.

    Please use standard font.

  3. I have never been known to be politically correct so I'm just gonna say it. Is it me or is the new CB 500X butt ugly? No offence to emotionally sensitive Honda lovers.

    No beauty for sure. When shopping for my new bike I rented one. Was OK but the lack of power kept me away. Rented the 650 next - big difference.

  4. If you go to the MRI place that Dr Chanakarn recommends they are very good.

    Not only that their MRI reports are quite extensive, no one liners mine was a page and half long detailing everything seen on the MRI. It will be the best 8,000 you've spent and you will have lots of answers, good or bad.

    Appreciate the heads-up. Will go tomorrow. Nice and close to DLT so kill 2 birds with one stone.

  5. well sounds to me, like your as active as you need to be, so i'm doubting your needing the TKR, but i guess, that wasn't your question.

    Thanks. I do OK walking for an hour, if frequent breaks are taken. My concern if for the long term prognosis.

    Will check with the Doctor above, Spend the 8K or whatever for an MRI. Can't have too much info.

    All posters - many thanks for your assistance.

  6. OP: so how much naproxen are you taking now, miligrams, x day, ?everyday or how often ?

    what is your age?

    does the pain go away or is it constant?

    on a scale of 1-10 , what is your typical pain level? worse at the end of the day?

    ever try ice and heat? cortisone injections? every get a 2nd opinion ? usually you can delay as long as you want, but if you can't exercise, then you gain weight, and things can snowball, with your general health , etc , so there is risk/benefit of course.

    i've never seen anyone use one of these, "unloader"s but apparently someone does, esp, if your still riding motorcycles


    btw, vibration and pain share a common neural pathway, see TENS machine

    Prescribed 500mg tabs - but a refill of 200 last me at least 18 months. Taken only when swelling very bad - like when I return to the salt mine in May/June for a few months travelling $$$

    61 on the outside - 18 on the inside !

    Pain not constant. Bottle of Xtra strength Aspirin (generic) last about 2 years. Typical pain 3-4. And worse at nite or after a days working.

    Ice and Heat - no benefit beside temporary. And I can usually get that by laying down.

    As said - no pain when riding. and if pain before, a few miles riding and it goes away. Baffling !

    Thank you for your post

  7. An MRI costs 8k up here in Chiang Mai and there is one of the best arthroscopic knee surgeons here too.

    This Doctor -

    Dr Chanakarn Phornphutkul (sports medicine)

    Rajavej Hospital, 053 801999 and 053 204545

    (Orthodpedic clinic opposite the hospital on the other side of the river)

    I am in the Chiang Mai area

  8. Thanks to all for your replies.

    Is this Doctor still practicing in Chiang Mai -

    Dr Chanakarn Phornphutkul (sports medicine)

    Rajavej Hospital, 053 801999 and 053 204545

    (Orthodpedic clinic opposite the hospital on the other side of the river)

    Search revealed his info - and thumbs up from different posters

  9. You could have a torn meniscus or something else and unless this has been ruled out by an MRI I suggest you have one.

    You say 'In the West' which country, one that you have to pay a fortune for or one with a Health care System?

    Naproxen is about as useful as a wet flannel

    Thank you for your quick reply. Used the search button, but most posts fairly old, and some real old.

    Canada. X-Ray taken, said no need for MRI as they can see from the X-Ray. And - while the health care system was a shining jewel in years gone by, the waiting times now are forcing more and more to pay for procedures themselves.

    Owned an iron-headed Sportster in the early 70's - where the initial injury came about. Was quiet for many years, and the last couple have been occasional light pain. But the last year has been continuous light - occasional moderate pain. If this road continues my fear is losing the ability to walk.

  10. Diagnosed in the West for arthritis, they want to schedule knee replacement surgery.

    Apo-Naproxen - an anti-inflammatory - is what I had proscribed for but is of very limited use.

    Been seeing a non-traditional healer who does not use drugs - Been taking large amounts of Vitamin C and cold-pressed coconut oil, which has given me the most pain relief of the many I have tried.

    Strangely - when I ride my motorcycles, large and small, the pain if present goes away, and if not there does not recur.

    Puzzling - anyone have info on any other treatments. Thanks.

  11. Karl Marx - "Religion is the Opiate of the People" How Very True.

    Whether Islam, Judiasm, Roman Catholicism, Hinduism ... All are giving their Marching Orders from THEIR god, telling them THEY are the Chosen Ones and everybody else is beyond contempt.

    Using things that happened 2000 years ago as a justification of what they do today, or plan to do tomorrow.

    Yet, every religion preaches tolerance to their fellow man, teaches compassion, teaches equality.

    I see none of it. Carrying a grudge for something that happens in the past.

    And doing brutal, inhuman things - just like what was done to them.

    Ïnsanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results"- Einstein

    That is what the Middle East Conflict has become.

  12. ,where cbr nothing and only the power of a 600cc hahaha kawasaki always seems to bring everything first in thailand forcing honda to follow suit or maybe thats honda tactics wait and see what the opposition brings,either way its a good step for the thai market

    The late lamented will be by in his new ID to write a 2000 word post on why you are wrong !!

  13. Thinking about the Mae Hong Song Loop on it......... how hard can it be?

    Minivans coming around the corners in the wrong lane, broken pavement, and you with a passenger on a 20hp bike trying to get up the hills and around the switchbacks ...

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