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Posts posted by canthai55

  1. My understanding of the subject is that octane is to reduce engine knocking, if a cur runs with out knocking at a particular octane, getting a higher octane rating fuel is just a waste of money.

    But I am not an expert on the subject, perhaps some one who knows more on the subject could either confirm or correct me.

    The simple answer is that vehicles with a higher compression ratio need fuel with a higher octane rating to avoid detonation

  2. Do you know who makes the engine in a Platinum PX 250 , and the best source for parts , should i ever need any . Cheers. Best wishes to everyone.

    Met a guy last year - briefly - he had a Platinum, can't remember displacement, 250cc I think. Enduro model. He sourced clutch discs, exhaust valves, etc from Honda as the same as their 185cc. Got a piston from Wiseco - gave them the specs re: bore size, pin diameter, etc and in the mail it came. Honed cylinder to correct side wall clearance and good to go. Do not know your model but may be a way to go.

  3. Frankly all analgesics are metabolized in the liver so should try to avoid, I suggest instead non-pharnacological measures such as massage, applications of heat or cold, or use of a TENs unit. These are usually well abl;e to relieve headaches and knee pain etc.

    If it is really unbearable and you must take something, then paracetemol is the least worst option but should keep to low dosage and very, very infrequent.

    Many thanks for your reply. I was diagnosed with Hep C over 25 years ago when I stopped drinking. Monthly liver function test performed for about 2 years and showed a gradual lessening of impaired function. Finally levelled off, and not been rising (touch wood)

    Also had ulcers for years, slight discomfort, prescribed Ran-Pantaprazole for this but take very infrequently, 200 pills last almost 4 years.

    How does this machine look to you ?


  4. And just how did the Japanese and European bikes get so good? Obviously.

    Defend them all you like, but you wont get me on one, 35 yrs of riding, racing and wrenching on bikes from Italy, Spain, Germany, Austria and Japan tells me so.

    Honda got its start in N. America - and probably Europe by producing and marketing C50 and C90 bikes. "You meet the nicest people on a Honda" This gave them the market, and the profits, to go into racing. I fully expect the Chinese to do the same thing. Remember when 'Made in Japan' meant shoddy ? Same thing happening now.

  5. America has gone to hell with all the drug abuse and it sickens me to see what drugs has done to my Country...nothing crass about it. Drug culture destroys families, destroys social fabric, kills innocent people on the roadways, contributes to domestic violence, finances drug cartels in Latin American countries who bring violence to local populations.

    You have this completely backwards. The War on Drugs is responsible for all this destruction. And check your stats - booze kills WAY more people on the road than drugs.

  6. Just for reference the Ford dealers would hook up a computer to the truck and would diagnose the problem as a bad fuel rail without even checking the other components. After the last three years of dealing with them I am rather disappointed to say the least.

    That is the curse of computer diagnostics. They are only as good as the person who writes the programs. It also proves you still need to understand how it all works when the computer fails to find the real problem. Thailand does not train it's students to truly think a problem through or allow them to be curious and they don't allow them to ask questions so they don't get a complete education or, in this case, proper training.

    I would bet that the diagnostic said something like 'Fuel Rail Problem' Then it is up to the techs to check what and where that problem is. All it was reading was a lack of pressure - probably in the return line. But the computer will not see this. Still the same as years ago - actually now it is easier because you are pointed to the problem. Now it is up to you to find out why. This has not changed. Agree with the lack of tech savvy in the dealerships tho'

  7. One other question...do you know anything about Bupa?

    Just spent 2 nites in Bangkok Hospital Chiang Mai. There is a guy from France who acts as a go-between for foreigners navigating the Thai health care system. He told me that Bupa will wait until the hospital stay is over, and the final bill is presented, to decide if all - or which part - they will cover. My own travel insurance ws dragging their feet before admission, so I paid 30K upfront. Something to keep in mind.

  8. I love these scientific studies! But it does prove a point.

    No point wearing a skid lid if it's going to fall apart when you need it.

    This is a more scientific based test, the UK Sharp standards - http://sharp.direct.gov.uk/

    Most all Bell models 5-star. Some of the expensive Arai only 2-star. More hype from established brands I guess.

  9. Interesting feedback - what other super moto bikes have you ridden?.....just for comparison's sake.

    Here in LOS rode both the CRF amd the DTracker. Own a Tiger X-Road as a project bike. Built a YZ490 back across the pond. Where I was living the roads where very bad - broken pavement, many patches, many gravel stretches. Could not make any time on my HD so got some 17's and stuck them on the YZ. Re-geared it for more top end, and used it to go see my girlfriend at that time who lived 350km from me. Could hit those bad patches flat out and just float over them. Loved that bike - wish I could find another decent 2-stroke here. I would do it again.

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