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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Interesting that less than 10 miles north of the OP illegal outpost Amona, Israeli authorities this week destroyed 4 Palestinian water wells and agricultural structures in the village of Qusra (built with Dutch aid) to discourage Palestinians from living in their own land.

    "In a statement from Israel’s Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) to Ma’an on Friday, a spokesperson said that “enforcement measures were taken against the illegal structures in area C,” due to the fact that the wells were built without the required pre-construction permission from the Israeli Civil Administration."


    But the illegal outpost of Amona built in 1995 on privately owned Palestinian land will finally possibly maybe be demolished 21 years later. But we are not holding our breath.

    Just another example of the double standards rule of law in Israel.

    Is this an example by any chance of the EU funding illegal Palestinian building on areas allocated to Israel by the Oslo accords? Whether or not this is so the EU is a serial offender in funding illegal Palestinian settlements whilst hypocritically kicking up a stink if Israel does the same.

    Illegal Palestinian Settlements..? Dude you have been lkiving under a rock or what? the only settlers here and who give the finger to the world come from Israel. Stop this bullsh.t about Oslo or tell me how Israel plan to use it as justification while tearing it apart for everything else?

  2. For those believing Russia with Putin on the rudder is not threatening to the Baltic states, Poland, Ukraine and some other Balkan states, wake up.

    In any country formerly under control by the USSR where Russians were replaced to by Stalin and his successors, there is understandable fear for the Russian bear.

    Very much understandable seen the recent moves from Russia in former Soviet states and others.

    If it is about "business", guess there really is not much difference between the US and the USSR, oops, sorry, Russia nowadays.

    Arms anyone?

    Still less warmongers than US for sure....

  3. So the non elected non democratic mysteriously financed self appointed UDD leaders demand a court does something.

    Still at least they're not throwing shit, contaminated blood, grenades, bombs, or burning coffins this time. Or threatening the judges to be careful of the consequences when making a decision - rather than actually rule in accordance with the law.

    Yeah it is much better to have a Junta granting self Amnesty, lowering confidence in investment to the point of having the lowest growth in Asean, nailing the coffin as now the investors will not come back. It is a democratic Junta, right?, with all the freedom of press, freedom of speech...a Junta which tackle efficiently graft, corruption, handle very well the image of Thailand abroad and is clearly not leaded by a "jai Lon, Jai Dam" self appointed PM

  4. Things would not have become as they are today, if only this same action was performed on that Amnesty Bill...

    But but but... Thaksin.



    What an intelligent post. Let's pretend Thaksin doesn't exist or use the same old line over and over to muffle any comment against the Shin clan.

    Perhaps you think a group of self appointed leaders calling themselves democratic is democracy.

    Same old line? Action speaks louder than words. And such a selective action points towards hypocrisy.

    Say the guy who is all for Junta self Amnesty!

  5. What has this got to do with the topic? I agree it was bad he was working there but, has nothing to do with the OP.

    You're still deeply confused, aren't you?

    Let me explain it in simple language a five-year-old would understand:

    Muslim? Check

    Violent? Check

    War criminal? Check

    Works at airport security? Check

    Unfit for his job? Check

    Please re-read and try to understand the OP's question before posting your fantasies here.


    You can't checkmate while playing checkers....

  6. Yeah, Islam had no place in Christian Europe and got its ass kicked out, it still has no place in Europe and can quite happily FRO.

    Well, I guess you can tell that to the Bosnians and the Albanians. It was part of one of the worlds great civlizations. And far more tolerant than Christian Europe was back then. ANd far more advanced. Many advances in science, math, and architecture. It actually reintroduced Christian Europe to science.

    Anyway, it was there 8 centuries in Spain.It's been gone for about 5 centuries. Who knows, maybe in 3 centuries we will say it's Christianity that had no business being in Europe. Of course that would be stupid. About as stupid as saying Islam had no place in Europe. About as stupiid as assigning a religious no-go zone to a piece of geography.

    Your comment -"About as stupid as assigning a religious no-go zone to a piece of geography." Then perhaps you could explain why the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (as well as parts of Sudan and Somalia) implements an absolute 100% intolerance to other religions gaining a foot hold on its sovereign geography? Oh, I remember it's Islam and they are THE exception to the rule - sorry. Islam does not recognise international borders as it is a world jihad that has been implemented by ISIS who are only carrying out the foreign policy of the Saud regime. Saudi Arabia is a committed Islamic state to world jihad and its Imams preach it all the time to people. They condone modern slavery in the form of migrant workers doing jobs they will not do for pittance wages and sometime they receive nothing but a hovel and meagre food to sustain them - is this melodramatic, no it is a human tragedy carried out by "superior brothers of Islam" who have their own bigoted attitude to inferior peoples. We are all infidels whether you accept it or not and you can not change the Muslim mindset by negotiations or subservience to their requests hidden as demands! The sooner the mosques are controlled and Sharia law condemned and outlawed the sooner we will take our continent back. Its that serious and the only alternative will be massive blood letting when the "mob" takes control of the streets. I, personally, don't believe British servicemen and women will shoot at their own people - the divide is that horrendous. Then the mosques will be shut for a long time - it is the goal of Islam to make this civil war a reality - read my earlier post. If you wish to live as a second class citizen under Islamic rule you keep trusting them - I for one can never accept their (un)holy book or that evil prophet!

    What you say Sir, is utterly crap.

    Have a look at Jakarta and see who is the mayor in this city bigger than London ? We can see the muslims hate so much the non muslims that in the biggest muslim country in the world they elected a Protestant for mayor

    About being a second class citizen in muslim country: don t see the muslims as second class citizen in US? or Europe? or anywhere in the world...

    By spouting such stupidities you just help groups like Daesh who fuels on comments like yours

  7. All has been carefully planned. Time to put a stick in the spokes. Start with boycotting the EU (brexit), oust Merkel and tell this turkey to shut the f. up.

    On a side note: I forgot to mention that the mass murder of 1.5 million Armenians during WWI did actually occur. They were forced marched into the Syrian desert and left to die - literally - no food, no water, no shelter and no medicine - just left to die naturally while Turkish soldiers made sure there were no escapes. There was no need of strong fences because they were that deep into the desert. This is well documented part of the remaining days of the Ottoman Caliphate. There is a British made documentary on the event (Ch 4 if I remember correctly, about 12 years ago) and of all people the German army was present as observers. So, conclusions - coming to a neighbourhood near you - Islam has a long history of this kind of thing, and this is probably the first of the modern era that has been documented in photographs and film. Religion of peace my arse!
    Such vitriol! Deeply unpleasant.

    Ironically, I am lunching today with a business colleague who happens to be Turkish. I had planned to discuss Erdogan and the drift away from secularism. I will report back. However, you are so extreme you won't be interested.

    You are quite right.

    The Islamic vitriol is worrying indeed.

    On another note, have a nice lunch.

    And remember, muslims may lie to you about anything if you are no muslim.

    Remember Christian may lie to you about anything if you re not christian

    Remember Democrats may lie to you if you re not democrat

    Remember Republicans may lie to you if you re not republican

    Remember, KKK may lie to you if you re no KKK

    Remember, Vegan may lie to you if you re no Vegan

    Remember PETA may lie to you if you re no PETA


    Need more?

  8. For all his bravado and shouting he has not fixed one problem in this country...

    A high ranking cop & his cronies sent to jail, finally sorted out the lottery price, some people in Phuket just been jailed over land issues, cleaned up Surin beach, army guy & others arrested for human trafficking, many other cases pending. He may not be perfect but has done more than previous governments.

    a whole lot more than any previous government

    Yeah, never a thai government had such bad image on international level, never a thai government pushed backward investments and economy so low... But yeah the 80thb lottery ticket and motosoi jackets...

  9. If the French keep backing down when faced with a threat they will start to be stereotyped as cowards. When the unemployed and unemployable revolt like this the sensible option is to send in the forces and crack some heads together. Until then, I can't help wondering how the European nuclear power stations are coping with having no staff - a bit worrying.

    Im not sure what to think when the ones creating austerity measures are also hiding millions in Panama, malta, caiman, switzerland, linchtenchtein, luxembourg and enough place to think that somewhere somebody is really taking us for fools... They need austerity measures to keep on ripping the profits, not for the nations interest. For the nation interst the best would be to put most bankers and politicians in jail like the Iceland model.

    Don't worry : the senat said it was ok for Societe General CEO to lie to them last time about Paname. Even if this is normally sanctionned by a fine of 75.000euros and prison...but it is ok, it is not like people can be jailed for 2 months because they stole pasta pack while Gueant, Cahuzac, and so much more can sleep quietly

  10. If the French keep backing down when faced with a threat they will start to be stereotyped as cowards. When the unemployed and unemployable revolt like this the sensible option is to send in the forces and crack some heads together. Until then, I can't help wondering how the European nuclear power stations are coping with having no staff - a bit worrying.

    Yeah the poors, unemployed and struggling middle class should just shut up!. I presume you re backing the Junta those days.

  11. Although he will probably be assassinated if he actually wins the election, I am encouraged that many Americans are choosing to buck the mainstream liberal media mind control.

    Well what you say is false as he had now received quite a lot of financial support and backing from the "mainstream mind control"

    But I think his major backer will be Brawndo®. It has electrolytes!

    Happy to know that maybe next year a live version of Idiocracy will be all over the news.

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