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Posts posted by GeorgesAbitbol

  1. Sure, i can understand this.

    would you trust someone that would stab you in the back at first opportunity? Think not.

    This is not really news but more common sense.

    The Cossack (putin) have said several times that he is fighting to help assad....

    However the USA and Europe give eapons to Al Qaeda members whom already stabbed them twice, with planes....

    "would you trust someone that would stab you in the back at first opportunity? Think not."

  2. EU left-liberal mafia is trying it's best to get rid the one and only French whistle-blower who dares to speak the truth.

    leftism: "instead of changing the ideology according real life - just shut those who speak the truth up"

    how predictable.

    One more time you don t understand sh.t about her or obviously do not know her program, other wise you, as a far liberal defensor, would spit on her program

  3. GeorgesAbitblol, your posts are the best, men! such ignorance is really remarkable.

    Majority of thais for sure do not want to be stalked on the net and tell them what is good for them or not

    majority? lol

    again, how do you know that? do you have links to reliable sources? or is it just your imagination + BBC propaganda?

    You should revise your "left liberal propaganda"stuff : Thailand is attracted by China which is far from democracy

    China has nothing to do with real leftism, socialism and communism. in fact China has freely liberal economy in the world, where the state practice laissez faire approach in most sectors of the economy. Communist party and symbols are kept in order to maintain continuity.

    Sooner or later Chinese model will conquer the world - simply because of it's effectiveness.

    Half of the stuff happening here wouldn't be tolerated in your home country...go back on your stool and have a drink...

    really? how do you know where I am from?

    Lol you re such a douche:

    Tor was not hacked, a spyware was used to lure the users, the system itself works.

    I m not using propaganda, but just looking at social networks and day to day basis due to my work, but you probably just listen to El dear Generalissimo.

    Just look at the current market proposed with China, so maybe you will understand a bit more about geo politics, instead of jsut ranting about leftists.

    About your country, it is quite easy by just looking at your post history

  4. You've had 40 years to "talk," that ship has sailed. Even Americans are seeing behind Zionist tomfoolery these days.

    What ' 40 years of talks ' Are you talking about? doesn't defy logics that while many enemies

    and foes around the world has managed somehow to find a common ground for co-existing in

    peace or semi peace with no hostilities but the Palestinians couldn't and wouldn't find such

    way? hasn't they lost enough lives and prosperity on this stupidity of sacrificing their youth

    for nothing? because this is what they have getting for the last 60 odd years, nothing,

    nothing but death and destructions, and all for what? for a mosque and a flag?

    No point in arguing with Jew-haters. The usual suspects are afoot.

    No point in arguing with you, as the only answer you have is : jew-haters, antisemits... take care to not condemn any government around the world, or you may be accused of racism and I hope you are a pro Junta in Thailand, otherwise you are racist towards the thais if we follow this stupid argument.

    The fact is they continue to create new settlements, not bring to justice the settlers who kills or burn alive families,...

  5. ...if they dig deep enough they might find as high as 505% of 'successful' people have gained their assets illegally...

    ....a lot to seize......but never will....because then we will have to admit that there are a lot of dishonest...immoral people in Thailand...

    ...ask yourself how people earning 6,000-30,000/month can even afford a car and a house...in many cases several of each....

    people who didn't manage to gain anything either legal or illegal way tend to speak like this...

    People who over estimate themselves tend to answer like you

  6. We don't care s..t what you think. In

    1) I can answer the same to you

    2) who are "we"?

    ultimatum? who they think they are to give ultimatum to government?

    internet security firm (there are plenty of them in Europe, India etc) can sooner or later determine location of these cyber-terrorists. Catch them and throw in jail if they are in Thailand. revoke there Thai passports and freeze actives if they are abroad.

    if Thais would have something like Israel's Mossad - it would be possible to catch them even abroad...

    We don't care s..t what you think. In case you have not noticed the single gateway have been condemned by all western countries and by the Thai people themselves, so are you in a position to override the wishes of the majority of Thai's. Are you indeed in a position to justify the junta as a legal government based on the last approved 2007 constitution ? And please stop watching 007 and get back to earth.

    1) nobody cares what so-called "western countries" (means US and it's myrmidons) did condemn. now thy finally have their own big troubles to deal with. may be for some time they will leave other countries alone...

    2) how do you know that the majority of Thais are against it? somebody told you so on BBC?

    please show some proof or you are a liar

    3) I certainly support NCPO as the first truly independent nation-oriented government in Thailand for a long time. Allegations in "anti-democracy" is just a weapon of US left-liberal propaganda against independent governments who don't follow orders from Washington DC

    You are a joke, really....

    But I will tell you why :

    -Mossad: If thailand had mossad it wouldn't change sh.t if they use TOR routing as well as some softwares like L.O.I.C. which was developped to "stress test" anonymously the websites.

    -Majority of thais for sure do not want to be stalked on the net and tell them what is good for them or not/

    -Supporting the NCPO as a trully independent nation-oriented government....this is the best joke i have read in days! You obviously don t understand sh.t at what is happening in this country. You should revise your "left liberal propaganda"stuff : Thailand is attracted by China which is far from democracy and it seems Thailand Dict...Prime Minister is willing to be a lapdog country...a bit like UK for USA.

    Half of the stuff happening here wouldn't be tolerated in your home country...go back on your stool and have a drink...

  7. So what has changed , the Junta is still in control, even though they are not any where near as rough as their pre 73 models , but still in control, you are still harassing the students because you are so scared with a cocktail mix, students , social media and organization skills they may return to 73 , if they do , you have your self to blame, perhaps this time they wont be so generous in allowing Generals to be heads of Departments as a trade off and to save face , next time they may settle for properly qualified career Administrators. coffee1.gif

    An intelligent red-shirt would wonder why so many farang who grew up in real democracies and got good educations think that Thailand is much better off under the Junta than it was Pheu-Thai. And they are hopeful that the most free and fair elections ever held in Thailand will put something better in power than a bunch of dirty cronies taking the country to bankruptcy with corruption and unsustainable populist policies.

    You obviously didn't - and by the level of nonsense your post I'm not surprised.

    You do know it was over 40 years ago right ?. It's clear you must be a slow learner, but things are very different now.

    Ahhh EnglishJones, it not took you long to spice it up with your "red" phobia...

    We clearly see how good the Junta is for the economy those days, you must rage to see they hired a thaksin guy at the post by the way...

    You can also see that the corruption is part of the past, everybody is happy, the army goes in the countryside to teach to the farmers "the good way of thinking about politics".

    You probably drink some tea at 5pm while counting the people facin the tough lese-majesty law, used 40 times more under the lovely General than the previous government.

    You listen to the glamorous songs of the Burmese boys in Koh Tao, cry to the fairness in the Uyghur treatment and slide in a blissful gratitude with all those wonderful laws and equality in the Land Of Smile.

    But really mate, you should try to lower your "red rage", people may start to think you have a problem with them

  8. OP : "We believe that Russia has the wrong strategy" - says US.

    "We believe US has the wrong strategy" - says Russia.

    "We believe Assad must go" - says US.

    "We believe the Syrians must decide that" - says Russia.

    " Now, now, immediately!" - says US.

    " No, not a chance, first quash insurgency" - says Russia.

    " A black plague on both your houses" - says me. Just trying to be impartial. tongue.png

    Assad said and said again, last time October 4th, that if it is needed he would leave, but Europe and US said they wanted a military victory...

  9. Assad ignited the bloodbath when he started shooting at and bombing his own people.

    Let's not forget that.

    Did you read the article?

    I highly doubt of that, otherwise you would have the true historical events successions in mind and know it didn't start by Assad "bloodbath"

    It started when USA and Europe backed the so called "free syrian army" which is a part of the ISIS identity

  10. Darker days are drawing near.

    If the army is going round the villages pointing out "the error of their (political) ways" to people then dark days are here.

    What hope is there for a free election?

    since you seem to know all about it maybe you could explain to us all what exactly the people were being told that was so bad, anyone else wants to chip in please do - facts only please, no made up red propaganda

    I agree completely -so much bitching and nonsense all seemingly based on nothing at this stage - typical narrow minded let's knock the junta as we are fully aware of their misguided efforts to stamp-out our beloved red ideals. Never mind the red crap that was being promoted on a daily basis under the all loving banner of our upstanding law abiding PM now criminal fugitive ex PM - promoting "if you don't toe-the-line watch-out " and no village loans for you etc.

    So before bitching, complaining and pushing your own warped agenda, a few facts might either help you cause or shoot it down.

    When a non elected Junta tell the people they will teach them "good politic", only a fool could believe they really will...

    So don't use an argument you will never accept if it was in any other Dict...Junta lead country.

    Two wrongs not make a right

    So you consider yourself one of the fully informed as to what transpired, so in the interest of clarity could you please inform everyone so we are all batting on on ever pitch.

    You should read carefully before hitting the "reply" button.

    No one need to be fully informed of the details when a Non elected Junta which previously has acted so well for the freedom of speech, liberty of political choice,want a internet single gateway, use lese majeste law 40 times more than any previous government, tell the press "out of joke" they may be executed if they don't properly do their work, grants itself amnesty for past, present and futur actions it may takes and put in place a "article 44" law....

    Should I continue or you REALLY think they teach "good politic" ?

  11. Thai army manipulating the ordinary majority of Thais by "helping" them to "correctly" understand the political situation. Thi is a shame for Thailand. Taking advantage of the poor by undue influence.

    Some red shirts did need to be educated regarding democracy. They had the idea that democracy involved preventing the opposing party from campaigning in their ridings. They did this by throwing rocks, bricks, potted plants (seriously), home made bombs etc., they used trucks with loud speakers to drown out politicians during rallies. Clearly those people had a misunderstanding of how democracy should work. The PDRC, on the other hand merely blocked access to voting booths which is a much more democratic way to behave. Truth is, most Thais don't understand real democracy, because they have never experienced it.

    Well I agreed with you for the first part until I read the second one.

    This is irony right?

    You mean it is a democratic way to prevent democratic vote?

    The PDRC supporters would love the same poll they have in North Kora : one guy only to be elected and only one choice "yes".

  12. If you know anything about geo politics, you'll understand the last thing the US wants is a problem in the ME. If that's what they wanted, they would have let Iraq keep Kuwait. Remember the US helping to free that country?

    You obviously don't know anything about geopolitics. Yes we all know how U.S has freed the Afghani, Iraqi, Ukrainian and the Libyan people. They sure feel free over there.

    You seem to forget some important facts. But don't let that stop the US bashing. Seems much easier to support Russia's actions I guess.

    And yes, the invasion of Iraq was absolutely terrible. Same with Afghanistan. I do wish the US would stay out of these messes. Same with Russia? Outside influences is what's causing the problems in these countries, Iran included. Would you agree with that????

    The feeling to be "bashed" may also come from the fact that the people are fed up with those endless wars based on ressources, lies and diversion.., not freedom, not democracy.

    Also, and i hope to speak for the majority here, we can make a difference between a people and its government.

    Just out of curioisity are you aware of the wondefule pipleine project between the Turkey and Qatar?

    This pipeline would provide gas in huge amount to Turkey and Europe and would weaken the dependency of Europe to Russia.

    It will also please the american to weaken the Russia and offer them more leverage on the international economy.

    Strangely Assad didn't agree with this deal as he is an ally of Russia...and so Assad became "the Butcher"


    But wait! Did you know that Syria, Iran and Irak have long time project of pipeline of their own?


    Well this project really doesn't please the US/Europe as it would be a competitor for the Qatar-Turkey Project.

    But of course what i just wrote as NOTHING to do with the current events in Syria. It is just to help democracy right?

    You told that US government recognize its errors, well maybe, but for sure it doesn't learn from them.

    They provide weapons to the "moderate" opposition. This opposition is so moderate that Al Nusra is a big part of it. Al Nusra is Al Qaeda.

    So the Europe and the US make a coalition with Saoudi Arabia (which financed at least a part of the 9.11 attack), provide weapons and logistic to Al Qaeda and we should believe their crap and continue to think that the evil here is Assad and Russia ?

    Of course they have their own agenda, but last time I checked and for the last 30 years, 90% of the actual situation is because of US and Europe, and they still don't learn...

  13. When it is more difficult to have a driving licence than a gun licence you know which kind of country you're in.

    More people in the USA are killed by cars than by guns!

    RTA deaths 2012 = 36,000

    Gun deaths 2012 = 30,000

    So logically the US authorities have that right.

    Let's update your numbers to the most recent year available : 2013

    RTA deaths : 32,719

    Guns Death: 33,623

    Damn it is bigger!

    So it is normal you have tougher regulation for car than for gun?

    When i said the country was f.ked up... with "logic" like yours, nothing can never evolve.

    Idiocracy, the only movie which started as a fiction and ends as a documentary.....

  14. Russia only had two military bases outside of the country before invading Ukraine, one in Crimea (now conquered land) and one in Syria. Without Assad's Syria they will have no bases outside of Russia. Putin is grasping for his last international outpost.

    What Putin, Assad and the ayahollah from Iran are doing is preparing for the partition of Syria with their alliance keeping the Mediterranean base, the majority areas of the Shiites and their ability to send weapons of hate to Hezbollah.

    Brilliant move on the part of Putin, but will wait to see if Russia has the funds to continue a prolonged engagement.

    Good seeing the Free Syrian Army destroying those Russian tanks with TOW missiles on BBC today. Let them pay.

    By "free Syrian Army" you mean Affiliates of Al Qaeda, you know that?

    The same who wants the USA down, the same who plotted the 9.11 with the good ol' friends the Saoudi?

    In Syria there was 12% od Christian, I guess where they will go once the "free Army" will be in power....

    Curious to see the videos of the Tanks hit by TOW...cannot find any news about this on BBC, can you provide a link please?

  15. Did anyone ask Turkey if it wants or needs the presence of NATO troops now?

    It looks like everything is decided in Washington.

    America always knows better?

    America wants to rule the World?

    Yes AMerica Australia and Uk are the barins its no secret and we have the superior back up

    We also are the ones that go war and help others

    What do others do FA

    When you say "we" you mean "not me" right?

    Please let me know why you not go to war with the Saoudi who helped for the 9.11.

    Explain me why "you" didn't take care of Boko Haram ?

    Tell me why "you" don't take care of North Korea?

    Tell me why "you" don't clean your mess in Irak first?

    Anyway the spin doctors medecine works quite well on you. Sleep tight buddy, if you think " you go anywhere in the world to help anybody, except your own interests I guess there is nothing more to help you heal...

  16. History, facts, stats and studies show USA is more violent that any country with tough gun regulation.

    But I guess most of the pro guns (who at the same times are the ones who say they own one to 'be ready' for any oppressive government) are the ones who are owned by the NRA.

    When it is more difficult to have a driving licence than a gun licence you know which kind of country you're in.

    When you have a country which promotes the use of guns and even design "small rifles" for kids with bubblegum colors, you know it won't change.

    When you can buy a gun at the same place you buy vegetables, you know the whole system is f.cked up.

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