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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. if you are going to be a military dictator then you must have absolute power. not that i am saying the general is a military dictator (dont think i am allowed to) i was all for the use of article 44 on the lottery ticket thing (because i dont play the lottery as i suspect it is corrupt and probably only pays back a small fraction of the ticket income)  on anything else i think open debate on the cost/benefits of projects should be used to determine if they should go ahead.

  2. 31 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


    First issue is 3100 Baht and then 3000 Baht a year thereafter.

    would be interesting to hear if anyone has ever gone to the chonburi labor office to get their own work permit. i always used an agency. as a small business owner i always used an agency to make sure it was done properly. had troubles in the past that became very expensive.

    just a note. dont do anything in thailand that may be seen as any form of work unless you have the correct work permit. very suspicious this guy got caught. i would wager it was a setup.

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  3. 24 minutes ago, eskatonia said:


    No it does not, it costs 5000 THB .  Of course you must be paying the social taxes for four thai's to get your extension but if they're employed legit and generating income for you thats not a cost of your own work permit. Perhaps you mean paying the social tax on four thais when you don't actually employ anyone costs 100,000 a year?

    i had a work permit for 8 years. i used an agency to get it as it is very difficult. paid 25000thb, part of that may have been bribes. then there was social payments on 4 thai workers. (i am not including the thai sallaries)then there was income tax on my income, then annual book keeping fee. then company taxes. i never managed to pay less than 100 000thb. every year it got harder and more expensive. 

  4. i maintain people should have the right to take their own life, but then most of the ones that do just need some help. people are retreating into their own worlds. more people live alone with less and less family contact. social interaction is what gives a happy life not chasing consumerism. buying more junk is meaning less. unfortunately the trend to seek happiness through trying to get a more expensive house or newer car or phone is only going to increase and social interaction is only going to decrease. how many here are shying away from the real world when they should be down at the bar socializing with the natives. (dont fall in love if you live in a high rise)

  5. 5 minutes ago, chrisinth said:


    No casualties except for the hostage being shot at least twice and seriously injured.

    used the wrong word. meant to say fatalities. only fatality was the guy who fired first and thats what happens if you shot at cops. his wife got away with only paying a small price for marrying the guy. wonder if it was her wedding finger that got shot off. would be fitting if it was.

  6. 2 hours ago, z42 said:

    I'm no military expert but shouldn't a good sniper be able to shoot a targrt without riddling the human shield with bullets.

    Their seeming incompetence has by the reports' words seriously injured this poor lady.

    And by all accounts what preceeded this disgraceful incident is farcical to put it mildly

    once a crim opens fire it is 'weapons free' everyone gets to return fire. with so many guns around the wife is lucky to be alive. putting snipers in place and getting a clear shot is not as easy as you might think. good job by the shooters in this this case. one dead crim and no other fatalities.  

  7. 26 minutes ago, BWFC said:

    Come on, what better ways are there to live out your days shacked up with a porn star? (if you're a man, then you have certainly wanted a porn star g/f at some stage in your life). He's more than likely worked hard all his life and is now having some fun, fair play, let him get on with it.


    Two kinds of men in this world, those that want a porn star and liars!

    i watched a tv show where they were interviewing prostitutes. think it was in london. they are booked over the internet and the customer chooses between the 'girlfriend experience' or the 'porn star experience' good old Harold got both.

  8. 12 hours ago, Rod Gold said:

    The only real "sex-pests" in Thailand are those who try to chat up a bar-girl to get a free ride.  They are not in it for the sex my man, it is the baht that really turns them on.  (however, many women expect your best effort, even if you are paying for it)  

    well put. met quite a few like that. one was staying in one of my rooms. after not paying a go go girl he was tapping but was probably making alot of promises. a thai guy turned up one day with some thing hard in a sock and beat him to the ground with it. he ended up doing a runner 2 months behind in rent. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Lampang2 said:


    Well. ..

    Chaves was crazy for power.
    But he had his ways to navigate.

    But Nicholas is not only crazy he is plain stupid and has not a clue of how anything works.
    It's a runaway train now.

    Hugo was a painful character.
    But this is much worse.
    Much worse.

    Let's hope it ends soon, looks like it will.



    this is not going to end with  mauro being over thrown. it is going to take years before they go back to growing their own food.  it may take decades.

  10. 1 hour ago, off road pat said:

    you don't understand South East Asia and in particular Thailand ! you're first mistake is to confuse the yellow and the military !

    And you're second mistake is not thinking there could be a internal fight in between the Yellow or any different color factions !!!

    was an attempt at a joke where it seems there is a witch hunt for the opposing team after a change of power.

  11. 2 hours ago, apalink_thailand said:

    AS long as the tenants are paying the rents, why should they care? Now  good argument for the solar panels and wind would be that the malls could continue to charge the same rents and reduce costs in electricity, thereby improving the bottom line (after amortisation of equipment).

    the upfront cost of solar panels is prohibitive. building the mall for the lowest price is number one.

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