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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 31 minutes ago, masuk said:

    Heaven forbid that anyone reading the article might think that there are actually dog laws, dog catchers, maximum number of dogs allowed per household.  They might even believe that Vets will put to sleep an old and dying dog.

    would not be surprised if there are laws however if there are they are probably not enforced. word of the king telling people not to hurt or kill dogs will be listened to over and above the law anyway. stray dogs have been a real problem for me in the past. they fight and  for a while familys stopped coming to my facility due to the fear of kids getting bitten. some one at some stage did something about it as there are only a couple around now. we had over 25 at some stages.

  2. 4 hours ago, hawker9000 said:


    Are they paying "rent", as in "my exclusive use" (the way you'd "rent" an apartment), or "rent" as in they simply have a license or permit to operate in that spot.  BIG difference!


    Naturally if they're renting out their chairs there, they're going to keep it clean.  But that doesn't justify chasing off anyone.  Not at all.


    Another apologist.


    please read my post again. no where am i apologizing for their actions. i just wanted to look at what happened from the chair renters perspective. it is a good habbit to see things from both sides before making judgement. they have paid money for the area. times are tough and they need to cover their costs. my point is there needs to be areas with deck chairs and empty areas for those who want to sit on the sand. areas will probably be filthy of course without anyone to clean them however.

  3. 9 hours ago, Grubster said:

    40,000 baht more for my pension and 120,000 baht in tax savings per year is why I am going to. Also if I live ten years after we are married she will get 50,000 baht per month of my pension after I die until the day she dies. If she divorces me she gets half of anything we buy together but nothing else, Pension rules can't be changed by any judge.

    good points. i am a long way off retiring so i had not considered pensions.

  4. 1 hour ago, lvr181 said:


    Not sure why those whose job is to uphold the law should get a cash reward for doing their paid work. TIT.


    If they cannot find the truck surely someone will smell it?  :whistling:

    cops in thailand dont really get paid in the way they do in the west. the government only provides enough for a small salary so they have to go out and make their own money. i dont know if they pocket all the cash they collect buy i suspect they have to pass part of it up the chain.

     police have ruined the reward system by collecting their own rewards in the past. anyone offering to help giving information to help solve crimes in the future will  be less inclined to do so knowing they will not be compensated. rewards become just another scam in thailand.

  5. 36 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

    I don't care how "nice" the vendors are.  Do they OWN the beach??  What right have they to chase off people who just want to put down a blanket and sit on the sand?  Oh wait, is this greed-driven squatting and abuse of tourists all part of the "Thainess" we're all supposed to have such a great respect and grand appreciation for?


    OK, apologists.  C'mon.  Try and tell me this happens everywhere in the world!   Pfffft.   Go back a few years and it didn't even happen in Pattaya!





    i am going to be the guy looking at this from the other side. beach chair operators dont own the beach but they pay rent for their area they use. they look after it and generally do a good job cleaning it. need to probably have half the beach for chairs and half for those who dont use them. easy problem to solve but it will probably never be solved.

  6. 9 minutes ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    If they go soft on meth watch the crime rates soar.

    you know going hard or going soft does not seem to make much difference. meth is destroying parts of america. it is called 'P' in nz and is doing a lot of damage there as well especially in lower socioeconomic and maori communities. maoris make up only 10% of the population but full over half the prisons. have to wonder if there is not another if there is not some better way to deal with this problem.

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