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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 1 hour ago, damo said:

    least they're doing something positive. Corrupt politicians are on notice. good.

    doubt anything is being done. this is all just smoke and mirrors. for all we know nothing has been done at all except for some figures being announced. i was thinking these list were being propagated and people had to buy their way off them. 

  2. always interesting to read posts like this and good on you for risking negative replies that may come from people who read these forums. great to see a success story. i am in the same position. a boy and a girl to a bar girl and relocating back to nz at the end of the year. my girl also seems to be happy spending time with the kids and has almost no contact with any thai people so it might work out ok. we did a 5 month trip last year and bought a house which is ready to go when we get back. fingers crossed.

  3. 3 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    Pillars built by Thais? I'll stay in my cave; safer!:w00t:

    as long as there is a phone number to call when the cracks start showing. democracy is a western concept. has about as much chance of working here as it did in iraq. 20 coups in 80 years. how many more over the next 20 years? army certainly seems very well entrenched this time but wait till the next 'election' not even sure i can use the word election, maybe appointment would be a better word. reds are not just going to take this lying down. dont see any other outcome but more violence.

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