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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. foreign investors have almost no confidence left in thailand. investment down 90% this year to date. not even these hollow assurances will probably make much difference. hope i am wrong. alot of thais in those foreign owned factories need jobs. they should not pay for the top brass scaring off investors by cutting the tax incentives and causing instability.

  2. 55 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:


    Oh, so if I understand why people rob banks, shoot up a school, abuse children,  shoplift, or claim territorial waters that belong to somebody else, that's all we need to do to solve the problem?   What rubbish.  You keep babbling the same drivel endlessly about needing an area for deck chairs.  Newsflash:  there ARE areas for deck chairs.  The PROBLEM ISN'T that there are no such areas; the PROBLEM IS that those who operate them think that gives them the right to drive off those who don't want the service!!  It's called squatting.  Operating deck chair rentals simply doesn't give anyone the right to claim that section of beach from sidewalk to waterline as their own exclusive, private, territory! 


    There definitely IS a lack of understanding here.  And it's by YOU!!  Wanna' talk about pills?  You should get back on yours...



    champ. settle down. i like a good discussion about things but you are loosing it. dont know whats going on in your life that you get so aggravated so easily but you need to sort it out. this is just an internet chat forum to have some fun. hopefully you can calm down and we can carry on.

    now what i keep saying over and over and over again is we need areas that DONT have deck chairs. not sure how you missed that.

    secondly understanding why people commit crimes is how you tackle crime. if you understand their motivation then it is possible to solve many crimes.

    back to you.

  3. 46 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

    If you've read the earlier posts in this thread you'd have seen that the Tabien Ban Leung is useful for more than just proof of address e.g. phone contracts in your own name.  Vehicle registrations in your own name.  OK, the passport works for those tasks as well in some places.  The Yellow Book also allows you the Thai rate at National Parks etc.


    It's not a hassle to obtain if you have the patience to deal with Thai bureaucracy.

    8 years of getting work permits and i am burnt out. now i fly back to nz each year to get my non O visa rather than deal with anyone here.

  4. 10 hours ago, swissie said:

    The yellow "Tabien Baan" is useful, when it comes to acquire a Thai Drivers License. Otherwise it is of no further beneficial use for a Farang. Especially is it of no benefit, when the goal is to secure some "property-rights".


    i was going to ask what good it is and why some one would go through all that hassle. if it is only good to use as proof of address then i cant see the point.

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  5. 2 minutes ago, Pinot said:

    One of the first moves the military made after the coup was throwing every vendor and business off of the King's beaches in Phuket...every single one of them. Demolition of the restaurants and discos extending to the waterline, all came down. Phuket is beautiful now. With the reclaiming of the beaches was the elimination of a whole level of corruption. 


    Looking back, it was the best thing that ever happened to Phuket. 


    I don't know why it wasn't followed up by doing it everywhere in Thailand. It should be. I see it slowly happening in places like Hua Hin. It should be done in Samui. They'll be kicking and screaming but in the end Thailand will be far better off without the goddamn chairs and encroaching businesses. 

    it is just temporary.

  6. 2 hours ago, hawker9000 said:


    Please get a grip.  They did NOT pay money for the "area".  It's a beach FPS.  It's nobody's to "rent" to them in the first place!  Sheesh.  They paid money for a permit to operate their businesses there.   It is a good habit to be objective, and if possible ACCURATE, about the things you're commenting upon.   Yes, by taking a biased "perspective", you ARE apologizing for (i.e., laboring to excuse) their actions.


    Can I "rent" the main street of your town, and charge people to use it, and chase people off who refuse to buy my food but just want to window shop there?  Of course not.  The police might give me permit to operate my food truck there, but I'm certainly not going to be able to close the street off to those who refuse to buy my food!




    take a chill pill. understanding why people behaved  the way they did can help solve the problem. again my point is why there needs to be areas for deck chairs and areas for those who dont want them.

  7. 43 minutes ago, joeyg said:

    Interesting but I'm guessing you kill and eat "other" animals though?:wai2:

    yes. i am from a farm and i sometimes kill and butcher my own meat. i always do this in the most humane way possible. we have dogs and i have alot of respect for them. 100% loyal. it would hurt me just as much to see a dog being tortured, probably almost as much as a human being tortured.

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