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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. alot of people here saying this is not news as many people take risks on the roads every day. however this time it was captured on camera, then released to the public making it many many times worse. similar situation with the ladyboy letting its tits get groped for cash. it broke the rules and allowed to act to be filmed. wonder how the good general can cut down on these events being filmed? alot harder these days with phones and cars having cameras in them.

    Funny how jumping the red light turns into a ladyboy getting her tits grabbed.....brilliant

    more funny how these 'crimes' only really matter if they are caught on camera.

  2. Thailand is only ideal for a holiday, or for older people who wish to relax whilst they enjoy their retirement.

    100% correct.

    I've lived in LOS on and off for years, but enjoy it less living there than when I visited on holiday.

    To really enjoy retirement would take much more money than I have. I'd love to live on the beach, but can't afford that.

    Disagree. I live and work here, and would not want to live anywhere else

    i have lived here for 10 years and would not leave except a want to get my kids educated in nz. we are not the norm. as a general rule it is better to just come to thailand for holidays or come when you want to retire, either on an elite visa or retirement visa provided( you are self funded). there are exceptions of course.

  3. passenger(lady)came off worse it seems.....when will these 'walnut brain' morons ever learn.......absolute imbociles!!!!...i have no sympathy whatsoever...

    probably the cars' fault to their way of thinking....clap2.gif

    In a small way it was also the cars fault. We all know what Thai's do at traffic lights and most of us look a little harder to see if anyone is jumping the lights. This driver obviously didn't. It was an accident that with little bit of thought even the idiot jumping the lights could have avoided the accident

    Sorry but that is rubbish ,in no way was it the car drivers fault ,not in the slightest .

    what if the driver of the car was a foreigner? if they had not come to thailand then the accident would not have happened. wonder if insurance companies use this line of reasoning.

  4. alot of people here saying this is not news as many people take risks on the roads every day. however this time it was captured on camera, then released to the public making it many many times worse. similar situation with the ladyboy letting its tits get groped for cash. it broke the rules and allowed to act to be filmed. wonder how the good general can cut down on these events being filmed? alot harder these days with phones and cars having cameras in them.

  5. I wonder how many provinces took advantage of the drought to do some maintenance and flood prevention? I'm sure that you could count the number on one hand. Next thing you know, everywhere will be flooded, which causes billions of baht worth of damage to property/infrastructure, and all the local govt. will do is a retroactive patch up job...coffee1.gif

    excellent point. while water levels are low sediment build up can be removed to improve capacity. english friend of mine works in thailand working on dam projects which help alleviate flooding and of course collect water to be used for commercial and domestic use. he spends more time in court now a days trying to figure out why projects failed and where they money went than he does working on the actual job.

  6. thailand is very good at playing 2 side off against each other. this is probably why they have never been colonized (or so thais claim) with weapons sales a big part of the US and chinas economies thailand can wrangle for the best prices in return for forging alliances. will be interesting to see if they ever give up their m16/m4 rifles for AK47s.

  7. Wait a minute. So it's not damaging to have live shows with women using their vagina's as ping pong ball shooting machines, a razor blade vending machine or even to open your beer but it's very damaging for Thailand's image to have a katoey allowing tourists touch his fake breasts....ummmmm. Time for a coffee coffee1.gif

    ok let me explain how it works. the shows you are describing happen in a controlled environment where photography is not allowed. it is not the actual acts that cause a problem it is the video evidence of them. ping pong shows, public gropings and so need to be conducted is such a way that continue to make money but are also able to be denied if they come under scrutiny.

    • Haha 1
  8. more safety measures will be put in place, they may be followed for a while if they are not too expensive, then something similar will happen again, then more safety measures will be put in place, they may be followed for a while...........i am starting to see a reoccurring cycle. surely the good general can use article 44 to break that cycle. i guess he is a busy man.

  9. well according to this thailand has a birth rate of 1.5 babies per female.


    well below the 2.15 need to maintain the population level. this will weigh heavily on thailands economy over the coming years as the young have to support the retired population. of course a well run immigration program can easily fix this but i can see it being implemented any time soon.

  10. "She disclosed that the rice stored in some warehouses was different from type put on auction."

    "Or in the latest case, we put on auction sticky rice. But the buyers found out they were rotten rice,"...

    There simply is no cure for ignorance and stupidity. Poor Thailand.

    not sure I get your meaning

    It would appear that what is in the warehouses is not what is supposed to be there and there could be a few possible reasons for that, just as well those responsible for putting the rice there are in the dock facing charges

    Did the coup leaders not order a full inventory of the stocked rice when they assumed power

    ' One of his first orders following the May 22 coup was for the authorities to count and audit rice tonnage in the state's stocks and hold off on offloading them to prevent a further price slump.'


    yes but that was so long ago we are supposed to have forgotten about it by now.

  11. The OP is the father as recognised by the validity of the marriage to the mother. This means he has the right to his child the same as the mother has.

    How to proceed? Depends if you are planning to divorce your wife. If so, custody will be specified by a court, if you cannot find an agreement with your wife. You need to demonstrate that it's in the best interest for the child to be with you and not with the mother.

    If you have separated, but don't aim for a divorce the matter is more complicated. You are still entitled to have access to your child. If the mother prevents this, you need to document this and approach a court for a solution.

    Moving the child permanently to you really requires an agreement with the mother or a court decision. Likewise, having the child staying with the mother for good requires your consent or a court decision.

    At this stage, it would be best not to break off communication with your wife. You need to let her understand that you have the same right to your child as she has.

    Thanks Morakot

    So basically there is no other way than to take this through a divorce court and obtain the legal custody of my boy

    I'd hate for him to grow up in the village in the guardianship of the inlaws

    Ok well I guess its clear what I need to do

    Any recommendations for a lawyer I do live in deepest darkest esarn but I guess I can approach a lawyer from anywhere

    this is not your only option. i have several friends who have been through similar situations.

    one went through the courts when the mother demanded 6million thb to give the kid up. the courts granted my friend custody of the kid when they saw the mother did not want custody. she did not even bother turning up to the custody hearing, only the hearing to try to take his house which was awarded to their son. this still cost him alot of money in lawyers and took 2 years. at least the greedy mum did not get anything.

    another friend of mine paid the mum 1million for sole custody and the day she got it she did a runner but he is now happy looking after his daughter. 6 months later she came back broke but he was smart enough to not take her back.

    the best situation is to offer her some money for sole custody with still giving the mum/family visitation. money talks and i am pretty sure you will be able to sort out some deal. sole custody also means you can take your kid out of thailand without mothers permission. try to find a good lawyer who lives locally, not going to be easy in esan. PM me if you want my lawyers address in pattaya. everything must be done in legally binding contracts before exchanging any money. good luck with it all

  12. It must be really bad for the people that are on minimum wage. Since I have lived here the price of everything has risen but living wages has either stayed the same or in most cases even dropped. When I first came here in 2005 I was on 35,000 baht a month teaching but if you look on any teaching job related websites they are now advertising between 20 - 40,000, most only offer 30,000. The funny thing is many of my private student parents are telling me that the school fees have increased rather than dropped. No wonder the school directors can afford their flashy new cars.

    i know a guy who has been teaching for 9 years. he has been on the same salary for the whole time. approx 30K/month. someone correct me but are western English teachers paid directly by the king or by one of his foundations? this guy is getting more and more desperate to supplement his income. for sure it is costing more to live here on his salary. he even has taken on a heavyset Norwegian girlfriend who he is conning into buying stuff for him. she even contact me and i told her straight up he is taking her for a ride but she refused to believe me. he recently got married to a thai girl, probably to get a visa while between jobs. not sure how he juggles both of them. great story, he even managed to con me out of a fair amount of cash as well.

  13. i beeped my horn when i saw a mate walking down the street in pattaya last year and my girl told me off. last week a guy riding in the left hand lane on a motorbike decided to do a right hand turn across the front of my pick up. i locked up the breaks hit the horn and came to a sliding stop about 1m from him. my girl though i used the horn appropriately in that case. i need to get a dash cam. would have been great to record that. can anyone tell me if i can get a single unit that faces forward and rearward?

  14. after 9 years of running a business here i have many stories. 2 staff asked for an advance then vanished the next day. another time 2 staff quit at the start of high season and stole 60000thb worth of stock which amazingly i managed to get back. my main thai girl who i could leave to run the business rang up with a small complaint then quit after 6 years loyal work. she was on a very good wage and i had just paid her a 60000thb bonus which she used to her breasts enhanced. now i run with a minimum of thai staff. one guy i jokingly said i would buy him a motorbike if he stayed for 5 years is still working for me so i had to pony up 47000thb for a new bike. dealing with thai staff is just another reason why you dont want to have a business in thailand.

  15. i was working in koh samui and moved to work in pattaya. i spent about a year trying to get the pattaya address added to my work permit. seemed impossible and after a while i gave up as everything seemed to be ok and i did not think it was a big deal. wrong, immigration turned up, police took my passport and it took 2 years to sort out with a cost of about 80000thb. learned my lesson. in the end i had to cancel my samui work permit and get a new one for pattaya.

  16. In my one and only experience of being in an accident about four years ago I was deeply unimpressed by the insurance agent, the insurance company and the entire manner in which the claim was conducted. It seemed as if they decided the accident would become a bit of a bonanza for all. I knocked a motor cyclist off her bike doing an illegal u-turn so I didn't really have a leg to stand on. However the damage to the bike was minimal - superficial damage to the fender and scratches to the paint. I would reckon no more than 2,000 THB would have been generous. The rider drove the bike home after the accident and I followed. (I had taken her to hospital and paid for her to be checked out). Mechanically the bike was fine. In the end the insurance company paid her 12,000 THB for damage. I was also required by the company to report my misdemeanour to the police which resulted in a fine of 1,000 THB and a payment to the rider of another 1,000 THB. I am not complaining about this but it was unnecessary and if I had known reporting the accident to the police would have resulted in a fine I would have asked them to send a translator because I didn't know what was going down. Then the repairs to my own truck were estimated at 7,000 THB. I told the company I would pay myself as I have a 5,000 excess. This did not stop the repair company making a claim to my insurance company and being paid out for the repairs in addition to receiving payment from me.

    I just lumped it and ate humble pie as I didn't think I would have achieved anything by complaining. I still don't know what I was convicted of! But I can understand why sometimes the advice on here is to leg it if you are involved in accident. I wouldn't, but there's no doubt in my mind that my insurers were completely indifferent to representing my interests and seemed to encourage the other party to maximise her claim.

    Only time in 30 plus years of driving that I have ever hit another moving vehicle and I am mightily relieved the rider suffered no more than superficial injuries. I would strongly suggest you have a mobile phone with a camera/video and photograph/record any accident and the ID cards of anybody involved.

    really interesting read as after 10 years of driving in thailand i have had 3 minor bingles with motorbikes. one my fault, one their fault and one i am not sure. luckily no injuries, lucky the police were never involved, lucky never enough damage to need to claim on insurance. my advice on any accident not involving injury/death is try to keep the police out of it and let your insurance company sort it out if there is a need for repairs.

    sneaky buggers claiming on insurance when you paid for it already. that would have affected your no claims bonus.

  17. I'm gathering the condo business in LoS is partly being supported by foreigners running illegal hotels.


    It's like Fight Club and Vegas (baby).

    man this was just so good i wanted to make sure everyone else got it. the first rule of fight club is what happens in vagas stays in vagas. hope i didnt ruin it. excellent.

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