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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. "looking into customers of the parlor who used credit cards to see if they are responsible for breaking the law."

    Does the CC receipt say "Charges for Happy Ending"? biggrin.png Else can't see them having a leg to stand on regarding that.

    imagine having proof of many wealthy married who have gone to get a soapy. surely this is a gold mine. go interview them and wait for the hush money to start flowing in.

    another thought i had was how they can name the cops getting kickbacks? surely that breaks defamation laws. really hard to get my head around how that whole thing works.

  2. i went through this when trying to board a flight a few years ago. i spent 2 hours at the airport frantically trying to get the owner of the card that booked my flight to scan her card and email it to the airline. was not able to do it so at the last minute the check in staff made me go photocopy my passport and write on it i have permission from the card holder to buy the flight. on the up side i was so late i got an upgrade to business class. i wont make that mistake again however, was very stresfull.

  3. And the father would of known about his sons violent streak towards the ex-wife, this guy was a ticking time bomb

    spousal violence aint all that uncommon

    Not denying that, only the father would of seen things in his don that others wouldn't.

    Normally people that feel so much 'anger' towards gays are normally hiding something themselves.

    My bet is that Omar spent his fair share of time on his knees at his local gay beat and he just couldn't accept responsibility for his own actions and decided he'd make others suffer for it.

    He was probably a lousy homosexual lover, he'd previously been rejected by women and the small creatures he kept forcing himself on kept committing suicide.

    Completely rejected by everyone he lashed out on what he perceived to be the easiest targets. There's probably a box full of dead gerbils under his bed.

    You might be on to something. I'm sure we all recall a certain television preacher that had a world wide ministry. He was continuously preaching against prostitution until he got caught partaking in it himself.

    lets not forget bill cosby, the respected family man who allegedly drudged and raped many.

  4. my girl has given up on asking for cash and now wants me to invest in gold, for her. i am not so sure it is a good investment however.

    Obviously not for you. Gold is transportable. Safety deposit boxes hard to get. Once she has enough accumulated well last one leaving the building turn out the lights.

    i said i will not buy her any until she finishes raising our 2 kids. for now she can buy her own gold if she has any money left over from her monthly allowance.

    Surely the warning signs were there before you became a parent.

    i am sure they were but thankfully i did not see them and now i have 2 great kids. their mother is completely devoted to them and does a great job raising them on a modest but fair salary.

  5. my girl has given up on asking for cash and now wants me to invest in gold, for her. i am not so sure it is a good investment however.

    Obviously not for you. Gold is transportable. Safety deposit boxes hard to get. Once she has enough accumulated well last one leaving the building turn out the lights.

    i said i will not buy her any until she finishes raising our 2 kids. for now she can buy her own gold if she has any money left over from her monthly allowance.

  6. question: given the qatar history of dealing with stuff like this, why was she there at all?

    and, failing to answer that one convincingly, why on earth did she report to the 'officials'???


    Given the history of Farangs being cheated and scammed in Thailand by women, why are you still here?

    Because you can only be cheated and scammed if you allow it to happen. Rape is not so subtle, nor is the handling of rape complaints in a muslim country.

    How do you allow yourself to be scammed? Please advise.

    in thailand set one almost always involves falling in love with or marrying a thai woman. set two is the sinsot thing. step three is the lets build a house on my or my parents land thing. forgot also other steps such as buying cars/motorbikes gold and so on. despite this scam having gone on for decades it seems to be going just as strongly as ever.

  7. all pointless talk. banning firearms with pistol grips, sliding stocks and other features that makes them assault weapons does nothing. to late for banning standard and high capacity magazines in the states now as it is awash with them. more stringent background checks, people will just buy privately as there are approximately 300 million firearms already in circulation in america. how to fix this problem?, i dont know and it seams no one else does either. would seem needing a firearms licence to own firearms would be a good start to trying to keep the firearms in only law abiding citizens hands. would require heavy sentences handed down to those who illegally hold firearms. should improve business for the private prison system in the states as well.

  8. stop giving citizenship to immigrants. just give them 2 year renewable visas and deport them if they cause any problems. i live in thailand on this system like most of you reading this, (except of course i only get 1 year at a time). is the best solution to the immigration problem that i can see. tricky in this case where the guy is a son from immigrants. surely hos mosque knew what he was up to so they need to be held some what accountable.

  9. ok, so i have been in business for 9 years in thailand. small business with 4 thai employees (2 of which i dont need) you need to research what it is like to be a foreigner living and working here in thailand. my business does ok but i am selling up. every year i get treated like a criminal when i renew my work permit, even though i support 4 thai families and try to give them a better standard of living . but getting back to your question never ever take over an existing business as it is impossible to know what you are getting into. loan sharks, government officials and thais competing for the same customers dont care if you are a new owner of an existing business. i would very strongly suggest you only start a business as a hobbie and only invest money you can walk away from. dont let your pride stop you from walking away from a failing business. i see many guys having to go home to work to subsidize their thai business because they dont want to loose face with their friends and family. yes us ferang are a proud lot as well. i was getting very sour at thailand and thai people. i am now half way through a year off and i am finding i am enjoying thailand again.

    hope you found this constructive.

  10. great the case is closed and we can relax again. would be better if the cops checked their handguns out and back in at the start and end of shifts. tricky as they have to buy them themselves. probably cant trust the stations to look after them either and there is possibility of the side arms being rented back out. we had a cop come down to my watersports culb. i opened the money draw and his 9mm was sitting beside the money bag. my shop girl had deposited it in there for him while he was in the water. was probably better in there than being left under the seat of his scoopy motorbike in the carpark where breakins occur despite having security gaurds 24 hours a day.

  11. 7,000 Baht....How about Thai women who had conned houses and cars from Foreigners......

    if you fall in love with a thai woman, whom you have nothing in common with and then buy/build a house in a country that you can not legally own, then loose it you only have yourself to blame. taking responsibility for your own actions is the first step to learning not to repeat such mistakes. hope the victims from this story learn to be a bit more careful in the future.

  12. Hit men use the single shot 12g pistol to your head from a close range......vests don't help much.

    What is a single shot 12g pistol?

    most probably means a sawn off shotgun. the police in thailand are like personal security guards. i pay a senior cop a monthly fee to keep an eye on my business. my thai shop girl suggested it when we first opened and i thought there was no need. after a couple thefts i changed my mind. i see many businesses around pattaya with the same red police letterbox and i hear many houses have them as well. in the future i suggest your management committee pay a security fee to the police but for now go to the police and pay them a fee to attend the meeting. take a thai person with you to explain the situation. hope you get back to us and let us know what happened.

  13. each year it gets harder to get a work permit in thailand. last year was the worst with several visits from officials coming to my business taking photos. no idea why they needed to come at all as i had already taken many photos to put in with the applications. this was the 9th year of business but we go through the process every year like we are starting a new business. ontop of this there are the problems getting and holding the 4 thai staff. 2 of which i dont need. thank christ i have a great accounting company who coordinate the whole circus. hopefully i will sell up the business next year and that will be the end of it.

  14. If he remains in his present position, he will find a way to get revenge on her. Or one of his buddies can do it for him.

    He'll be moved to an inactive ATM post for sure. This type of blatant corruption can't go unpunished.

    not sure if you have spent much time in thailand but taking payment on the spot for offences happens many thousands of times a day in thailand. it is how the system works. he might get a stern word for leaving evidence of collecting money upfront but i doubt he would get any sort of real punishment. i for one am happy to hand over cash on the spot when required. a few times i have had to pay at the police station which can mean hours wasted out of my busy day. makes me laugh when people get upset about something which is just a part of life living in this great country.

  15. http://www.nvader.org/ website for the NGO organisation who helped bust this den of decadence. seems they operate exclusively between nz and thailand. i am off to give them some encouragement on their facebook page. they will need alot of encouragement if they are going to shut down all the soapies and brothels in thailand. oh and money, they are going to need alot of funding, you can donate directly on their facebook page.

  16. kiwi organisation involved. when i was in nz a few years ago i watched a documentary about some fellow kiwis who came over to pattaya to try to rescue some girls out of the bars. they had a car with the engine running out side a bar and offered the girls a fast escape. in the end they did not rescue any girls, the conclusion was that the girls did not seem to want to be rescued. what is the point of temporary closing this soapy? will be back open for business again in a week or 2.

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