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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. best was my business and my 2 kids. worst, buying properties, will soon wipe out most of the gains i made with my business.

    May I ask what happened with the properties?

    bought and sold 2 houses and managed to break even. bought 2 condos off plan. been waiting 4.5 years, supposed to be finished at the end of the year. i dont want them and now pattaya is flooded with new condos. put down 1.5 mill. doubt i will be able to sell them, dont even know if i should pay the other 1.5 mill due on completion or walk away. about 2 years income down the drain. not the end of the world i suppose.

  2. my girl is woken up by our 1 year old daughter before 6 every morning. i stay in the next bedroom with our 4 year or son and try to sleep till 7. will go back to the system of renting 2 separate condos when i move back to pattaya in october to put some distance between us. if you have a baby that sleeps till 11 in the morning then you are a lucky guy.


    babies tend to wake up early and wake everyone else up at the same time. nice to have the option of sleeping in if desired.

  3. To go back to the OP's topic. if as seems to be generally assumed, most of the women found using such apps are 'on the game', why don't people just save themselves the hassle and 'do it the easy way', visit a bar/pick up joint/meat market?

    not every one likes the bar sceen. i got sick of it in oz so i started using adult matchmaker and had some success hooking up. i prefer the bar sceen in thailand so i dont use the internet here. people prefer different ways to get girls. there is no right or wrong, just personal preference.

  4. sweet, they can call them (sub) prime loans. sell them at a low honeymoon rate then repackage them, rate them triple A and sell them on as mortgage backed securities. i mean who doesnt pay their mortgage right? yea yea i know all you debbie downers out there are going to say this didnt work in america but it did for the banks when they got their bail out money. i just need to find out how to own a bank in thailand.

  5. Some amazing advice and I sincerely thank you all.

    The same question came up again and again. "Why don't I move to another part of Thailand" The simple answer is the Visa issue. Cambodia seems much easier. I don't need or expect much from Cambodia, but it's the only place I can get a visa easily.

    I'd also consider Laos or Myanmar if I could easily get a visa.

    Now, I'm on a marriage extension to a Thai as she's got me by the balls.

    So, I'd have to walk away from most of my possessions, but my bike, dog and computers and the things I'd like to keep. I guess selling the bike is the best way. I'm well traveled in SE Asia. OK, I haven't spent much time in Cambodia, but I'm sure I'll manage.

    I just can't think straight with all that is going on now and don't know the right order to do things.

    Unless I can get another visa for Thailand, I can only see Cambodia as my next best option. I know Cambodia isn't going to be a bed a roses, but it won't take much to be better than my current situation.

    So, with all the things I own, whats the best way to get myself into Cambodia? I guess go over alone and get a place rented first would be a smart move.? Then, I have a place to take my dog and all else.

    One other thing, I need a good internet connection, but from my research, this isn't a problem.

    Thanks again everyone.

    when does your marriage extension expire? if you have a some time left on it then how about taking your dog down to koh samui for a bit of a break? clear your head. lamai is nice and quiet. your girl is probably making all sorts of threats. hard to think straight with all of that going on.

  6. sell the bike on baht sold or there is a storage facility i can telly you about who is run by a fantastic thai lady i know.. put your dog in a dog kennel (there are a few good ferang one around) and take a trip over to cambodia. think snookyville would be your best bet, and even that has nothing on many thai places. once you see what cambo is like you can grab your dog and head off to another part of thailand.

  7. I learnt a long time ago NEVER SPOIL a Thai woman too much.

    They will take advantage of you all the time.

    Very selfish people.

    I always buy stuff for my girl friend's family.

    And NEVER get a thank you.

    Maybe time to stop being kind hearted.

    i hear you. i like to buy things for my girls extend family but they never seem grateful so i gave up. i wonder if not saying thank you or being grateful is a thai thing. also the thai guys who worked for me almost never said sorry when they screwed things up. i wonder if this is a thai saving face thing.

  8. i offered to get my girl a scooter thinking it would mean she could take care of some of the running around as i do all the driving. then before i did i asked her if she would actually use it. she replied no she just wanted to park it in front of the house. all just to show off. i was not so keen to have her driving the kids around on it anyway. i ended up giving her some cash. last time i will offer to buy her anything. she has a fair salary and can choose to buy what she wants. i like to be generous but i have found it to be a mistake in most cases.

  9. from my understanding that even if these killers get jail time they can buy their way out. know a girl banged up on selling drugs. she has 3 years to serve or can pay 200K to get out now. same for another woman i know heard of who stole a car she rented and then sold. whole thing seems pointless, even if they get jail time they will just buy their way out if the family have the cash. suppose the argument is that loosing the money to buy their way out would be their or their families punishment. would rather see that money go to the victims family.

    at least some of this crime was captured on phone camera or it would not have even been discussed without getting into the public spotlight. how many crimes like these go without any attention simply because they were not captured on camera?

  10. So... Not a single job has been created by the Junta but thousands of small business owners and employees have lost their livelihoods. Imagine the economic impact when you consider the lost of income to thousand of suppliers. Only the rich and prostitutes can survive. Economic meltdown will occur when they banned prostitution. Then turn the lights out in Issan.

    no need to ban prostitution as it is illegal already. thailand has more laws, rules and regulations than pretty much anywhere. but dont worry though most laws rules are largely ignored, along with the consequences of ignoring such laws and rules. just need to endure the odd crack down here or there then it is back to life as usual. i do love thailand so boring back in the west.

  11. there is a very simple answer to the who sin sot thing. as westerners is is almost impossible (is said almost) to find a thai woman with no kids or that has not lived with or been married to anyone before. a thai woman who already has kids or who has previous husbands or live in boyfriends does not require a dowry. if you do find that unicorn, especially if she is young, you will just have to pony up like the thais do. you are marring a thai girl and will have to follow their traditions or face the consequences.

    Dont go to bars to meet girls and you will find allot of Thai girls that dont have kids or live-in boy friends. My wife had no kids and no live-in boy friend. She was still living at home when

    I met her and we had to take things slow because of her parents. I have worked as many factories around Thailand and met allot of girls that dont have any kids and either live at home or live with another girl.

    my mistake, it is possible to find girls with no kids or ex thai husbands. tricky part is finding one without kids or an ex that is willing to have a long term relationship with a westerner. ok it is a bit easier for guys like us who live and work in thailand but for those who are retired or younger guys visiting it is alot harder. even the dating sites are just full of bargirls now. i have a few friends who are over the bargirl scene and are now looking for 'the one' most of them have given up even looking after finding the non bargirls are simply too boring. they are probably better off looking for a girl back in their own country.

  12. from my understanding trump being some what self funding in his election campaign is he is able to take different stands on different issues and is not just obligated to tow the party line. this is how politicians should be. unfortunately the american system is generally flawed in that it is sponsored by private enterprise. will be interesting to see what happens if trump wins. certainly alot more interesting than is hillary wins.

  13. from my understanding trump being some what self funding in his election campaign is he is able to take different stands on different issues and is not just obligated to tow the party line. this is how politicians should be. unfortunately the american system is generally flawed in that it is sponsored by private enterprise. will be interesting to see what happens if trump wins. certainly alot more interesting than is hillary wins.

  14. there is a very simple answer to the who sin sot thing. as westerners is is almost impossible (is said almost) to find a thai woman with no kids or that has not lived with or been married to anyone before. a thai woman who already has kids or who has previous husbands or live in boyfriends does not require a dowry. if you do find that unicorn, especially if she is young, you will just have to pony up like the thais do. you are marring a thai girl and will have to follow their traditions or face the consequences.

  15. Most Thai women only have 'purchasing power' to buy essentials with and the majority of families are in debt, this is arrant stupidity, or does this just apply to the 0.5% that have over 50% of the wealth in this country?

    the banks need to get onboard this campaign and start a special offer for making it easier for woman to get credit cards, especially those with limited income. this should allow them some access to money for traveling and health spas. TAT could even get a percentage kick back for all the money the banks can make off the interest repayments from the credit cards. actually i sort of feel i am owed some commission for my innovative thinking.

  16. I don't have any kids.

    The main reason that I don't have kids, is that I'm unwilling to go back to my own country for the benefit of their education, which I would be bound to do.

    I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I agree with NKM as far as being able to hold an objective opinion, even though you don't have kids yourself.

    I'm in a similar position. In my mid-50s and never expected to have kids. Now I have a 1-year old and I am having to seriously consider a return home after 11 happy years living in Thailand.

    10 years here for me. i always knew if i had kids i would have to go back to nz for their schooling. the international schools are quite good here however and i think i will just go back for their high school years. that should be enough to set them up for university there if thats what they want to do. i am not sure on phuket but phonex school in pattaya for example is only about 100K thb per year. bit more for the english programme.

  17. i know you are looking for a non international school, however, a friend of mine just recommended me "international school phuket". much more reasonable in terms of school fees vs say head start and uses cambridge curriculum as well. fyi - im not financially involved with this school

    thank you, but I need a non-international school, I am looking for my children to grow up and live in Thailand.

    WHAT ?

    They'll still get a Thai education speak read and write Thai in an international school

    you can chose english programme which is only subjects taught in english or thai programme which is a mix of english and thai.

    still trying to get my head around some actually wanting to send their kids to a public thai school.

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