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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. so this happened to someone i know. guy went to a bank for a mortgage, got 25 year mortgage at going rate (cant remember exact rate, probably 5%) he paid the deposit on the property. the bank then changed their mind and said it would be a 10% interest rate repayable over 10 years. he is now living a sad life making payments on this loan. anyone reading this should think very hard about taking a mortgage in thailand, then decide not to.

    If that is what really happened, then this guy is not telling the whole story. I would love to hear from bank side as well. Both of a guy you know and bank signed and agreed on terms of this loan. Everything are on papers he signed. Everything bank can and will do to this loan are all in the papers he signed. It doesn't matter in what country, US, EU, Canada, etc, majority debtors always tend to blame their debt problems on banks. If this guy insist on claiming bank is the one that broke the terms of his loan, then he should be talking to a lawyer.

    guy was married to a thai of course. the mortgage was in both names. i suspect the bank sold him a mortgage based on the couple being thai and then changed their mind and made it a mortgage with conditions based being a foreigner. i have not seen the guy for many years. last thing i heard is that he had separated from his wife but was still staying in the same house as they could not sell it and neither could pay the mortgage on their own. the ex wife even had her new thai boyfriend move in. not sure how that all worked out. surprises me the number of people who do things in thailand without getting good legal advice. i know a group of over 20 people on facebook who have made final payments on their off plan condos but a year later have not got the titles. i asked what their lawyers had said and not a single one had gone to get legal advice before or after making the final payment.

  2. so this happened to someone i know. guy went to a bank for a mortgage, got 25 year mortgage at going rate (cant remember exact rate, probably 5%) he paid the deposit on the property. the bank then changed their mind and said it would be a 10% interest rate repayable over 10 years. he is now living a sad life making payments on this loan. anyone reading this should think very hard about taking a mortgage in thailand, then decide not to.

  3. everyday, certainly dozens of foreigners are fleeced of their life savings by some greedy hooker, and nothing is done, nobody care.

    But if you cheat a thai, the police will be hunting you.

    if you get fleeced by a thai hooker (cashier, waitress, or whatever) then you are just as stupid as the woman in this story. greed for money is the same as lust for young pretty woman, it least to stupid acts being done by stupid people.

  4. When they first mentioned getting sub's I said no they need sub hunters first or maybe only - sub hunters are more then just sub hunters they can and are used in multi task missions - we even used them over land in Vietnam after a paint job. They make great search planes and can monitor fishing fleets while still tracking any sub's - they can find and report pollution like oil spills and often follow it to the source. Location location location it is most important that they are stationed in the right area to be most effective - you can be sure they work better then air ships that can't fly.

    think it is an excellent idea as long as they can be used for rain making activities. drought is thailands biggest enemy at the moment not foreign subs. wonder if rain making really works.

  5. So essentially they just cleared the lot, skipped the part about any kind of foundation, and started bricking up. The ones on either side will have been built to the same standard.

    buildings on either side with no decent foundations are not a problem until they also fall down so no need to worry about them for now.

    anyone remember the guy in esan who got his tiraks brother to build a house. was built without being piled and started cracking after a few months? he wanted to sue his brother in law. think this problem is fairly widespread.

  6. this made big news in new zealand when i was back there last time. as it made such big news i think the cops will have had to drop the whole thing. wonder if they got their bail money returned. seems reporting is based on the event and not the follow up.

  7. i am in a similar situation. have bought 2 units in a development that is supposed to be finished in october. biggest mistake of my life. i am trying to sell them well below what i paid for them off plan without any success. i have one friend who managed to get all his money back after buying in nam tallay as they were finished late. suggest going to see a lawyer. PM me if you want my lawyers details if you are in pattaya.

    I LOVE RE as an investment...............but not in Thailand..................hahahaha.

    ESP not Pattaya. Do you know what the biggest industry in Pattaya is? Do you realize the type of people Pattaya attracts.

    i love pattaya. i have been living and working in jomtien for the last 9 years. just because you dont like pattaya does not mean it is not a great place for other people. i have made many good life long friends and find the climate and cost of living to be excellent. 5 years ago i put deposits down on 2 condos in a great looking development. i was going to join them together to live in. things have changed now and i have 2 kids who i think would have a better upbringing in new zealand. things change and thats why it is always better to rent in a foreign country.

  8. they probably charged a 2.5 mill fee to give it to them. is a pointlessly small amount. disgusted by that story about the germans helping after tsunami being forced to leave due to the lack of work permits. i almost had my business shut down over a small issue with my work permit. i asked the thai official about the 5 thai people who work for my business. his reply was 'i dont care'. love life here in thailand but it is hard to get over some of the negative aspects.

  9. The BBC have given the story quite pointed coverage.

    End his report Jonathan Head asked two pertinent questions,

    1 ) how was the temple able to operate for such a long period ? and

    2 ) where else in Thailand is this sort of thing happening ?

    The next obvious question is, will there ever be any answers ?

    "how was the temple able to operate for such a long period ?"

    Short answer: This is Thailand. Without young farang taking it upon themselves to break the story, the tiger factory would still be going, albeit with just rumors swirling around. Thais are too indoctrinated in required respect for elders/sangha/VIP's/rich people, etc. Add to that, the Thai propensity to not rock the boat of convention, .....and it's plain that Thais would not have blown the lid off this story, without farang first exposing it.

    Plus, it was a dangerous situation for the farang during the months the one or two were gathering evidence. They should be publicly praised for taking serious risks, with investigating. Some sort of official commendation from Thai authorities, at least.

    They risked physical harm and legal trouble (visa, prison), and spent their own money, .......yet they don't even get a 'thank you' from Thai authorities - for saving added tigers from getting killed and sent to China.

    i guess in this case a good deed is its own reward. i have not read anything about young foreigners helping to expose what was going on. they have big balls thats for sure. events would make a great movie.

  10. I'd leave her if I were you. Don't even divorce, just abandon her.

    i would tend to agree with this. thais will generally choose their family over their foreign husband (not sure if it is the same with a thai husband) but choosing to side with her misfit brother over you is too much. hope you didnt spend too much on building the new house. i am currently in an esan village surrounded by new houses paid for by foreign men who no longer live in them.

  11. i am in a similar situation. have bought 2 units in a development that is supposed to be finished in october. biggest mistake of my life. i am trying to sell them well below what i paid for them off plan without any success. i have one friend who managed to get all his money back after buying in nam tallay as they were finished late. suggest going to see a lawyer. PM me if you want my lawyers details if you are in pattaya.

  12. I thought the koran states that it is against Islamic law to make a profit.

    If so, what hypocrites.

    Since they're not actually making a profit, I guess they aren't hypocrites.

    But no, the Koran doesn't prohibit profit, but it does prohibit charging interest on loans. Fortunately, Islamic scholars have come up with schemes to get around this rule, so to all intents and purposes they do charge what amounts to interest, but in a sharia-compliant way.

    great answer. only one true prophet. could not find a pic of the guy to attach however.

  13. Tigers die of natural causes.

    Part them out and sell them.

    very sensible,profitable also.

    Instead of being part of the solution you are part of the problem.

    All of the confiscated items from tiger amulets, tiger carcasses, skins, etc. should be itemized and photographed for the criminal trial of these three. Save a few samples for the trial, but every remaining confiscated item should be burned and destroyed so that not one single item can be resold. This is the only way to help stop perpetuating this heinous problem.

    Bravo to the National Parks, Wildlife and Plants Conservation Department, police and army personnel! Keep it up until every one of these crooks is behind bars.

    there are always different ways to look at a problem. another angle would be to look at ways to farm these animals. it would seem to be a viable option. they are endangered and this would certainly take them off the endangered species list. i visited the tiger zoo north of pattaya and the tigers there seemed to be well care for, sure there is some back door trade going on there as well but still the number of animals they have is very impressive.

  14. Even though it took far too long for this to finally be exposed to the public, although most of us knew something was going on in one form or another at this despicable place, I will say congratulations to the Thai authorities for finally getting off your lazy asses and doing something about it.

    Ohhh please! The way it is looking the temple will be back in business in a year or 2 now that they have been given a zoo license. Only this time they will be operating legally to the government and no one will question what is happening in the back rooms there. Do you really think that this will end simply because a they are cracking down there right now? There is too much money to be made and lost and too many people who were getting some hefty envelopes that turned a blind eye to what was happening there before. These actions now are just a minor inconvenience and a delay in their profits. Until the government arrests everyone there including the Abbott that told the monk to deliver those skins and amulets and tears that temple down. Notice in the article they were moving those items to an undisclosed location and they don't mention any names who gave the offer to get them out of the temple. Even now the gigs up the monk's are trying to salvage their money makers for the future. A shame and disgrace for all Thai Buddhism but, then again, they are not the only ones perverting their religion.
    That may very well be the case but at least as of today there are 137 big beautiful cats that aren't going to be found stuffed in a suitcase in the back of some jackasses pickup truck.

    would love to know where these animals will be a year from now. would not be surprised if they get lost in the system. money is the true religion in this country. i looked up the rules of being buddist. the main rules are broken by most thais on a daily basis. it is a nice concept though. trying to not sound like i am bashing the thai people as i do enjoy living here.

  15. Just be the snorkelling spots. Cant close Muk or Kradan. Resorts would be taking in guests.

    probably just put up a small sign to say you cant swim there and then fine all the foreigners who go in the water. i loved the one in bangkok where the police decided to get rid of all the guys taking their elephants around and charging the tourists to feed them. rather than fine the guys with the elephants they would fine the tourists feeding them.

  16. main problem with current E cars is lack of range and re charging time. also governments will give better subsidies to cars that dont run directly on fossil fuels (possibly a bit mis guided where the electricity is produced by coal fired electricity generating power stations) think hybrids are a good compromise for now especially if they can be plugged into the grid to charge the batteries. downside is having to add weight to electric cars with a small internal combustion engine.

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