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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. from my understanding the private schools get a higher proportion of government funding so the level of education in the public schools is not very good. most people i know in australia do what they can to send their kids to private schools where as in new zealand it is not seen as being so important. i need to google the percentages of kids in private education between nz and oz.

    I went to private in Oz but have loads of mates that were in state schools and have done very well.

    Not sure about your government funding comment, thought the state schools would get more.

    couldnt find a good answer for the funding between public and private schools. my sister who teaches in a private school in melbourne might know. australia is a great country and with alot of opportunity. you can still go to public schools and through hard work can do very well in life, much harder for those who go to public school in thailand.

    did your successful friends from private schools do well in professional employment and those from public schools do well in the trades?

  2. i think it is just good manners to leave 20thb when i pay a bill, or at least leave the change. i tend to go to the same places over and over again. i prefer to get a warm greeting when i arrive. for example i normally have breakfast at the danmark (best breakfast in jomtien) i like to have an ice coffee. the staff bring me a tall glass of ice before i can even sit down. beautiful, just beautiful.

  3. @ ArranP

    Why not give the children the education that allows them to decide where they want to live and work in the future?

    It depend where you want to live. If you see yourself going back to America or UK, choose an international school.

    If you see yourself living in Thailand, choose a Thai school.

    Why are you removing the option of allowing your children to chose where they wish to live in the future?

    With an education from an international school, they will have the option of university and lucrative employment in the west, not so with attending a regular Thai school.

    With an education from an international school, at 18 years of age, your kids can leave Thailand for further education and / or work. You don't have to leave.

    everything you are saying I know and have contemplated alot about already and arrived at my conclusion.

    it depend where you want to live, a thai school is more beneficial than an international school for children who will grow up and live and work in thailand.

    sorry but this is completely wrong. your kids would be far better off in the thai curriculum in an international school, even if your plan is for them to continue to live in thailand after finishing their education. a superior education, easier access to universities in thailand, possibility of studying abroad. better networking. is it the expense of the better school that is the issue? then i could understand, in which case your kids are probably better off in your home country. i have spent years thinking about what is best for my kids. for now i am paying fees for private pre school education and may do the same for primary school here as well. as much as i hate to leave thailand they will have to go to high school in new zealand to give them the best chance at university if that is what they want to do.

  4. i know you are looking for a non international school, however, a friend of mine just recommended me "international school phuket". much more reasonable in terms of school fees vs say head start and uses cambridge curriculum as well. fyi - im not financially involved with this school

    thank you, but I need a non-international school, I am looking for my children to grow up and live in Thailand.

    ArranP. i have to ask why you want to limit your kids to thailand? send them to a thai curriculum in an international school then they can decide where they live.

  5. i employ my own form of dual pricing by always leaving a small tip, 20 or 40thb. is worth it to see the look of surprise from the guy who filled up my pickup at the gas station. stuff is so cheap here paying an extra dollar here or there dose not make much difference. having a thai drivers licence and speaking a few words of thai normally gets around the double pricing thing. i was just in new zealand where the topic of making national parks more expensive for tourists came up. i doubt it will happen but it was still being discussed.

    You tip for having your pickup filled with gas? You must be the only one to do that. I'd sooner self-service anyway with the reluctant reduction in price. Plus I don't think I'd get 12 liters into my 8 liter can as has happened a few times when filled by an attendant here.

    i love the look of surprise i get tipping for the guy fueling my pickup. last guy did a great job of cleaning my windscreen while truck was being fueled. he did such a great job i gave him 40thb. is nothing ontop of the 1000thb i normally put in.

    believe it or not it is illegal for a foreigner to fuel his own vehicle. guy was done filling up his motorbike a few years back, story is they were watching him as he was renting out motorbikes in competition with the thais and that was the best way to get him.

  6. in new zealand you can go to a public school and not be disadvantaged in any way. think it is different in australia.

    Why do you think Australians are disadvantaged in their public school system?

    my sister teaches in australia. from my understanding the private schools get a higher proportion of government funding so the level of education in the public schools is not very good. most people i know in australia do what they can to send their kids to private schools where as in new zealand it is not seen as being so important. i need to google the percentages of kids in private education between nz and oz.

  7. Quote: "On arrival at the airport he reported the matter to police who said they would do nothing because he had already paid."

    This needs explaining

    cops will use any excuse to do nothing. i had some goods stolen from my shop by an ex employee. i managed to find out where the guy lived and i got the good back. i went to the police station with a photo copy of the thiefs ID card. cops said i already had my stuff so there was no need to do anything more.

  8. i employ my own form of dual pricing by always leaving a small tip, 20 or 40thb. is worth it to see the look of surprise from the guy who filled up my pickup at the gas station. stuff is so cheap here paying an extra dollar here or there dose not make much difference. having a thai drivers licence and speaking a few words of thai normally gets around the double pricing thing. i was just in new zealand where the topic of making national parks more expensive for tourists came up. i doubt it will happen but it was still being discussed.

  9. quite shocked to hear you want to move back to thailand and are considering putting your kids in government schools. i love living in thailand, love it. for now i am wearing the cost of private schools here but i am going to give up my great lifestyle to have my kids educated back in nz. would be interested to hear why you would want to bring your kids to be raised with the children from thailands poor.

    Believe it or not, the quality of life is better in Thailand than the UK.

    think it is better in thailand than pretty much anywhere. i have only got a few more years befor i am going to pack my bags to head home to take my kids to go to school in nz. is going to be a sad day leaving.

  10. quite shocked to hear you want to move back to thailand and are considering putting your kids in government schools. i love living in thailand, love it. for now i am wearing the cost of private schools here but i am going to give up my great lifestyle to have my kids educated back in nz. would be interested to hear why you would want to bring your kids to be raised with the children from thailands poor.

    NZ has many "poor" people so I guess you will be using one of the independent schools to avoid the "poor NZ " problem ?


    pretty much every country has people who are relatively poor. nz has excellent social welfare system where everyone is looked after cradle to the grave.

    i just went to nz to buy a house near this school


    most public schools are reasonably good but this on is the best in the south island. is just a matter of buying in a suburb zoned for the school. in new zealand you can go to a public school and not be disadvantaged in any way. think it is different in australia.

  11. quite shocked to hear you want to move back to thailand and are considering putting your kids in government schools. i love living in thailand, love it. for now i am wearing the cost of private schools here but i am going to give up my great lifestyle to have my kids educated back in nz. would be interested to hear why you would want to bring your kids to be raised with the children from thailands poor.

  12. Let's see at the brighter side, the fact that the top man acknowledged that there is indeed a need for "innovation", it's itself a step forward into the right direction, now, if they could keep going that way, rather than doing 20 steps backwards for each step going forward, perhaps we will really see a change for the better.

    Now, i am going to suggest an easy shortcut to get results with the minimal effort, and what it's better, is that i am not even asking for a ministerial's position in exchange, so, they can consider this their very lucky lucky day.

    Give foreigners the right to do any jobs as the locals, if the locals would see their customers to chose a different kind of service/product than what they offer, they will be automatically stimulated to follow suit and improve their services/products, it's a win solution for all.

    Free transfer of useful skills to improve everyone's life, that's free teaching, what else could you ask for??

    Obviously it's only going to work if you let local's understand that they should get better in what they do, rather than allowing them to pull out silly excuses that will only keep things in a worse state, not rocket's science, really

    lets not go and turn thailand into the countries we all left behind to move here. place is cheap and interesting. i prefer that over expensive and boring any time.

  13. I bet when they find him, he will not be allowed to refuse breath test, or refuse to go to a police station.

    He will get banged up straight away, no bail nothing.

    He did wrong so should be punished.

    Now we will see the 2 tier Thai system working.

    Lets hope so, people need to learn not to flee from accidents, bail is something most people get if they have a good insurance. I got bail bond on mine. But I would not flee from an accident.

    But strange your not condemning him for fleeing an accident most foreigners would do so if the guy was Thai. Are you are a Brit too by any chance and is that the reason why you don't think its bad that he runs from an accident ?

    I don't care who someone is Thai Dutch, Brit.. whatever.. you just don't flee an accident.

    if possible after an accident it is in many instances best to get the hell out of there weather you are at fault or not. things get nasty and you need to get to a police station as soon as possible.

  14. Maybe the porn movie industry is interested doing some "shooting" in Thailand.

    The porn festival in Cannes is one week later...

    first thais can not innovate and produce sex toys as they are illegal. next the cant have a big movie making industry because sex movies are illegal. of only they would stop being prudes and at least allow prostitution to help the ailing tourist industry.

  15. when we were having problems i went again and again to the TOT office. in the end i asked for the phone number for the tech and ended up getting my staff to call them. dealing with things like this is one of the setbacks of living in thailand. if you give they fix it guys number and tip him it will probably be easier to get fixed in the future.

  16. i seldom wear anything but flip flops. i have a few old pairs of shoes lying around. wore one old pair back to no nz last december and they fell apart on the trip home. i was helping doing some tree trimming in the house in esan so i put on a pair of work boots i bought when i was in australia a few years ago. they are almost unused but fell apart almost immediately. it seems it is the heat and or humidity. i have a shop that sells inflatable kites for kiteboarding and regular as clockwork every april the valves on the bladders of any kites over 3 years old fall off and the kites deflate. my customers now want kites that have just been imported, not ones that have been sitting on the shelf for a year or 2.

  17. I bought my condo off the plane, it took 1/12 and after developer finished maybe 2/3 weeks latter they called and gave a date for payment and paperwork on condo I gave them a cashiers check, not cool to walk around with large amounts of $$$ and they were ok with that. taxes are up to Square meters of condo but developer should give you a ball park figure.

    ok i did not understand the 1/12 bit. you got the title the same day you paid? they are charging 6% tax, not sure if it is a land tax or transfer tax. what should the tax rates be?

  18. WHat I know (but I have never bought a condo of plan) is that when you pay the final payment, the Condo is transferred to your name and you should get the Title Deed. If not then I think something is fishy. (But I could be wrong)


    i know know quite a few people who bought at different projects with the same developer who are all still waiting for their paperwork. i would like to hear from people who have bought finished condos off plan. is is a good idea to pay the final installment without getting the title? does not sound like a good idea to me.

  19. so i posted this question last week but it vanished. i guess it was because i used the developers name in the post. will try again.

    i bought 2 condos of plan 4 years ago (my biggest mistake in thailand to date) stage 1 of the project was completed over a year ago and i know the owners are still waiting for their unit titles. many have already made full payment. i bought in stage 2 which looks like being completed this year. i would like to hear how long it took you to get your condo title from anyone who has bought off plan. i dont like the idea of making full payment before i get the title.

  20. My mum in law asked for 250000. I explained she was second hand and 34. Got her half price.

    Second hand cost nothing...Mum has already been paid from first hand. Mum is happy you took her off the families hands....whistling.gif

    paying for divorced girl? as for another guys post, paying for one that is 38 years old? i dont know which one is more ridiculous. let the buyer beware. do some research before you go opening your wallet next time boys.

    My missus 34.....not legally married or divorced. Just had the thai village thing with ex man. Hes dead so.....went to his funeral.......I beleive your the clown. Been together 10yrs.

    you believe what you want. once thais live together they are considered married weather it was legally registered or not. is a bit like being considered defacto in the west after 6 months or a year. no thai would ever pay a sin sot for a girl in her thirties who has been in a defacto relationship. your mother in law must have been laughing all the way to the bank or where ever she spent the money. do some research on paying sin sots, google it. congratulations on the 10 years by the way, hope the mother in law isnt asking for ongoing payments as well.

    She gets <deleted> all! Thanks for your great wisdom. 125k is not like its the end of the world. ☺

    your world homes.

  21. My mum in law asked for 250000. I explained she was second hand and 34. Got her half price.

    Second hand cost nothing...Mum has already been paid from first hand. Mum is happy you took her off the families hands....whistling.gif

    paying for divorced girl? as for another guys post, paying for one that is 38 years old? i dont know which one is more ridiculous. let the buyer beware. do some research before you go opening your wallet next time boys.

    My missus 34.....not legally married or divorced. Just had the thai village thing with ex man. Hes dead so.....went to his funeral.......I beleive your the clown. Been together 10yrs.

    you believe what you want. once thais live together they are considered married weather it was legally registered or not. is a bit like being considered defacto in the west after 6 months or a year. no thai would ever pay a sin sot for a girl in her thirties who has been in a defacto relationship. your mother in law must have been laughing all the way to the bank or where ever she spent the money. do some research on paying sin sots, google it. congratulations on the 10 years by the way, hope the mother in law isnt asking for ongoing payments as well.

  22. My mum in law asked for 250000. I explained she was second hand and 34. Got her half price.

    Second hand cost nothing...Mum has already been paid from first hand. Mum is happy you took her off the families hands....whistling.gif

    paying for divorced girl? as for another guys post, paying for one that is 38 years old? i dont know which one is more ridiculous. let the buyer beware. do some research before you go opening your wallet next time boys.

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