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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. Life is a bitch when you have to anti up and become a man.

    While I agree with your sentiment I don't think the Thai army is the right institution to develop a kid into a man. Back where I grew up I did my compulsory military service gladly, and I would want my kids to do the same.

    In Thailand I would actively discourage them.

    i trained in the nz army reserves and it was a great experience but there is no way my half thai son is going into the thai army. he can serven in the nz army if he wants but even then as a parent i would prefer he didnt.

  2. To think people still see Thailand as 'safe' is beyond me. facepalm.gif

    thailand is safe, if

    1 you stick to the tourist areas,

    2 you dont engage in any business,

    3 you only rent everything

    4 you dont get involved with a thai woman.

    5 be calm at all times, if you are aggressive when you drink or are involved in any sort of conflict then thailand is not for you.

    6 if you get scammed, laugh it off, it was your fault for putting yourself in that situation in the first place.

    i have done 10 years here and have been scammed a few times but i laugh it off. stick to these rules and thailand is as safe as my home country of new zealand.

  3. Why dont you sort this issue out yourself by going and telling that Woman that you will not be lending her any money either now or in the future, so will She please stop asking,

    ouch. you are a ferang, stay the hell out of it. we are living in their country, they may perceive we owe them something.

    loved the advice about lending 500thb so they will avoid you in the future. can see that being an effective solution.

  4. it is my understanding these places in thailand are run as a business and i think it it safe to assume the ones in Cambodia are the same. i know people who tried to adopt from an orphanage in thailand and was told by the facility director that they were 'his children' and he had no intention of adopting them out. he was getting sponsorship for each child from private people. he did not want to loose the income. good friends of mine were sponsoring a young boy in pattaya, they decided to adopt him and were also told no. they were given a reason but it turned out to be false.

  5. Do either you or the wife have a Thai bank account?

    A transfer into it would be safe. Transfer Oz $ of course.

    i think doing 30 000thb or about 1000AUD withdraws from atm is the safest option. yellow ATMs give that amount and about 5AUD per transaction. this is very convenient and mean you dont have too much cash to worry about. i would suggest bringing at least 2 cards from home incase one has troubles.

  6. i looked into a NON im O as i have half thai children. it was explained to me that i would have to go to court to prove the kids are mine. it all seemed a bit confusing and was going to be expensive. i happened to be in nz and just posted in copies of kids birth certs,copies of mums id and my passport to thai embassy in auckland. 250nzd and now i have a 1 year multi entry visa. seems to be easier to do it in your home country as long as you have the documents. not sure if this will be an option for you. good news the mum does not have to go with you, you just need the right paperwork.

    Suggest you read this.

    How To Gain Parental Rights As A Father

    all great information thanks. the lawyers i talked to were even confused to what i would need to do to get the non im O in thailand. plan is at this stage to just go back to nz each xmas so the kids can see their grand parents and get the visa then. i was surprised how easy and cheaply the 1 year visa was to get in nz.

  7. i looked into a NON im O as i have half thai children. it was explained to me that i would have to go to court to prove the kids are mine. it all seemed a bit confusing and was going to be expensive. i happened to be in nz and just posted in copies of kids birth certs,copies of mums id and my passport to thai embassy in auckland. 250nzd and now i have a 1 year multi entry visa. seems to be easier to do it in your home country as long as you have the documents. not sure if this will be an option for you. good news the mum does not have to go with you, you just need the right paperwork.

  8. .............'legal case'.....I would love to hear more about that.....

    ......don't know the details............but............

    .......stripped of your rights...............and being helped by others......to lose everything you own......... would do that to people.....

    doing business as a foreigner is a tricky thing especially if it is a business you cant get a work permit for. foreigners cant rent our motorbikes. at a guess this guys bikes have been taken away. even if he was using any income to support his girl, her kids and her parents it makes no difference to the cops who are looking to keep his bikes and collect a fine. wish i could warn every ferang wanting to start a business in thailand that it is almost impossible to succeed here. guess they would not listen.

  9. Please listen to the little voice in your

    Head saying" Your a freaken IDIOT"!!!

    For having an open relationship with a hooker who has never asked me for money in 2 months? Who is great company in many ways... Yes I guess I'm an idiot

    all girls are hookers, if you get it for free take it. glove up, 10 years in patts i have never heard of anyone catching anything but you never know.

  10. Simply consider her a plaything, and get on with your life. See her on occasion, and have fun with her. But, if she cannot be honest with you, what do you guys really have? She sounds like lover material, not GF material. At least on the face of it.

    it surprises me how some guys get possessive of girls they are banging in thailand. what is the point of that? bang them, when you are bored move on. if you are getting it for free, enjoy it while it lasts, be prepared if a girl has been giving it to you for free she may require some severance pay.

    I have often heard it said "with most women, you are either paying on the front end, or the back end". I would say that relates to both pros, and most civilians. So, pay up front, and know exactly what you are dealing with, or pay on the back end, somehow, somewhere, in some form, or at some point. The guys on this forum who brag about getting it for free can be amusing at times. We all pay for it on some level. Very little punani in this world is free. Of course there are exceptions, for the Brad Pitt types, the young, and really handsome or well built guys, etc.

    cant argue wit any of that, except the brad pitts and charlie sheen types also have to pay in the end. wonder what jennifer ansiton got from brad when he upgraded to angelina jollie.

  11. Simply consider her a plaything, and get on with your life. See her on occasion, and have fun with her. But, if she cannot be honest with you, what do you guys really have? She sounds like lover material, not GF material. At least on the face of it.

    it surprises me how some guys get possessive of girls they are banging in thailand. what is the point of that? bang them, when you are bored move on. if you are getting it for free, enjoy it while it lasts, be prepared if a girl has been giving it to you for free she may require some severance pay.

  12. Why 2036?

    The technology is here now: VW, BMW, Telsa, Ford, Toyota, GM, Geely, BYD are currently the top 10 automakers for all-electric cars.

    Just as the BMT will lease electric buses and charging stations from the Chinese, it can do the same now with autos.

    The military government plotting a course for electric vehicle future in 20 years is about as useful as it plotting democracy.

    Questionable at best.

    best to make these quotas for at least 20 years in the future so everyone has a chance to forget about them

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