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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. i had plans to invest in thailand as a long term resident. moved about half my cash over and had 10 condos over 2 properties. what a mistake, tiny returns and big head aches. i was lucky to sell out and get most of my money out. now i have my 2 houses back in nz and i dont do anything but take cash from my nz ATM card when required. listen to the advice here. leave your cash outside thailand. there are enough sob stories about loosing everything in thailand as it is.

  2. Not a lot to do I'm afraid, no expat bars but I often see a couple of farangs sitting outside the general dealers store beside the bus station. Theres a swimming pool you can use at Puri Phanomrung Hotel for the kids and it's only a short trip into Buriram where theres now a cinema in the Robinsons complex. Nang Rongs a nice place now you don't need the expat bars just enjoy the local flavour.

    that hotel looks great if we can use the pool. how much do they charge to go for a swim if we are not actually staying there?

  3. thanks for all the advice so far. would be great to hear from any expats living in or near nang rong, especially with kids under 5 years. good tips especially on the swimming pool.

  4. If I were you, I'd go to a city nearby with more amenities for your family but in a reasonable distance to visit the 'out-laws' in Nang Wrong.

    kids mum has a nice house just outside a few km outside of nang rong courtesy of her italian ex husband. idea is for the grandparents to get some time with the kids.

  5. hi all. myself, my 2 pre school kids and their thai mum are heading up to nang rong for 5 months. we live in pattaya but i want the kids to spend some time with their grand parents before we relocate back to new zealand in a couple years. i sold my house in pattaya and am waiting for my condos to be finished so seemed like a good time to do it. we normally only do a few days a year up there so this is going to be a long stint. i have done a search on nang rong but can not find anything recent. any other expats living there, maybe an expat bar someone can recommend?

  6. You are asking the wrong group. Most here are burned out negative cynics. But your child would need to learn Thai to start school. There are many cultural differences and most Thais, especially in the North are decent people but they drink too much.

    you may call us burnt out cynics, but many of us are also very experienced thai expats. even if i had the money to spend my kids to high end international schools i would not. i want them to grow up grounded, surrounded by middle class people.

    Do you send the kids to the local "middle class" Thai public school ?

    my son is in private kindergarten. my daughter is only 1 year old. no way i would ever put my kids in thai public school, i would rather get on a plane tomorrow and leave. i doubt any westerner would want to to use thai public schools, some desperate to stay in thailand without the means to pay public schools probably do but they are putting their needs ahead that of their childrens.. i can handle private school fees for now but if my kids want to go to university in new zealand they will need to go to high school in nz. all my planning is working toward that goal.

  7. You are asking the wrong group. Most here are burned out negative cynics. But your child would need to learn Thai to start school. There are many cultural differences and most Thais, especially in the North are decent people but they drink too much.

    you may call us burnt out cynics, but many of us are also very experienced thai expats. even if i had the money to spend my kids to high end international schools i would not. i want them to grow up grounded, surrounded by middle class people.

  8. i love thailand. i moved here when i was 32 and have had the best 10 years of my life. climate, food thai woman, value for money etc but now my kids will be starting school in a couple years so i have to leave. i want them to have the best, that is not going to happen in thailand. still hard to accept that i am going to leave. your coming here to raise your daughter? this twists my brain. better come over for a holiday during the winter.

  9. The Catholic and Christian Church, the Vatican are like the maffia, or maybe even worse.

    They have committed well organized crimes against children, often orphans and always the weakest and most fragile in our society.

    They have truly instutionalized phedophelia.

    I still wait for the 1st priest or cardinal receiving a life sentence in jail.

    Until that day comes, I am not interested in these articles telling us they are 'working' on it.

    Hundreds could have been arrested already and thousands of children saved...

    agreed. seems the church is doing more to cover up these crimes than they will ever do to stop them.

  10. Sad, but few countries do a good job protecting their natural resources. Those that do have from their experience. The human race and the natural world are rarely in harmony.

    well new zealand is trying with over a third of its area now national parks. how much of this is due to trying to earn the tourist dollar and how much is trying to protect the habitat i dont know. unfortunately deer, rabbits, rats and possums have already had a heavy impact on the plants and native birds. would have been amazing to see nz before man arrived.

  11. Isn't that figure in the ball park for the daily average, in fact it may be a little lower.

    Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

    this always gets me as well. the international stats put average deaths on the roads at 72 per day but during songkran it rarely reaches that figure. some say that the official figure only counts people dead at the scene of the crash, not those who die later. i suspect these figures are more likely best case gestimates.

  12. This has got nothing to do with criminals in Thailand and everything to do with being able to stay in Thailand legally long term. I am 43 years old and have lived here for 3 years using a combination of visa exemptions and double entry tourist visas. I have been with my girlfriend for just as long and we are now going to get married earlier than planned in order for me to continue living here due to them eliminating the 2 entry tourist visas and scrutiny on visa exempts. I am not a criminal. In my 43 years i have only been arrested once when I was 14 for having 1/2 a gram of hashish. I don't work in Thailand as I don't need to, but also don't like wasting money on things like Thai Elite. I worked hard and invested and saved so I could retire and enjoy myself when I turned 40 which is exactly what I plan on continuing to due whether it be in Thailand or elsewhere.

    you are mistaken about elite visa being a waste of money. everyone i know said it is a great option and works out at only approx 3000usd per year. thats what i would be on if i did not have half thai kids which get me a non im O as i am 42 years old and retired.

  13. just wondered why a tourist would contact a newspaper, ? duh !! i hope this person reported it to the BIB. probably gone into hiding now. or camped out in a cornfield. just waiting for the " not guilty until proven " brigade to show up.. yeah right !!

    i went into the jomtien police station to report 2 of my staff who stole over 80 000thb in stock from my shop. i even had photo copies of their thai ID cards phone numbers and parents addresses. cops wrote 2 sentences in their log book and told me to go away. doubt they would care about some suspected foreign criminal who committed a crime on the other side of the world.

  14. "Six army officers accused of beating to death an army private in Yala province have been ordered to apologize in front of the victim’s body placed at a temple in Nakhon Si Thammarat province."

    Is that not going to compromise any future trial if they are going to plead not guilty?

    they were ordered to do it therefore it was not genuine. does not count so can not be used to incriminate them.

  15. Thai people "outraged" cheesy.gif

    Are these same people "outraged" by the death-toll on the roads with the bus / coach crashes ? Or some 50+ deaths a day of motor-bike riders ?

    Wonder how an "outraged" person behaves.

    lets not forget their lack of outrage at the levels of domestic abuse and corruption, or that they are being ruled by a military dictator. and let us reader not forget that drivel like this is often fabricated or sensationalized just to get us to read it.

  16. i am proud to say nz was the first make it legal, people are generally surprised this this only happened a little over 10 years ago. where is the crime? where is the victim? now that it is mostly advertised online with sites like adultworks even the prudes dont have to be offended by seeing the girls on the streets. legalise it, tax it, make it safe. how can the world be so stupid to think it can be stopped?

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