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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. It's time Australia starts protecting their own market and put their money where their mouth is. economic small cars is what they need for in the city.

    Turbo six and V8 utes and big sedans are a cornerstone of Australia's culture, though ive noticed more tradesman move to the toyota hilux over the holden/ford ute, in a few decades we wont have any choice

    i lived in oz for 10 years in that time oz car manufacturers showed very little effort in producing efficient hatcnacks and sports waggons. i never understood why.

  2. It is a win-win program for the two banks. Does it apply to foreigners?

    ha ha, for us to get it we need to buy in our thai girlfriends names. yes there are some people out there that stupid.

    The way I see this situation is.

    Firstly , I think you actually have to be married anyway.

    But, putting that aside for a minute, why is it so stupid to do this?

    If say the Farang ATM puts a small amount into this deal as a down payment, then maintains further monthly payments and the house is in the name of the wife/gf, then as long as the home remains "home sweet home" for the pair, then no problems.

    On the other hand , if things go tits up and depending how long would be left on the term of the loan when/if things did go sour, the house still belongs to the bank, and both parties could walk away with nothing to show for the years (or maybe months in some cases) of payments they have made on the house. The house debt would still be in her name not the farang's, so he could just walk away I guess and leave her to carry on the payments alone or walk off in another direction.

    The only time a problem could occur would be at the end of the loan period when all payments are made and it is time to transfer the deeds , which of course then would be in the wife's/gf's name. I think by the time this period has come. you should be able to reliably realise if she is likely to do a dirty on you or whether you can trust her.

    But then again TIT, so who knows?

    all good points and i would agree that if you are going to buy a house with your tirak then doing it with a small deposit over a long time frame is the best idea. in all honesty i think getting married is a mistake, i have done it twice and i dont know why i did it and why any guy would. secondly i think buying property in thailand is a mistake. again i have done this 3 times and i now firmly believe that it is better to rent everything.

  3. hilarious... coffee1.gif

    When you manage to stop laughing, google 'loan programme for first-home buyers', accept spelling correction, and then you will find a similar scheme has been operating in Oz for 16 years. I haven't checked all the 14.5 million hits, but I would bet that most are positive. The poor deluded fools obviously don't see the humour.

    Take a look at this, see if government programs still appeal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_juHR5uodjU

    I very much doubt if the current high price of housing in Oz can be tied to the first home buyers scheme. Sustained extremely low interest rates since the GFC have prompted buyers to pay more than worth (IMHO).

    i bought an apartment in oz just before the first buyers grant came in for 120k, after 2 years it would have sold for more than 180k. 150% increase in 2 years. grants like this just push prices up further out of reach of first buyers.

  4. i was in oz buying property just before the first home buyers grant came in. i only managed to buy one unit in melbourne before it came in but even still it shot up in value once the grant came in. home buyers grants just push prices up as demand is greater and people have bigger deposits and so can borrow more. there was an inquiry in oz why prices were going up. not mention of prices going up due to government grants, i dont know why.

  5. There are lots of people who go from nothing to very wealthy but don't know how to handle it or especially the beautiful women who will follow. It's like a bigger version of working guys who cash it all in and retire to a third world country where they are seen as rich. There will always be a woman standing there ready to take it. If they haven't had money all of their lives, many don't know how to keep from losing it.


    Charlie Sheen grew up in a Hollywood family and has been a star since the 80's with movies like Platoon & Wall Street.He should know as well as anyone how to take care of his money. Then again, he did lose the plot.

    lost the plot? while he was loosing the plot he was making alot of money doing his live tour. lots of celebs make more money loosing it by keeping them selves in the media eye. britney spears is a master of keeping herself in the public lime light.

  6. Even if it was in the girlfriends name you would still have no chance of getting a 50/50 split on it.how would you expect to get 50% of something you are not allow to own.

    If it was a wife, and not a girlfriend, then the divorce court would order it sold and then split the proceeds 50/50, that is how they get around the foreigner not being able to "own"

    this seems to be true but the cases i have heard of the ex wife just puts a high selling price on the land so it will not sell. hard to sell an asset in your ex wifes name if she does not want it sold. in the case of an ex wife's mothers name dont waste any money on lawyers, its just throwing away more money. you should have come here for advice before buying land in a country you are not legally allowed to own. i am not trying to belittle you, i did it twice, i am just lucky i managed to sell both of them and break even.

  7. hygiene is another point. i got an infected fore skin and had to march with it for several days, if i told a medic i may have been kicked off the course and would have had to repeat the it if i got to do it again. would a woman have done the same with hygiene issues? the 'hard assed foul mouthed' female they put in our section sprained he ankle when the going got tough and we never saw he again.

  8. But yes, back to the original topic, if the OP can obtain a multiple entry ED, he should not be asked questions when entering the country. If they start talking Thai, tell them u do TEFL or something, or otherwise learn the Thai equivalent of " I don't speak Thai very well yet".

    the guy i know had been on a learn thai study visa for more than 3 years. they checked him at the airport and his thai language skills were not good enough and he was not allowed back in the country. might be better to get an ed visa based on learning something else.

  9. i will be amazed if females can make it through seal training. they had to lower fitness standards for the nz army for females as almost none could do 10 chin ups or 30 push ups. if we could not do them we go booted. then there was an issue with them not wanting shaved heads, so that was changed, but only for them. then there was an issue about them being yelled at, so that had to stop.

  10. forget the small business idea. i have a small business which actually makes ok money and i am tired of the bull shit. generally it is almost impossible to make money, alot of head ache weather you do or not. thailand is a top spot for holidays. dont ruin it by moving here. maybe do one year teaching for some fun but dont waste your life doing it. most english teachers i meet trying to exist on 30 000thb per month have crappy lives. thailand is like a drug, and like most drugs if not taken in moderation it will ruin your life.

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  11. friends girl wanted to start a coffee shop. another friend said she should go work in a coffee shop to get experience and see if she likes doing it. great advice, but no she went straight ahead and opened the coffee shop which quickly failed once the sponsor stopped supporting it. i have never personally heard of a ferang setting his thai girl up in a business and it working out. they have ferang, why should they work? it might have happened though.

  12. I am only a pretend Kiwi, a Brit who lived and worked in wonderful NZ for a number of years.

    I an sure my Kiwi friends and colleagues will make a wise decision concerning their National Flag.

    There are, of course pro's and con's associated with any change and I understand the desire of those who want a flag that represents the true nature of their country.

    I will be sad if the Union Jack disappears from the flag because it does not represent, at least to me , "colonialism" but rather a long standing relationship which has stood the test of time and represents a true and continued friendship.

    Whatever is decided I will support and welcome.

    nz is part of the greatest club in the world. the commonwealth. we gain a lot from it and loose nothing. i am proud to be from British descent. god save the queen.

  13. Time to ditch the 'Butcher's Apron'. thumbsup.gif

    I think a few of the real Kiwi's who fought under the NZ flag would disagree with that, can combine the two, show some respect for the people who died in two World Wars, not on behalf of Uk, but on behalf of world freedom.

    What bullshit. Who cares about England and the Union Jack. That all stopped when the UK joined the EUC (or whatever it's called). We need our own flag and not anything to do with the UK. Cut loose. The Silver Fern is how we are known to ourselves. Not some bastardized English remnant of the 1930's. Jeeez.

    i care. i am proud of where we came from. taking the union jack off our flag is as flaky as a child divorcing its parents. the flag is not going to change, and we just pissed 26 million away in the process.

  14. lived in thailand 9 years. never once have i felt unsafe. well i was a bit nervous when i got locked up in na jomtien police station over a problem with my work permit but other wise i would say thailand is pretty good. i have seen a few aggressive guys get into trouble but follow the formula of being polite and not escalating any situation. example, if you get presented with a bin you think is to high try to negotiate it down. if it does not work wear it (normally a few dollars) and dont go back there.

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