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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. If the school is charging 16,900 I doubt they could afford the manpower for rent and teachers

    I went to a school years ago, hundreds of people registered and 1 classroom, tiny with 15-20 plastic stools lol

    I doubt they're allowed to operate like that anymore though

    That school survived by envelopes and we paid more than 16,900 even back then....

    this is a large banner right beside the jomtien immigration. and says the visa is issued by immigration. perhaps it does not include the school fees. i will try to remember to get a photo of the banner next time i am near there.

  2. Even photo evidence isn't 100% in this day and age. Just go look for yourself. I'll accept your apology post visit.thumbsup.gif

    i am heading up to nang rong next week. i will give some feed back on the beach. fingers crossed.

  3. Get a person to run it and buy it out. If they miss any payments take it back......

    sort of into the frying pan out of the fire advise how stupidclap2.gifclap2.gif

    i wanted to sell my business in pattaya which makes a profit of 1mill thb per year. i offered it to my 2 best employees for 1million bath. both said no but one said he would manage it for half the profit. it actually works out better for me that way. so far so good.

  4. just back from jomtien immigration. the shop beside the office where the philipinos work have a big sign on the wall saying education visas for 16 900thb. seems like a good deal.

    How many hours of study is that. Four hundred are needed to get a total stay of a year.

    no idea. just saw a large sign on the wall. seemed pretty cheap and was saying it is done by immigration, not an agency. i have a non 0 so i didnt bother asking about it. maybe someone else here knows.

  5. people seem to do alot of stupid things in thailand. i know alot of people who have bought condos in pattaya. they have paid for them in full including transfer fees but have not got their title. they have been waiting for over a year and none of them have even consulted a lawyer. i wonder if they would do this in their own countries. i am in their facebook group and one of them even got angry when i ask what their lawyer was advising.

  6. ok i got married twice. why? because i am a slow learner. getting married is a stupid thing to do (those here on a marriage visa are going to disagree) anyway getting divorced is a waste of time, i didnt the second time as still being married will stop me from doing it again. next thing is paying the mum for sole custody. she will have a price, otherwise it is a matter of taking her and your kid back to canada and keeping the kid there. western countries are generally helpful towards single parents. good luck with it all. i was luck the mum from my 2 kids turned out to be worth staying with, was hard work in the beginning however.

  7. i might still get a canoe to paddle around

    Good luck with that as I've never seen them on the lake/dam.

    i go to nang rong for a few days every year and it does seem like a thriving busy thai city.

    NR is not a city I'm afraid. A rural town yes. Nang Rong (Thai: นางรอง) is a town (Thesaban Mueang) of Buriram Province, north-eastern Thailand.

    ok, well i am a kiwi. to me 50 000 people seems like a city

  8. I lived many years in Pattaya.
    Never, never have I seen Thais men beat a stranger for no reason.
    I believe that this information is incomplete.
    So the comments that follow will be pure fanciful speculations as usual.

    well put. sure many thais may be itching to beat a foreigner especially knowing they will almost certainly get away with, however if you are polite and keep to yourself it is unlikely you will be the one they choose to vent on.

    amazes me how well we get treated by thai men, imagine if thai men went to a western country by the thousands and started<deleted> all the western woman. would be interesting to see how the western men in that country would take it. probably not so well.

  9. Nang Rong is a thriving city,


    Come to Nookies @ Sakut on Sunday afternoons....sometimes 20+ falangs there.

    Each to their own. icon_smile.gif

    i go to nang rong for a few days every year and it does seem like a thriving busy thai city. i am trying to give my kids a bit of a balanced up bringing so that they see some of thailand and some new zealand with them being half thai and half kiwi. i would prefer if their thailand part of their upbringing is not just pattaya. dont get me wrong i love pattaya (well jomtien any way) and would only in jomtien if it was not for the kids.

  10. Nothing wrong with the swimming pool on the left, 1-2km out, as you head out to Lahan Sai. As for the recommendation for 'NR Beach', I'd give that a miss mate. I wouldn't let my dog go in that water let alone kids.

    disappointing to hear. had my hopes up a little high on that one. fresh water was a bit of a long shot. i might still get a canoe to paddle around. how much does it cost for that swimming pool? my son would swim every day if he could and my daughter will start soon too.

  11. Thankfully, my wife is with me because she loves me. I didn't hire a hooker.

    I paid a former gf an allowance, and I felt as though she was with me for the money...moreover, the salary diminished her motivation to improve her life by her own efforts, so I lost respect for her....

    I do not pay my gf anything, and I explained to her that if she asked, it would mean our relationship is now a transaction, with no emotional commitment...both of us wanted a sincere relationship, so this was actually a pleasant conversation that demonstrated to each of us that we were sincere...

    When we do anything, I usually pay...so in actuality, she indirectly benefits about 6,000 month...I also buy some clothes occasionally, and small gifts...because I want to and I care for her...so the total compensation to her is about 8,000 a month...

    If she were to live with me, and I would welcome that...she would save further money on rent...bringing her indirect savings and compensation to about 15,000 a month...

    I would never pay a salary to any gf again...it sets a very bad precedent and insinuates to both parties that she's a prostitute at the core...

    guess it depends on the girl. i wanted kids and i wanted a girl who would look after them full time and not work. i knew this would be difficult in the west. now i pay my girl to look after my kids full time. 5 years smooth sailing. 15 to go.

  12. i ued to pay mine 3000thb/month to clean my guesthouse, however she was also working in a bar at the same time so it worked ok for both of us. now i pay her 15000thb/month as we have 2 kids. i also cover school and medical. all you haters are now going to say they would never have kids with a bar girl. my kids mum is probably the greatest mum i have ever seen.

    i see guys trying to pretend they have a girlfriend and just give them money when they ask for it. from what i have seen that technique seems to be far more expensive, not to mention stressful. alot of guys on here say they are not paying their girls anything. i have been in thailand a long time and have never seen this myself, if it exists it must be extremely rare.

  13. I brought my nippers there for the first time today & was mightily impressed with the kidzone on the 7th floor.

    Pattaya's been crying out for something like this.

    Seen similar in the US.

    This ticked all the boxes for me & we'll be regulars there even though it's far pricier than other Pattaya options.

    Hat's off to them.

    Didn't try any restaurants as mine were so shattered from running around that it was straight home for a wonderfully long afternoon snooze for whole family.

    That was worth the entrance fee alone imo.

    You what ? ..Think you posted on the wrong thread .

    kidz zone? where ? i am just back from nz where there is a playground on every block.

  14. i love shooting but it is obviously tricky in thailand. i bought a couple airsoft BB guns. battery opperated. they are alot of fun and easy to buy. magazines hold about 400 BBs. i deal with the paint ball club in pattaya. he has a pretty good stock of them. i use them indoors in pattaya or on my girls farm up north.

  15. must be hard for a western woman come to thailand and see a more natural side to western men. i avoid talking to western woman like most other people here i am guessing.

    I think most western women are already well aware of how some western men behave.

    You guess wrong, by the way. I enjoy talking to them, more so than I do to most western men here.

    woman in the west are surrounded by men who do and say just about anything to bed them, when they meet a guy who tells them how men really they would dismiss it.

    9 years of mixing with xpats in thailand and i would say you are the exception.

    I guess it depends what kind of expats you mix with. None of the men I know avoid western women. Many of them are married to one.

    i tend to mix with younger single expats as i have a watersports club. i dont know many westerners married to western woman,.

    one guy i know worked for GM and said GM tried to only employ westerners with western wives as so many of their staff were getting into trouble with thai girls. turns out about half the marriages had ended or were in trouble within a year of the couples moving to work to thailand. whats my point? western woman cant really compete with the charms of promiscuous thai girls. glad i was born a western man who can live in thailand.

    • Like 2
  16. must be hard for a western woman come to thailand and see a more natural side to western men. i avoid talking to western woman like most other people here i am guessing.

    I think most western women are already well aware of how some western men behave.

    You guess wrong, by the way. I enjoy talking to them, more so than I do to most western men here.

    woman in the west are surrounded by men who do and say just about anything to bed them, when they meet a guy who tells them how men really they would dismiss it.

    9 years of mixing with xpats in thailand and i would say you are the exception.

    • Like 1
  17. why any man would want to find true love? the only thing better in the world than being single is watching your kids grow up. for that you need to find someone you can tolerate, even that is difficult which is why the western birth rate has fallen so low we are destroying our countries by letting in foreigners not interested in our western way of life in an effort to prop up the population.

  18. i moved to thailand 9 years ago after a few western relationships. i knew having kids with a western woman was not going to work for me. raising kids is the most important thing in the world and not something i was ever going to excel at. i have 2 kids with a thai woman. i doubt i could ever find a western woman who would devote her life to our kids like she has. on the flip side a thai woman will ruin your life if you let her, no different from the rest of the woman i suppose.

  19. There's a place called Pob Sook in Nang Rong on the 24 at the bus station end. That used to be a falang meeting place....not sure about it now.....haven't been for a long time. There are some good eating places on the 2073 heading to Cham Ni and a music club on the edge of a lake on the left hand side of the road. Come to Nookies @ Sakut on Sunday afternoons....sometimes 20+ falangs there.

    that sounds really promising and i will check it out early may when i get there.

    like i said we have been going there once a year for a few years now so i know what i am getting into.

    really appreciate all the advice. i have been on thai visa and so much of it seems to be very negative. it is good to see some good positive information. i am sure this was the idea behind this site when it was set up.

  20. I invested $4500 USD into my Thai girlfriend's hair salon. She is now making about 60, 000 baht a month. The only condition for investing the money was I never give her another penny. I figure I have saved myself millions of dollars making this investment. I am not joking and I hope this helps.

    if this is true it is the most successful thai girlfriend investment i have ever heard about. congratulations. my girl talked about starting a bar, i preferred to just pay her a salary to have kids. cheaper and more rewarding.

    congratulations again. anyone else got a success story like this? they are pretty rare.

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