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Posts posted by williamgeorgeallen

  1. 2 hours ago, impulse said:

    She wasn't killed by her cell phone.  She was killed by the wire plugged in to the wall socket.


    unlikely. more likely is it was the extension cord that the charger was plugged into. can people really not go long enough to take a shower or bath without checking facebook?

  2. 4 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    This would be an epic mistake.


    While I understand from a Thai point of view the desire to keep things in the family (That's how Thais do things), I cannot imagine a scenario whereby the military and the Powers That Be would allow another Shinawatra to attain power.


    It would be great for Thailand if a non Shinawtra were to lead the party, then perhaps things might quiet politically.



    they want to win the election so they need a shin. doubt stability is considered. general still cant figure out a way to stops the shins from winning the next election. i suspect it keep him up at nights.

  3. 12 hours ago, overherebc said:

    Serious question only to do with numbers.

    Can someone please post 1 billion and one trillion as is understood? ie 1 and the required number of zeros.

    Or write it as 1 million million or 1000 million whatever, I really don't understand it.

    1000 one thousand

    1 000 000 one million

    1 000 000 000 one trillion

    1 000 000 000 000 one billion


    yanks have a different way of doing it that i dont quite understand. thing they just go in multiples of a thousand after getting to one million.

    i hope there is enough money left over for the 7 million new people who signed up for welfare.

  4. about one quarter of the population (about one third if you only take those over 18) earns less than 3000US$/year and has less than 3000US$ in assets. have to wonder if the number of poor has really doubled or it is due to more people registering. doubt the general will be talking too much about this.

  5. 11 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    Throw this insolent clown out on his ear. He's a disgrace to the prosecutors who conduct themselves in an orderly and professional manner. He's another of the idiots who constantly have to ask people "Do you know who what I am?"

    prosecutors are all stupidly corrupt. they work together with cops extorting money from people in return for not pushing cases to trial.

  6. to anyone reading this think twice about getting married to a thai woman. it makes many problems and legally gives her standing to take your stuff. just do a temple wedding that you can walk away from.

    for the OP sounds like you will get away with this but it is time to stop talking about this. hope you have not told anyone other than the thousands of people on this forum.

  7. 2 hours ago, Enoon said:


    Well done for attempting paragraphs.


    Try to remember "i before e except after c" (usually).


    The incident you describe in your OP sounds like the sort of thing that might play out between two insecure/jealous teenagers (or emotionally cracked/stunted adults).  Has that been the story of all your relationships?


    Well you did ask for "thoughts".


    That's what you get for going public.



    no one likes a grammar nazi. people should be allowed to post on her without being hassled about spelling, especially non english speakers. people should try to stay on topic. you want to talk about spelling start another post.

  8. 10 hours ago, samsensam said:

    Now the thing here is she is well looked after by me


    there is a whole wonderful world out there in thailand where you dont have to pay someone to be your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend, there are polite, educated, attractive people with good jobs and interesting lives who make great friends/girlfriends/boyfriends.


    get out of the bars, away from locals who hang around bars and stop paying people to be with you, then your life in the kingdom will be enriched.

    my friends who tried this ended up loosing a lot of money and houses. better stick to the bargirls and just give them a salary and stick to it come hell or high water. better yet stay single. you could have got out of that situation just by handing the tip to the person you wanted to tip. hopefully you read this and handle the situation better next time. for christs sake if something like this happens again dont go round to her house the same day, leave her for at least a few days to cool down. sounds like you have already ruined your girl so best to cut her free and move onto the next one, or better yet stay single.

  9. 1 minute ago, worgeordie said:

    Rubber prices will bounce back,according to the PM.

    regards Worgeordie

    maybe if there is strong inflation.

    if the price has been falling over time it is a safe bet it will continue to do so. we are going through the same thing in new zealand with wool prices. it is moving farmers away from sheep farming and toward other more profitable enterprises. thais seem to resist change.

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