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Nick ZepTepi

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Posts posted by Nick ZepTepi

  1. nick or tutsi
    would either one of you mind if i asked you a few questions in pm regarding living  in vietnam?
    i dont want to clutter up the forum and it would be nice to have a short conversation on a few aspects before moving

    Go ahead

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  2. Da Nang is fine, I'm in a local suburbs south of the airport. Easy bike to the beach and bars. No hassles hawkers even tuk tuks western mall vincom supermarkets gyms western apartment much nicer weather, I'm not much for nightclubs so can't comment but there​ loads of karaoke!

    Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk

  3. It does work that way for visas and extensions. The 50 years is counted from your date of birth.


    Just to confirm - correct if I'm wrong.

    I enter on a standard SETV before my 49 birthday.
    I have my 49th bday a couple of weeks after entry.
    When I go for a extension to that SETV if I do the right paperwork I can get a 1 year extension based on retirement age.

    Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

  4. tried to enter at Suvarnabhumi just with EU passport and got denied entry because of too many tourist visa/visa exemption on arrival. When asked for money proof I showed my Thai banks ATM cards but they wanted to see only cash (that I could not access before Immigration barrier)
    What sort of crazy place has Thailand become ? now I will go to Phnom Pehn to see if they can give me a visa and will try to re enter just to recover the staff in my Pattaya condo and the millions baht in my stock/market and bank accounts , but I am seriously thinking to relocate. 

    Cash in hand is becoming rarer, I have sufficient in banks, I thought I could show bank balance on my phone apps but what your saying that will be a no go.

    Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

    I mean exactly this school hand2handcombat.
    I just want to know little more about this school.
    I have seen youtube video from this school but it looked very bad so I  have wanted to get little more information from someone who attended this school.

    What do you mean by very bad? Standards of decor and cleanliness are not the same as the west.
    Quality of teaching & access to a Ed-visa with low hourly commitment is worth more than a lick of paint.

    Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

  6. So I looked up your past post at http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?/topic/930392-Tourist-Visa-Yangon#entry11122035

    So in the end you didn't need to show flight tickets/ reservations?

    You also raised a question I'd never thought of -- I assumed a hotel reservation would be for somewhere in Thailand, but you were asking if it was actually for wherever one would go to after exiting Thailand. I'm not clear on which it is.

    I admire your dodged determination.
    I've just looked through my posts & it was like walking through treacle.

    Anyway the mods have rolled it into a pinned thread so it came off my feed.

    The hotel booking thing, was questioned as the embassy states near the border. I think this was done for people claiming bus travel with no ticket. They assume a stop over in a border town before crossing.

    From my experience and & the other reports there is little chance you will be asked for anything other than flight into Thailand.

    Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

  7. I believe its a recent change. Every article points to needing a Non O at the very least. The other issue is I believe Immigration won't issue a resident permit on a Tourist visa. It needs to be done at the Embassy.

    Immigration will issue a certificate of residence on application but it takes weeks unless you pay for fast tracking.

    You can't start the licence application until you have it.

    If you have a home country licence that covers what your applying for you don't have to take the test.

    Medicals are easy peasy from the local Dr near the licence place.

    Sent from my S7 using Tapatalk

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