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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Riding a motorbike to work, crossing the street, swimming during monsoon, touching anything powered by electricity, pissing off a gun loving Thai person, hanging out with the wrong girl....the list goes on. We risk our lives everyday here, I don't think terrorists can make it that much more dangerous.

    Let's not give them what the want - our fear.

    The above are personal choices. Thats why i dont get a hoot about men and their bargirls..............hahahahaha.

    Being attacked by ISIS isnt a choice.......not the same same.

    IsIS doesnt want your fear they want you dead! You peopel sound like politicians.

  2. I would like to see armed soldiers now at obvious areas of potential attack all over town. Including beaches. They have declared war against civilization. They're not kidding around. Would that depress tourists? Sure it would but the alternative is what? Waiting for the attacks?

    My concern is that if ISIS is spotted the security guards would run away!

    All this nonsense govt officials say about dont let ISIS affect how you live is pure PABLUM. I think about being hit everyday in THAILAND. Im relieved when i get back to my hotel at the end of the day.

  3. Hmmm, possibly your the problem, not them.. Meeting them easy enough, yet move in, things go horrible wrong... Take a look in the mirror, as honest questions.. Theres a lot of good ladies around, but they dont hang out at bars..

    Again good wimmin r not interested in 65 old man. Did you read where he is waiting on his pension. His good years are way behind him.

  4. Am 65 just. I have worked for the past 5 years in Thailand to save my savings money and wait for my pension from Canada due today actually. On Non O for my life in T'land.

    My plan before coming back to Thailand after 40 years, was to go to Thai School, which I did, find work, which I did and third find a good women.

    I have met many good women, some just not right for me, to live with or marry, as I said I married 5 years ago and it did not last, after dating the woman for 6 months, she had ulterior motives.

    No I am not a bum, and not looking for sex, I do live in Isaan and have many friends happily married. I am educated, well traveled slim and fit.

    I have spent more than 10 years in the far east and appreciate the difference in peoples and cultures.

    I do know when the time is right it happens, otherwise you are not ready for it and do not appreciate it or recognize it as such.

    Many of the Isaan women who speak English are working in Bangkok, Pattaya and Phuket, many have asked me to come there, but like a Thai man I am not into travelling hours to meet someone. I have been there and done that.

    I appreciate the positive replies.

    Have u given thought with hooking up with a MATURE thai girl.................hahahaha.

  5. I'm marrying A woman that I met on the net,Wayn.She finishes her PHD around June.We will be living at her place around 6

    Months out of the year and the rest in the US.Um you might want to bend A little.Maybe lighten up.I find that everyone lies.Maybe

    Some are small white lies.No big deal.You can hunt far and wide your not going to find perfect.You probably have some things

    That many women don't like either.I try to comprise.Roll with the punches.

    Patience is the key. I met mine after 3 years and 3 disasters but I learned from each one. We met on the Thai Love Links site she is 26 now and I am 77 been together 4 years now get along great. After I pass somebody is going to get a wonderful woman. I truly hope they appreciate her. They are out there. After 3 disasters I laid what I was offering on the table. We negotiated and came to an amicable agreement. Your biggest disadvantage is coming here with lust in your eyes and a loose wallet. It takes time to work your way through that. There is a lot of coal out there but sift through it for the diamonds. There are all kinds. The funniest one I heard lately was a young lady with 2 kids looking for a guy no sex involved but wanted to be maintained. She spoke no English but had high expectations.

    3 x the age of your wife. hahahahahahahahaha! guys who preach age is only a number are dangerous....to the fools who beleieve it.

  6. I'm marrying A woman that I met on the net,Wayn.She finishes her PHD around June.We will be living at her place around 6

    Months out of the year and the rest in the US.Um you might want to bend A little.Maybe lighten up.I find that everyone lies.Maybe

    Some are small white lies.No big deal.You can hunt far and wide your not going to find perfect.You probably have some things

    That many women don't like either.I try to comprise.Roll with the punches.

    Patience is the key. I met mine after 3 years and 3 disasters but I learned from each one. We met on the Thai Love Links site she is 26 now and I am 77 been together 4 years now get along great. After I pass somebody is going to get a wonderful woman. I truly hope they appreciate her. They are out there. After 3 disasters I laid what I was offering on the table. We negotiated and came to an amicable agreement. Your biggest disadvantage is coming here with lust in your eyes and a loose wallet. It takes time to work your way through that. There is a lot of coal out there but sift through it for the diamonds. There are all kinds. The funniest one I heard lately was a young lady with 2 kids looking for a guy no sex involved but wanted to be maintained. She spoke no English but had high expectations.

    3 x the age of your wife. hahahahahahahahaha! guys who preach age is only a number are dangerous....to the fools who beleieve it.

  7. A piece of advice for most Thai women. Avoid most Thai men. I have heard hundreds of stories of their levels of jealousy, and violence. I am sure there are a lot of good Thai men out there, who are capable of being a kind and supportive boyfriend. But, the odds are stacked against the average Thai women, in her ability to find one. At the very least, really take your time getting to know him. there are quite a lot of Thai men that are very emotionally immature, and incredibly insecure, according to the many stories I have heard. She works in a massage parlor, and he is the jealous type? And he chose her? <deleted>? Was he trying to create a difficult situation for everyone involved? Why can't guys just walk away from bad situations? It is not working out. Find a new woman, instead of trying to kill her. She does not like you anymore. She had very, very ample reason for not liking you anymore, obviously. You are a fool, and a freak of nature. You lack substance, you are immature, you have no sense of self, you have nothing. You are nothing. And on top of all of that, you are now a homicidal maniac.

    Are you saying a SEX tourist is a better option?

    No. Absolutely not. But there are many, many very good men, who come here, and are sincere, financially stable, intelligent, industrious, accomplished, affectionate, romantic, and are looking for a good Thai woman, to take good care of. Not a bad option for a good Thai woman.

    I disagree wholeheartdly. Good men who make good husbands and fathers have no interest in THAILAND and its floozy wimmin...........................lol.

    Other than Floozy wimmin Thai has nothing to offer.

    PS i like Thai's Floozy wimmin.

  8. A piece of advice for most Thai women. Avoid most Thai men. I have heard hundreds of stories of their levels of jealousy, and violence. I am sure there are a lot of good Thai men out there, who are capable of being a kind and supportive boyfriend. But, the odds are stacked against the average Thai women, in her ability to find one. At the very least, really take your time getting to know him. there are quite a lot of Thai men that are very emotionally immature, and incredibly insecure, according to the many stories I have heard. She works in a massage parlor, and he is the jealous type? And he chose her? <deleted>? Was he trying to create a difficult situation for everyone involved? Why can't guys just walk away from bad situations? It is not working out. Find a new woman, instead of trying to kill her. She does not like you anymore. She had very, very ample reason for not liking you anymore, obviously. You are a fool, and a freak of nature. You lack substance, you are immature, you have no sense of self, you have nothing. You are nothing. And on top of all of that, you are now a homicidal maniac.

    As ridiculous posts go, this must be one of the most ridiculous. If Thai women avoid Thai men, what do you suggest they do instead?

    I said most. Not all. Thai men need to be vetted very carefully. Many have some qualities that do not make them the most ideal boyfriends. I hear this countless times, over, and over, and over. From all over the country. From all walks of life, from all strata of society. Insanely jealous, very possessive, occasionally violent, rarely romantic, and on and on and on. I am not making this stuff up. There is a reason why so many Thai women opt for foreign boyfriends.

    A fat, smelly old farang over a low class thai boy? Hmmmmmmm...........not much of a choice.

  9. Unfortunately this happens to often. To many foreigners are falling in love and taken advantage off by their girl or boy friends. It's a beautiful country with opportunities to find partner, for a very few it comes with a high cost. It's sad every time this happens.

    I think its the other way around.

    Not a beautiful country with few oppurtunities to find a REAL partner.

  10. Some of these markets are way over priced due the the cost of rent and as land prices keep going up so does the rent and you reach a point where you have to make a change. The Onnut market is a good example, a glass of wine was 200 baht, a small Heineken beer 90 baht, a hamburger 200 baht.... Rent for a small stand 30k a month, place to sell beer 200,000 a month... Landlords making money and that's about it. They are also breeding grounds for rats and low life's.

    Whats going up there? A condo?

  11. Some of these markets are way over priced due the the cost of rent and as land prices keep going up so does the rent and you reach a point where you have to make a change. The Onnut market is a good example, a glass of wine was 200 baht, a small Heineken beer 90 baht, a hamburger 200 baht.... Rent for a small stand 30k a month, place to sell beer 200,000 a month... Landlords making money and that's about it. They are also breeding grounds for rats and low life's.

    Whats going up there? A condo?

  12. A piece of advice for most Thai women. Avoid most Thai men. I have heard hundreds of stories of their levels of jealousy, and violence. I am sure there are a lot of good Thai men out there, who are capable of being a kind and supportive boyfriend. But, the odds are stacked against the average Thai women, in her ability to find one. At the very least, really take your time getting to know him. there are quite a lot of Thai men that are very emotionally immature, and incredibly insecure, according to the many stories I have heard. She works in a massage parlor, and he is the jealous type? And he chose her? <deleted>? Was he trying to create a difficult situation for everyone involved? Why can't guys just walk away from bad situations? It is not working out. Find a new woman, instead of trying to kill her. She does not like you anymore. She had very, very ample reason for not liking you anymore, obviously. You are a fool, and a freak of nature. You lack substance, you are immature, you have no sense of self, you have nothing. You are nothing. And on top of all of that, you are now a homicidal maniac.

    Are you saying a SEX tourist is a better option?

  13. Im surprised things like this dont happen more often. Imagine if you gf had sex with 500 men a year...................lol. Yes i know it just a job...but still.

    Where does it say she was having sex with anyone? Unless you know the massage place in question and know they offer more than is on the menu, then you're talking out of your arse. The massage places I've been to offer massage, and that's it.

    You may be right.........................................hahahahahahahaha!

  14. why take a bar girl in the first place if you are serious about a REAL relationship ? But that might mean having to learn Thai and having to deal with other serious self issues first.

    Ha... I think it's more pathetic if you are rich and still have to be with a bar girl smile.png

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    some of us are just sex addicts... it doesn't mean that we're bad people (speaking for myself only, of course) ;-)

    I see a lot of REAL relationships thta are just full of s.h.i ...t.

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