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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. OP, don't ever keep someone's wife in your home for a couple of days. That man is threatening you because you kept his wife in your home without his concern. If you had to keep her in your home, the right thing that you would have done was to contact the man and find out what the problem was that his wife left to your home. You didn't do this and kept her in your home for a couple of days, dragging yourself into her problem with her husband. Tomorrow the man will accuse you of giving his wife bad doctrine to leave him. If not, why were you keeping her in your home when she is not your wife? Her sister is you girlfriend but that does not allow you to house her when she has problems with her husband. Your life is in eminent danger. You heard the story from her and took it for the gospel truth which according to me is wrong. The man is this, the man is that, let her do the right thing by contacting the Police, her parents, her in laws, social welfare, etc to look for a solution. If a divorce then good and fine. Not coming to stay in your home and hiding. She doesn't want the man, let her use the right channel to divorce him. Between a man and a woman, keep your mouth shut and keep your distance. Tomorrow that woman will go back to that man and will be the first person to tell him that you were encouraging her not to go back to him again. Now that your life is in danger, will you go into hiding too? You look for this problem yourself by keeping someone's wife in your home without contacting the man to find out what was wrong. Now contact the Police to protect yourself.

    You nailed it.

    I agree - that is how the guy will reason in this situation.

    You are easy bait. A drunk / crazy guy doesnt want to hurt his wife or her sister, but if you are involved you will be easily blamed and attacked for any number of reason.

    If says he wants to kill someone, he should be taken seriously.

    I would not insert myself in this situation.

    I see your point, but it's too late now ...

    She came here from BKK, 110 km to Sriracha, 22:00 what should I do? Tell her go away ...

    Funny is that many times I help this guy lend him some money, pay buffet and now what?

    Everything is forgotten.

    Lending money to a poor guy isnt helping............hahaha. Poor boy will lose face when others find out he cannot pay you back. Only solution in his mind is kill you silly azz.

  2. Agree that drunk Thai moron can be very dangerous.

    You have to solve this the Thai way - your girlfriend has to make the family solve the problem. Insist on it. Quietly and calmly insist on it.

    My girlfriend family, they can't take care about themselves ...

    First reaction of old mama back in Isaan was where is Toyta car, did you leave with car?

    She don't care about happiness of her daughter at all ... money, lotus flowers and alcohol.

    Guys parents are dead, he is 52 years old.

    Family problem is always my problem, sadly.

    I wasn't so lucky with my Thai relatives as other members

    The majority of guys who say they have good decent family members are LYING..............hahaha.

    Esp the ones who built mansions in the middle of the 'sticks.

  3. My advise - do not post garbage like this in your opening post -

    ""I mean, I've been in all kind of scum in this trash country,""

    He is only reflecting the kind of company he keeps?

    You know ditching the gf might be a good idea. Who needs this kind of non-sense .

    Just go get a hi-so gf........................hahhaahaha.

  4. Goodness me, I am sure the poor young girl things the same about your "base animal level" as she is "enduring" your old wrinkly carcass panting all over her whilst she is covered in drool.

    Without the need for cash none of these girls would put themselves through a single night with 95% of the old geezers on here.

    I find it all repulsive. I doubt anyone of you has the fortitude to google the human trafficking nightmare in this part of the world and the training ground Thailand has become for shipping prostitutes all of the world. Just carry on regardless telling yourself you are part of a social justice plan contributing to a way of life these women would not have without you,, very sad.

    As I have said before, I hope there is a custodial sentence for the "punters" sometime soon.

    A Thai girl recently told me she loves her younger bf (close to her age), but strings along a few older guys bc she's very concerned about getting married and not sure if the young guy will commit. Seems pretty indicative of what a lot of em are thinking. I don't want to discount the importance of money and the allure of an older, more mature man, but it seems like many of these girls would in fact prefer a guy closer to their age. I still meet girls all the time that are married to older men and play around every chance they get.

    Funny thing. Poor old men dont attract young girls.............................hahahaha.

  5. What a load of Horlicks, Most Thai women Go into prostitution becasue there are no jobs for them, Many are poor and many have been abandoned by their Thai partners usualy with children. Thai women cannot get jobs until they are 18, then they are told they are to old at 30. If you know nothing else you would say, "yes I like my job"

    Utter nonsense Thailand has plenty of jobs and I have met girls with good degrees who have given up work to go into prostitution. They don't like the work, what they like is the money, that's why they do it and not because there are no other jobs

    If this were true more bkk chicks would be hookers. Its no wonder most cum from upkountry-where edukation is just not up to par.

    Always exceptions. None is pattaya though...........hahaha.

  6. Believe it or not Gecko, the lads don't think their women are stunners.I have asked this question years ago.The like white women or whitish Thai's from the north.I asked,do you mind farangs getting a piece of the action,and they laughed.A Thai man has always beat you to it,go for it.Admittedly,there are a lot more farangs around these day,so a few lads might get narky.

    Agree. Thai women with darker skin have a social stigma, means they are low class for working in the rice fields to Thai males. All the better for us falangs. Some of the Issan women are drop-dead gorgeous.

    i Wish these drop dead gorgeous dark skin babes start showing up in bars. All i see is old , higghly unsightlt women.

    To make matters worse is these hard on the eye types are the ones guys choose to marry......whats up with that.....hahahaha.

  7. I backed a winner FINALLY.

    11+ years together - never a separation.

    Against all the odds eg recently relocated to be close to her parents. In fact, the parents live with us.

    She designed & supervised the new mansion. Far more than I would build but all are happy.

    There is nothing she wouldn't do to make my life more comfortable (except TV - always Thai).

    Language is tough. I could speak elementary Thai prior to relocation BUT they cannot understand me & vice versa.

    Wife acts as interpreter as very few locals speak English.

    To assist post #280, I am 67 & wife is 36yo.

    Thanks . very much appreciated. @ the beginning you were 56 n girl was 25..............hahaha.

    Also need to put in context. Place where you met. And if on 1st introduction girl was a number.

  8. I live near several universities and often see those 'gorgeous co-eds girls' with their young Thai boyfriends ... until I take a close look and notice that their 'boyfriend' is a young female tom because those gorgeous co-eds are totally disenchanted with the shallowness of those young late teen boys of whom you are so envious.

    "...because those gorgeous co-eds are totally disenchanted with the shallowness of those young late teen boys of whom you are so envious."

    Right. I'm sure teenagers of either sex are all about hooking up with intellectually stimulating companions ... like elderly,skint farang who ride about on bicycles scoping out groups of teenage boys or those who have day dreams about what gorgeous co-eds decades younger than them really want in the way of male companionship.


    this gecko guy is a pervert. He just tries to hide it.....................hahahaha.

  9. No single mothers pension, child support, social security, ect in thailand. + 100 other variables.

    I bet the dogooders on this page arent giving these girls money every month through the goodness of there heart. So how are they supposed to survive? They dont want to work for 200 to 300 bart per day. Any ideas?

    Millions of other hard working Thai mothers are coping without giving their sexuality to anyone who pays.

    Are these millions upon millions from upkountry?

    There not giving up their sexualitee. To them its just a job.

    I say its ingrained in them from birth.

  10. It was not a Farang, but an Indian she was now in love with, who also visited her parents few times. She was about to go back leaving her barlife on 12 November 2015. They already had planned to buy a home in her hometown. Couple was about to marry in February 2016. She will always be in heart. RIP Lucky (Wilailak Pidtatasa)!!!

    No offense. But your comment about purchasing house means we all know it wasnt 'bout LOVE.

  11. What a sad waste of life. This lady might have kids or dependant family members. Absolutely senseless, barbaric behaviour.

    Very difficult to figure out why exactly the male population in this country has such a disproportionately high amount of complete nutters in it. I hope the man gets his just desserts down the line somewhere. Very deserving

    Crazy is not a Thai thing.

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