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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. you better check she actually wants to work. you probably will have a hard time getting a straight answer as she will probably just say what she thinks you want to hear. if she does not want to work then you are wasting your money. you need to ask her in a way that it looks like you don't mind what she wants to do. I got my girl a job when our boy started school, her response 'I have ferang, I don't need to work'

    Dont underestimate this. Many guys are only seen as human ATM.

    The farang wants to get out from under the financial pressure. The girl thinks what financial pressure.....................................hahahahahaha.

  2. Should tell soibiker about this according to him its only foreigners that complain. Seems Thais also think that its a taxi drivers job to bring them to their destination if they have a in service sign on. Its even a law that they have too.

    According to him its not so bad with taxi drivers.

    While i agree in general there is a large group of taxi drivers that is bad certainly not a majority

    There's another story making the rounds about a Thai guy catching a driver with a rigged meter. He records the whole incident and actually says "If you do this to foreigners, they won't come to our country."

    Oh yes they will come. Taxis are a nuisance. GIRLS, girls ,girls...........hahahaha.

  3. I made a mistake with my sin sod. I did not understand the culture and face that goes with Thai culture. (hopefully I do now) My fiancé asked that I put 1,000,000 TB on the floor on our wedding day. I placed 100,000 on the floor and my Aussie friends who witnessed my wedding had put $100 notes there to. But I also had a large collection of gold coins in a book. These were taken from their carefully, years long presentation and thrown on to the small pile of money. I was horrified. The 50 odd people who surrounded the counting of the money and seemed unimpressed suddenly had smiles on their faces. We had an outdoor wedding reception. Under large tents with a catering team of locals. Hundreds from the village came with envelopes of money. Huge speakers blasted out music.

    My wife said, you give me large face to my village. Now we have built a very nice modern house in the village. My Aussie mates call it the Taj Mahal. My adopted children call me papa and dad. I loathe cats, but 5 cats have adopted me. I had had one claw its way up my leg to be in my arms. They chase the dogs away that threaten our chickens and ducks. They have also warned me about snakes before I saw them, never saw so many snakes in my life.

    So it is all about face but ultimately it is all about love. And a wonderful life in Thailand, a good wife, beautiful village people that will do anything for you. I will always make sarcastic remarks about some losers that just don't get it.

    If you spread tons of money around, everyone will 'love' you..

    You are living in a fool's paradise

    Good luck


    Seems even the cats know a fool when they see one................hahahaha.

    A taj Mahal built in the village has zero resale value!

  4. Yeah.. big story.. Thailand has prostitutions problems with young girls, Duh....

    Where have they been for the last 40 years? this is a sensationalism piece of journalism,

    must be very quit in channel 7 to wake up now to Thailand prostitution issues,

    Oh yeah.. and don't forget to do another big expose on corruptions in Thailand too....

    Prostitution seems to be ingrained in the culture of just about every community in Issan. No one cares less. Only a small fraction of foreigners use under aged girls compared to Thai men.

    In my mrs village of about 500 houses only one girl is known to have become a prostitute and it's seen as shameful and not mentioned, so I don't think you can generalize about Issan this way.

    How many of these are farang built palaces?

  5. And a month after you start your business there will be two Thais copying you on the same street.

    A month after that one of the two reports you to immigration for working without a work permit.

    Thai wife or Gf NEED to work,not foreigner at firs place!!!

    Besides ,you need to have mobile booth or stall!!

    Selling food and beverages with low investment can be good option!

    The p0rpoise of marrying farang is so one doesnt need to work..................hahahaha.

    I got a lot to learn about thai kulture!

  6. What is material cost in the 1000 baht a day ?

    and how long have you been doing it wihout someone setting up next to you ?

    I just look at Krispy Kreme donuts , 30 minute wait or longer when they started and now most are gone ,

    But the motorbike food cart is a good idea because if the first idea does not work , you can try it at another location or change what you are selling without too much trouble,

    did you buy the motorbike food cart already built ?

    Thai accounting says there is no cost when farang is fronting money..........................................................hahahaha.

  7. + Bought the food cart/motorcycle "used" but in great shape. Stainless steel was nice.

    Cost was 23,000THB.

    + I'm teaching them to keep food costs between 30% - 38%. It depends on the drink.

    Some drinks have better margin than others.

    + Of course, there's a zillion other carts around them, but no one else doing Iced Coffee Drinks.

    + Next Step: Get them a chest freezer. I found some "freezer bags" on Mainland USA. I want them to freeze their own ice.

    Use bottle water, fill freezer bags designed for 5lb to 25lb blocks of ice. Easy. Will save time and money.

    + To open a KKreme donut place would cost millions and millions. Don't do it.

    + They initially had a little bit of "push back" from local school about selling Coca-Cola. Sugar. The issue was sugar.

    Now -- they focus on Iced Coffee Drinks.

    + I will get them a machine for Fruit Smoothies soon.

    NOTE: This is not a great picture. It is my sister-in-law. The cart looks a lot better.

    I'll see if I can get a better picture to show you the stainless steel. It is very nice.

    Will you cut the KHRAP. YOUR business is successful becaues you will keep providing (CAPITAL) seems forever.

    Another idea you buy buy equipment!

    sis real. You just playing mamby pamby!

  8. Seen someone want to sell frozen yogurt business, equipment machine and knowledge used to belong to his GF

    he's asking 140,000 for the lot, that can be a good thing if she can find a good location to sell and it's

    easy to operate...

    So this is what happened to MR CHEF...............lol. One fool offloading wifeys business to another. The hilarity.

    Marry wives coz you love them and their family. Making them make their own money just isnt going to work.

  9. Seen someone want to sell frozen yogurt business, equipment machine and knowledge used to belong to his GF

    he's asking 140,000 for the lot, that can be a good thing if she can find a good location to sell and it's

    easy to operate...

    So this is what happened to MR CHEF...............lol. One fool offloading wifeys business to another. The hilarity.

    Marry wives coz you love them and their family. Making them make there own money just isnt going to work.

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