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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Poor people dont go killing people at concerts. Fruitcake islamist do. They need to be killed 1 by 1 in their home country.

    No rules of engagement for usa military and give them bounties for each one killed. Problem solved in 3 months!

    I hear French wimmin news chicks and their answer is MORE gun kontrol!

    Now we know why Hollande wanted to raise taxes-he saw this coming. The French need to defend themselves. Obama has no interest!

  2. The missing voice...the people who should be the most vocal...are the Muslims themselves...where is their voice of reason...calming the fears of Non-Muslims...showing us the emotion of the Muslim community that says they really care what happens to people as a results of the Islamic terrorists...

    As a group of people...watching their fellow countrymen slaughter innocent civilian citizens...there should have been a concerted effort to denounce these crimes from the on-set...

    One must wonder...if by their silence...are they giving tacit approval to the slaughter going on in the ME...and now elsewhere...?

    Use google and you wont have to wonder.

    One koran used by extremists and moderates. How can you denounce extremists when you believe the same thing.

    Khao jai?

  3. What kind of fool is this man? The Islamic terrorists will almost certainly have amassed WMD in the US, be it chemical, biological or most likely some sort of nuclear device(also in Europe). They will use it when the time is right, to create sensational headlines and impress the so called moderates worldwide and spur them into the end game ie formation of the caliphate.

    Expulsion of them all until they have cleaned up or denounced their religion is the only way forward here. Sadly, their strongest player Trump is not hard enough to get the job done.

    O is all in for IRAN. Isis creates havoc in Middle Easat. Good for Iran to take over.

  4. It is true that no matter how tough a country's gun laws are, illegal weapons will still be available and used.

    Terrorist groups such as that responsible for the Paris atrocity will almost certainly be able to smuggle illegal weapons into Europe.

    The experience of the UK with the IRA in the 1970's shows that (and we all know who supplied them with their guns).

    However, tougher gun laws will make it far more difficult for individuals and small groups to obtain and use guns and so will save lives; the tougher gun laws in the UK introduced since Dunblane shows that.

    The argument that had people inside the crowded Paris theatre been armed they could have killed the terrorists before the terrorists killed so many is ridiculous. The terrorists would simply have placed people between themselves and those shooting at them, resulting in even more innocent victims.

    Did the terrorist have tickets to enter the venue? Where were the ushers?

  5. Trump is a hate monger. It is his way. He is decisive and venomous. It is his nature. He has a black heart. That is who he is. He steals, he lies, and he hates.

    Well, that's what he's projecting in his politics, that's true.

    As far as what is in his heart, I am not sure what's in there.

    People who know him personally say he's a sweetheart.

    Weird dude indeed!

    Having him as president (unlikely but possible) would be both embarrassing and entertaining, but not nearly as scary as a Carson or even a Cruz.

    Obamas not embarrassing? hahahahahaha. he sided with IRAN, he is for IRAN. Iran needs ISIS to wreck havoc in middle east so they can take over.

    Some peeps (the idiots) are asking why affordable kare act isnt affordable.................hahaha.

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