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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. Stupid. Insensitive. Stupid. Bad form. Stupid. Tasteless. Stupid. Selfish. People have died. Unecessarily. All she could care about is tourism numbers. Do these people have no shame???

    French officials have no concern for their own citizens, Calm down-at least thais care for their people................hahahaha.

  2. "The number of Thai tourists in November was higher ...."

    What an odd statement and it probably goes some way to demonstrate the accuracy and forethought for the whole announcement. How on earth can anyone compile accurate numerical statistics for the month of November .. when November is only halfway through. Only in Thailand.

    You can pro-rate. You can compare day by day to past years..........hahahaha.

  3. Top 6 countries don"t have NES teachers (or you can count on fingers of one hand) so I think NES teachers aren"t necessary for teach English what also proves link below. You need to be a good dedicated teacher. I meet bad and good NES or Thai teachers.

    In my eyes main reason is system, for example first day in my school I have been told that every student must pass. I dissagreed, so now I can"t assess them, Thai teachers do????

    So if you combine this with Thai nature (sabai sabai) you get result.

    And education here is just a damn good business.

    And before someone stays hangin" on my English Im not teaching English language. But every well-intentioned criticism is welcome.


    The top 6 countries don't need NES teachers because they have enough fluent teachers of their own country.

    Most of Asia doesn't have enough good, local fluent English speakers, thus the need for NES.

    When Thailand has 100,000 or so proficient English teachers who are fluent, then they won't need NES. right now, they do need them.

    I agree, but again in current system even 100,000 or so proficient English teachers can"t do nothing.

    85,000 teach for visa reasons. to be near the thai girls! with foreigner its all about the girls.

  4. english teachers are a fraud anyway. notice how most of them are single men.

    I hate this bulls@@t stereotype of the Native English teacher.

    I'm single because I want to live my life that way.

    I'm not a backpacking, sex tourist, constantly drunk, looking for my next conquest.

    You guys pull this <deleted> out of your asses.

    I'm not a loser in my home country who couldn't go back either.

    Where do you get these crap stereotypes?

    For every one of you there are 9 hooligan types! open yer eyes!

  5. Here's an idea... Why not let us native English speaking oldies give some of our time free to small groups of Thai teachers to engage in conversation?? No reward required although they could buy us a beer! Why not use the potential u already have here in all the major urbanisations. We might even get accused of doing something useful for Thai people!

    You already do you part if you visit BARS...................hahahaha. I have to say someone is teaching them bar employees decent English.

    Thier basic english is way better than my basic thai.

  6. It might come as a surprise, but the show_stopper is probably not gay. Uses her friend as protection from unwanted advances while she focuses on being a tv star.

    Or while she's getting over the man that hurt her. Or until she's ready for intercourse. Or b/c the tom has money. Etc. But you can definitely see that these stunners are not really serious about the toms and are just using them while they're figuring something out. I can't even picture any of these couples getting it on with each other. I worked at a university for a few years and almost always found these girls eventually went back to men.

    I only know what the girls have told me about getting it on or otherwise. You may have observed differently.

    You have conversations with uni girls about their sex life? Lucky dog.

    I think we all chaT WITH UNI GIRLS about sex. ok-maybe not..................

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