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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. But it's entirely possible and very likely they turn off whatever sophistication and intellect they have to prepare themselves for a night of partying and intercourse with guys old enough to be their grandfathers.

    Isn't it the point of a night of partying to turn off your brains and let go, grannies or not? Most even use alcohol as an accelerant, numbs the frontal lobe. Fornicating is best done at the base animal level.

    I imagine most of the young ones don't see it as fornication at all. Just moving parts. And I've found it's not that animalistic either. Many of em ask you to stop at the ten minute mark b/c it hurts too much.

    Why cant customers just see its a job for the girls!

    Those hour long boom boom sessions where its all thrusting n the girl enjoying it is BIGTIME folklore by idiots..................hahahaha.

  2. OP do you have a primary school in your village? If so I suggest you go there at school closing times. Even better if the school has a kindergarten. Just make a note of the adults collecting the toddlers. I'll bet you that 50% at least are women past child bearing age, ie grandmothers of the kids. Just ask the adult if they are the child's grandparent and if so where is the mother. does the mother (if working away) help financially.

    Your queries will be answered.

    Its been said women of prime age cant be found in the village. Only old and young. The primed aged ones can be found in bigger cities in red-light districts.

    True or not true?

  3. The question should be do girls make enough money to send home.....................hahahaha.

    My breakdown 25% more than enough. 50% make enogh to help some months and not others-these girls really affected by high -low season. 25% make cow d.u.n.g.-these need ma n pa send money to them................hahahaha.

    The stars make money no matter what season. The bottom make no or little money no matter what season.

  4. Some of these girls will have 3 or 4 farangs on the go, who fly back to Europe or wherever but who continue to send the girl anywhere between about 10k-40k per month.

    I bet some of these girls make 100k per month.

    No wonder they are happy.

    Don't forget it is the money these girls bring in that is pretty much bank rolling most of Isaan.

    Total BS, have you even been to Isarn?

    i have and know it well.

    The elite may make 100,000, but they are few and far between...........very few n far between. The majority of girls just arent able to attract paying customers regularly. Dark skin does not command high rates -its a fact. Add in a touch of ugliness and you know why loan sharking is big in isarm.

    The truth is just being a girl doesnt mean you will be a successful prostitoot-you need the skill set -looks help a lot though.

    Mothers being prostitoot-just not a big demand for these types.

  5. I was looking to buy a book today from Amazon for the Kindle when I ran across a guy named Blether who writes the usual crap books about Thailand. He had about 10 books or short stories for sale. That made me think about this thread and what the OP intends to do with everyone's experiences. Hard to believe it's just idle curiousity.

    without bargirls thailand is nothing!

  6. Well they're hardly likely to say...Well, having come from a poor family where we barely had enough to eat, having left school at 13, up the duff by 16 and married by 17 to an abusive man who then left me with 2 kids and no money, I still must admit that as a little girl skipping around the school yard, I always thought life would afford me a better outcome than being a hooker in a smelly bar and having to sleep with men as old as my granddad, and being looked down upon as no better than a ragged street dog by my fellow Thais. That said, at least I can fulfil my duty as a Thai and send money home to my mum, and try to offer my kids a better life than I've had.

    To admit any unhappiness as a result of being a prostitute would be to lose face completely. It would be to admit failure and wrong doing, and to admit one's parents had failed (an insult of the highest order). Some make a good living and hack it well. Some go through a few husbands and pick up a few pensions and life insurance policies. Many end up alcoholics or drug addicts, with multiple venereal diseases, desperately bitter, unhappy, insecure and never make much money because the parents and extended family take it all for gambling, booze and showing off to the neighbours.

    The reality is this: no girl from a well-off family in Thailand ends up a prostitute. No young girl dreams of being a hooker when she grows up.

    this is about what I wanted to say. I wanted to read all the men's comment first. Happy you said it, Kennypowers. I'm not thai and I'm not a man but I have many thai friends (girls) who work in bars. Most of them are NOT happy but why would they tell this to you men? Men must feel you make them happy Some of them even suffer and dream of finding a nice farang to stay with. Many of these girls are drug or alcool addict or even both. Is this a sign of happiness?

    I know also a few "happy" girls. They sit in bars since maybe between 6 months and one year. They are happy with the money they can make. Soon they will get tired of living at night, They will drink and take drugs more and more. And this costs money + the money they send home, so they also have to work more and... bye bye happiness

    I agree many arent happy but theres a large % that are. You just cant fake having a good time.

    Ive rarely seen drunk or high girls on duty. Maybe because i only frequent the high class agogos.....................hahaha. Drunk, high girls are bad for bunisess!

    PS....i dont think HAPPY is used in proper context here.

  7. "Tourist was drunk & senseless". No heart and no soul from this copper. Venting his fury at more Thailand spotlight & him being the designated spokesperson.

    He is right.

    Have no excuses for rapists, but women do have certain responsibilities to themselves to ensure they keep safe and not vulnerable, as do we all regardless of the situations.


    Thai chicks dont catch Taxis late @ night.

  8. I am not a school teacher and make more than 100k baht per month.

    I pay for my wife's clothing shop that she rents monthly 10k baht.

    I give her a extra 15k baht a month allowance.

    She has 1 house her family lives in I pay for that 7k baht per month.

    I have my own house that we live in together 8k baht per month.

    I also pay for most of the daily expenses.

    I bought her gold when we married and gave her 150k baht.

    But since she isn't speaking to me the money train has come to a halt.

    So I am not a poor farang

    Are you a school teacher?

    All Thai women think farang's have money hidden somewhere, family, etc.

    She probably figured out you don't have anything, cannot buy her a house, car, etc.

    She is probably lost all her "face" with her family and friends marrying a farang who has nothing.

    Do you really think a Thai woman wants to marry a farang and live in a rented the room the rest of her life with no land, gold, house, car? Really? You yourself need to do a reality check.

    Can you blame her?

    Thai's can live deadbeat lives on their own.

    They are looking for something better they cannot get for themselves.

    Trying to rationalize with a Thai woman will never work. It is not love. Thai's don't love, they love money and material things.

    If you give a good Thai women the best of everything, sure she will love you. But if you are a broke deadbeat school teacher and she sees no financial future with you, well I do not blame her one bit.

    You need to wake up. You think because you are 30 year old Handsum man she will love your forever? Enough love to be poor forever?

    You really need to wise up then as you have no understanding of Thai women.

    Thai women can marry deadbeat Thai men that have nothing same as you. They speak the same language, eat the same food, have the same culture, live the same with the same expectations of nothing.

    Farangs on the other hand, are there to give the ladies something they cannot get from poor thai man.

    What are you doing in Thailand at 30 years old? Was your life already a failure in your own country and you thought someone would love you forever just because you are a farang?

    You need to understand one fact. No one, especially at your age, wants to have NOTHING. Let alone NO DREAMS.

    This is exactly what your wife has.

    If you loved her, why didn't you take her back to your country and get a real job and provide a real life for her?

    The fact is mate, this is all on you and your misconception that Thai women love poor foreigners. How misguided can you get?

    She has no hope now and no dreams because you cannot provide for her.

    No amount of talking in the world will save that.

    The same thing will happen when the next Thai woman finds out you have nothing and not earning power.

    Go home and get an education and have a real life of your own

    The kind of love you are dreaming about left town years and years and years ago.

    Show me the money!

    You sure pay a lot.........................hahahaha. Serious no matter how much you pay if a girl dont like you she dont like you.

  9. the role of the parents girls is being greatly downplayed here. I think its because many here married present or ex-bargirls, so they tune themselves out of what village life is like.

    Prostitution is not a new thing on earth. Im sure MOSES had his dealings..............hahahaha. Moms and grannies who worked in the industry beget kids who are destined to follow in their footsteps.

    I really doubt ma n pa dont know whats going on. ITS no accident girls predominately come from the village.

  10. The girls who make the most arent mothers. Pregnancy does horrible things to the body.....................hahahaha.

    Still noone account for the politeness of many Prostitoots. How do they get to be like that.

    On my recent trip to pattaya theres some very pretty girls with nice personailities. These should really be in bkk where the money is much better. I just see much barfiing in pattaya establishments.

  11. No way does those magicains on walking st make $100 a day.

    Now that guy who gives virtual roller coaster ride may do well. I watched one girl pay 200 baht for a turn and when she finished another guy paid. Say 6 riders per hour thats $36 per hour. Now we talking some money! 4 hours non-stop and ita good living. Unless competitors show up or nice policeman show up asking why he make so much money...................................hahahaha.

  12. Put your energy into something more than the small village shop. In my opinion its a total waste of time and money. Why bother?

    Because he actually cares about his new family...unlike some of the other emotionally crippled misanthropes marooned here by the cruel hand of fate. There are 2 types of people in the world: those who brighten the days of others and those who drag a grey cloud of misery wherever they go. Go ahead and ask yourself which group you belong to.

    Hope the father recovers.

    But could it be OP wants the wifes family off the GRAVY train. Lets be real.. see things as they are not what you want them to be!

    OP is talking $10 in their heyday. Op could support them on $7 a day-he wouldnt feel it one bit.

  13. Lets applaud the girl. Love is a lot more important than defecation facilities.....................hahahahahaha. I f grinder really cares for this girl he would send money from eu when he is rolling in dough- at worst just to show his appreciation .

    Lets be real. Not many girls would subsidize a farang!

  14. I think your wanting to help your in-laws is very noble. Some of your ideas are good and I urge you to continue to help. I'm very familiar with small Mom & Pop stores. Makro is a good start for buying supplies at wholesale prices. But, in many towns, there are wholesale stores that sell beer and liquor at prices better than Makro. If you can find one of these stores in your neighborhood, you'll buy cheaper and increase your profits. A bottle of water should cost a little more than 3 baht per bottle. Then you sell it at 6 baht and have a very significant profit percentage. You can also find wholesale stores that deliver, which is something Makro doesn't do. All small mimi-marts should sell beer (Chang, Leo and Singh), white liquor (30 and 35 degrees) and red liquor (Hong Thong, Blend, etc.). These products attract the customers. So I suggest you sell these at a price a baht or two cheaper than the other store(s). You'll be amazed at how Thais will go to certain stores just to save a baht or two. Cold drinks are another good seller, if you already have a refrigerator. And variety is important when selling drinks. Snack food (Lays, Tasto, Homonie, Snack Jacks, etc.) are great sellers and usually bring in 20% profit. Here again, variety is important. We started off selling 5 baht snacks years ago and we slowly changed it to 20 baht size and now hardly ever sell the small bags at 5 baht. Other big sellers are rice and cooking oil. Rice is not a big profit margin item. But, if the price is right, you'll attract the customers to the store and, perhaps, they'll buy something in addition to the rice each time. Cooking oils come in several varieties and can sell for 38 baht, 42 baht or 55 baht, with pretty good profit margins. Here again, if you cut the normal price by 1 baht, I'm certain the customers will come to your store. Selling "on-line" telephone top ups is also a good idea. But the best way to go is simply to buy three very cheap mobile phones and use them to top up the customers' phones. A typical service charge of 2 baht per top up is accepted readily by the customers. Unfortunately, it sounds like you've already invested 40,000 baht for the top-up machine, which normally charges 3 baht per top-up. So you are going to have to wait a very long time before you will break even (if ever) and start making a profit from that investment. Good luck in the future.

    op objective is to make $9-$10 a day not $4-$5.............hahahaha.

    A little ma n pa isan village store humour!

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