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Posts posted by Nomyai

  1. who cares.

    People with nothing better to do whilst waiting for the brothels to open, it seems.

    FYI. Going to NANA plaza be4 9pm is a waste of time. All you get is donkeys and horses on stage-hard to stomach. The peacocks start showing up @9pm.

    So how much does that contortionist teenage girl on walking street make?

    I still dont see how prime suk vendors make money. They all sell the same same things. What few customers they have are mostly INDIANS who bargain the s ..t out of them.

  2. Another thought is if there is any seating area with shade and some nice plants for ambiance, put up a sign that says "Community Center" or "Village Meeting Place" or something catchy in Thai of course. Thais love to congregate and chew the fat....and they will snack and drink coffee and soft drinks while doing so.

    I would bet that you would not only increase sales, but your in laws would have new social status in bringing everyone together and would enjoy it themselves too.

    REALITY is parents are losing face. They have a rich farang who wants them to bust their butts for a measly $9 a day.

  3. The biggest and baddest gentlemen club has been shut down by the authorities. Is this a one off- some kind of power struggle or is it an attempt to shut down all nightlife.

    Nana area- pot @ the end of the R.....w see, and its affiliates were closed Thurs . night

    Can someone with a bad girl gf get some scuttlebutt and report asap.......................hahahaha.

  4. Under-capitalised countries offer huge possibilities for liberating loans/gifts. In India £20 can liberate a whole gaggle of women who make street food, and the returns are incredible.

    <deleted>....im not an Indian women-thank god almighty. But referring to them as a GAGGLE has to be the most insulting thing ive seen here........................hahahahaha.

  5. Never get involved in a relatives or partners business.

    Never build a house on family land in the boonies.

    Never give or loan money to anyone, except for services rendered.

    Never try to teach a Thai anything, unless you are employed as their teacher.

    Four firm rules to live by in Thailand.

    They have served me well.

    This really is sensible. Many apply to marriages to ones own equals.

    Addendum: Be very careful marrying a girl from village. Hours and hours of pre-marriage counseling. Go over the budgets of everyone. Get DNA tests to confirm everyones identity...........you get the idea.

  6. The OP has a wife and a child so why shouldn't he build a house. Thai villagers build houses too and they don't sell them but they life in it. Besides if the OP has the money to burn why not. He is 31 years old and his wife is 27 years which looks like a good match. Furthermore the way he writes he knows exactly what he wants.

    The issue at hand is what going to happen to the in-laws should their business goes tits up.

    Whats plan B?

    Im with you i think op is making a mountain out of a molehill as he has lots of money to burn. No crime in supporting village in-laws....................hahahaha!

    To the new off the boat guys:

    Never ever build a house near the village in-laws. This should be self explanatory!

  7. op may try this.

    Offer ma n pa $25,000 one time payment now. Nothing else ever. And then after ma n pa blow through the $25 k he could negotiate another deal..............hahahahahaha.

    God bless a rich man HELPING poor thais. All the Help and isan is poor as its always been.

    I use NANA internet shop because there isnt one near soi cowboy.....................hahahahahaha.

  8. I was waiting till the girls show up for work . 9pm or so. A hi-so lady makes a left turn onto Sukhumvit from a side street. A poor man is pushing his cart across the street in front of the hi-so lay. THE POOR MAN HAD THE RIGHT OF WAY. The laday does not make a final look to her left to see if a pedestrian started to walk and as she started to proceed she hit the cart. Not hard but a direct hit.

    She gets out and say a few words to the dark man. She doesnt check his cart for damage but only looks at her bumper area for car damage. She then allows the man to go.

    It was all her freakin fault................disgusting!

  9. What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

    I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

    Not one comment-amazing. I thought id wake up to a firestorm!

    Im not against both parties contributing. But im sure all Thai girls do except yours,,,,,.............................hahahaha.

  10. One cannot equate HELPING villagers with HELPING family in EU. In Thailand We all know HELP in-laws (of village variety) means supporting the old folks for life. ...........hahahahahaha........ You signed up for it so good luck. I just hate political korrectness!

    People knowing you are there is a key. I see a farang in a shop i automatically dont shop there. I prefer to HELP the thais in thailand. Same for Arab, Indian, Kiwi, Nigerian, owned businesses.

    I do deviate if product is good. I go to same internet shop in NANA, it s not thai run but is very good.

  11. This is getting ridiculous. How are these GIRLS going to send home gobs of money if they not working. They just not showing up for work - cant blame the rain as its been non existant the past few weeks.

    High season is soon starting maybe busload of issan bank tellers and office administrators, bakers, insurance saleswomans , and lawyers are on buses as i post......................hahahaha. ,

  12. Get out of the tourist areas, walk to the place, look as if you have no money, speak a little bit of Thai.

    Or have a Thai with you. That's how I found my 2000 baht place in Bangkok.

    But it took plenty of "sorry, no farang can rent here" before that.

    Post photo of your toilet facilities please! if you want us to be impressed....hahahaha.

  13. Many good ideas in this topic. However, I think your in-laws are probably too old for most of them. I think your best idea is what you've already done. Take them both to Makro and fill the buggy with as much variety as possible. A shop with a huge selection will do best and if its nonperishables, the cost isn't important. They are old so keep it simple.

    And good on you for helping them out.

    Since when is cost not important to a business? Does Steve Jabbs or Nike know that?

    I think ive figured what irks me about helping the family business threads. Its more i dont want my hard earned money going to a bunch of you know.....................you fill in the blanks.

  14. Many good ideas in this topic. However, I think your in-laws are probably too old for most of them. I think your best idea is what you've already done. Take them both to Makro and fill the buggy with as much variety as possible. A shop with a huge selection will do best and if its nonperishables, the cost isn't important. They are old so keep it simple.

    And good on you for helping them out.

    Maybe the in laws arent that old. OP 31 wife 20. inlaws 35......hahaha.

    We all know how this will end. OP will be HELPING wife, son, mom and pops!

    Could it be OP doesnt want to HELP the in-laws. Wants them to fend for themselves.

    $300 x12=$3600 a year. if in laws live 30 mores years that $3600 x30 years= $108,000.

    There -i did the math! add village infalation that a whopping $150k.

  15. Isn't she that Butt ugly Russian lady that sits outside Subway at Soi 7/1 for the last few Years Hawking her fork

    Always wonder how she gets her work permit Oh Think I know freebie for the Boys

    She isnt BUTT ugly. Theres worse clutching poles all over thailand!

    Now the ZIMBABWANs are BIG BUTT ugly....................hahahahahaha.

  16. A hand up, and not a hand out.

    Think aboot this. OP pretty much gave a handout to wife and baby, yet want old parents to work hard for their measly money.

    I swear i dont get these rich farangs. Seems they think they god almighty.

    They guy builds a house for his wife and child. Exactly what any man anywhere does. He helps hi in laws with some products for their shop with new lines to sell. He is helpling them and they are the ones who want to do the shop. I think the only one that does not get it is you. I detect a huge amomount of jealousy. Maybe your hovel rental room, that the thais moved out of because too rundown, is all you can afford. Some of us actually have a little bit more than a measly pension. Now be a good lad and back down to your favourite bar stool. Its happy hour now. Cannot miss that hey.

    NET NET NET.............has all the millions of dollars spent by farangs on depreciting assets or just plain junk over the years helped them any?

    Education is helping. Giving things encourages laziness and contempt towards the giver.

    do you get where im coming from. Just let them be and try to fit in!

  17. What's being a 'westerner' got to do with anything? Are you under the impression white faces are only here to elevate the standard of living of the female natives?

    I'm not under the obligation to 'provide' for anyone - it's a team effort with both parties contributing. That's the way it has to be, but that's also the way it should be.

    Im actually SpeEcHLesS!

    If i were a thai girl id surely expect better toilet facilities from a western bf.

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