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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. First one looks boring in bed and irritating out of bed.
  2. What the <deleted> is a slappy?
  3. If people were trading turds, would you feel left out?
  4. His net worth went down during his last term, unlike the other presidents
  5. Uhm, yeah. My bank overseas already sends my yearly investment info to the Thai revenue department because they HAVE TO (to comply with some law due to Thailand being my tax residence).
  6. Oh, I see. Nothing wrong with a bit of racism. The world is far too sensitive and woke these days.
  7. Please don't put me off my dinner. The second one looks particularly repulsive.
  8. What did you mean? Can you formulate a clear sentence for once?
  9. My Thai earnings, yeah. Though, I do have another income stream which I'd rather wasn't taxed cos it takes me over the million threshold.
  10. Who needs sex when you could have other pleasures in life?
  11. Considering how low Thai tax is, they are shooting themselves in the foot. People with money will just stay here less and the economy will suffer, which I will enjoy.
  12. Thai income tax isn't much. I pay 4% overall. That said, I am against tax in general and wouldn't wish it on anyone.
  13. The UK. We have 2 deductions: 1. Tax 2. National Insurance (for healthcare and pension) They are not the same. You don't get a pension because you paid tax. You get it because you paid National Insurance. Which part don't you understand? Likewise, in Thailand tax and social security payments are separate. I know because I pay both (and get Thai healthcare because of the social security payments, not tax payments)
  14. Either you don't understand how tax works in other countries or maybe wherever you come from it's different. Where I come from, you don't get anything for the tax you pay, except whatever they choose to spend it on, which is (hopefully) for the good of the public, rather than lavish parties and war. Social security payments are separate from tax - you pay those if you are working usually - and you get benefits, such as healthcare and pension. Thailand is the same, pretty much.
  15. Maybe Gottfrid has grown up. 👶 Aside from that, the short time women are abhorrent creatures, yet the best this place has to offer. Wrap your head around that.
  16. Yeah, and I couldn't wait to leave. It's not everyone's cup of tea.
  17. I dunno where you are from, but where I come from tax and social security are two different payments. They are not the same thing. Generally, to get social security you have to be working, not merely paying tax on capital gains or foreign income. That said, I despise taxation in general and socialism is inherently evil, IMHO
  18. What's wrong with DipEd, PGCE, or MEd?
  19. I was 17. Shagaluf. Boys holiday. Some of us were 16. For girls, I dunno, and in Europe now I definitely dunno. It's like Africa or the Middle East these days. Would you let your kid go to Somalia or Afghanistan on their own? That said, I wouldn't want to raise a kid, especially a girl, in Europe these days. Thailand is safer.
  20. I don't think so. Many of them just like what they do.
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