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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Firstly, I am impressed he's still alive, lucid, and shagging at 70. Secondly, the ladies are just doing their job. They may or may not enjoy it if the bloke is 70, or whatever age, but it's their choice. Why do you care what profession they choose? Would they rather work 12 hour days in a factory for 7 days, or just do a 1 hour short time for the same money? You may say they do a difficult job, but don't forget: they have chosen the path of least resistance.
  2. Yeah, I am fascinated by the Arab tourist invasion.
  3. Thailand has only been successful due to it being the main gateway country for first time tourists coming to Asia, mainly because the neighboring countries were so far behind with their infrastructure. But it's coming to an end. Neighboring countries are getting more developed and more and more tourists will choose Vietnam, for example.
  4. I am single. What do I need a girlfriend for?
  5. This is just what they are like. There is nothing there. Just superficial people. They are pretty and fun, but that's it. I mean 99% of them. Good luck finding the 1%.
  6. Basically, Thailand isn't cheap anymore, for booze nor women. They are mercenary nowadays, rather than fun. It is about having a good time; it's about clawing ladydrinks out the customer. Then, there's the bill padding and scams. Not only in the bars, but the entire tourism industry is a rip off: tuk tuks, canal boat tours, jet skis, snorkeling trips, taxis, paying 10× for any famous attraction, etc. etc. And as others mentioned, the younger prostitutes are mostly online now (which is no fun). The bars are full of tired, old hags, that have literally been in the business 30 years, lol. The seafood smells bad, the nature is ruined, the roads are some of the most dangerous in the world. They have replaced all the charming places that had character with a mall, hotel, or office block. Thailand doesn't have much going for it anymore. Frankly, I am quite enjoying watching it unfold as I am not a tourist anymore and I was able to enjoy it for many years while it was still good.
  7. Thailand is losing the only good thing it had to bring tourists in. It's gonna have to rebrand again: Hub of Nothing
  8. What was the film about?
  9. Why does the OP say "she is almost perfect"? She sounds awful to me.
  10. So, her love languages are not the same as yours: physical touch and spending quality time together. I am guessing her love languages, like most Thai girls, are: gifts and acts of service. Although, this is typically a one way street, lol. You are both totally incompatible. She doesn’t equate physical touch or quality time as "love" but you do. She probably only equates love to being given things and having things done for her. I think this is typical in Thailand. And, like so many here, she was abandoned by her parents and "raised" - which from my experience means neglected and abused - by the grandmother. You got yourself a totally broken woman.
  11. I don't see what he did wrong. Terrorism charges? Lol He isn't Muslim enough to get a pass on that.
  12. What the hell are they doing with their hands?
  13. And where does breaking a police woman's nose fit in to this scene 🤔?
  14. This is a decent rule of thumb So long as service was good, of course. Yeah, the Thai waitresses don't think in percentages You could leave 20 baht on a 200 baht bill and they'd not appreciate it at all, but leave 100 baht on a 2000 baht bill and they'll be happy. This doesn't complicate things for me at all. I paid service. I don't feel the need to leave anything extra.
  15. It certainly looks good Let's not forget burning lots of plastic in your garden, despite there being a garbage collection service for 10 baht a month, or just littering everywhere. Ah, yes. Sitting around drinking Lao Kao and gambling while waiting for the rainy season to plant rice while your daughter is selling herself in Pattaya. And of course, the grandkids are totally neglected and abused. Surprise surprise. There's plenty of building in rural Thailand. I'll give them that. Not much maintanence though. Your neighbors will call you farang even though they know your name, lol, but I don't think telling it like it is would be good for a YouTube channel Yeah, the kids are glued to their phones in the villages too..... ....when they aren't playing around on motorbikes, of course Virtually everyone aged 18-60 leaves rural Thailand. There's a reason for that. At least you can buy booze anytime in rural areas from little shops like these.
  16. Looks like we can expect more tuk tuk drivers and massage ladies.
  17. Yes, I would agree on O Shea's compared to the other Irish bars. 👍 It's 280 there on Happy Hour, 320 in the evening . Blarney on Soi 4 is 350 a pint now, all day.
  18. How? You say guys who go for petite, lightweight Thai women are pedos, regardless of her age.
  19. But any guy having sex with them is labelled a pedo, by you So, a petite 40 year old woman looks like a child?? You could argue that a big, fat 18 year old is more like a child and more likely to be chosen by a pedo. You just make no sense.
  20. Let's send all the petite Thai women to a monastery to become celibate. They can't have a sex life, according to you I thought they were attracted to actual children.
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