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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Not exactly. Olive oil and nuts, for example, are very calorie dense, but not carb heavy at all. Even nuts have a low glycemic index, due to being mostly fats and fiber. They aren't filling though so you end up having to eat more calories to be satisfied. On the other hand, potatoes and porridge oats are very carby but they rate high on the satiety index, meaning that you don't need to eat much of them to be full and stay full, in fact boiled potatoes rank #1 on the satiety vs calorie index. Not saying it would be healthy to live off boiled potatoes only, but you would lose a lot of weight and not feel hungry.
  2. Why do you need her to take care of you? We probably do; I am a free man. Like most of Thailand. Yeah, I've seen it all.
  3. Nah, they are even cunning when they own a million in land, a house, car n everything. Seen it many times. Really greedy people and I don't excuse them. Most of my acquaintances back West will never have 1 million baht in bank, like so many Thai people have in farmland, yet there's no deceit in them at all. They usually lose it online gambling, fortunately, so they don't get to keep their ill-gotten gains. See that quite a few times, too.
  4. Bring back the good old days. I don't want Thailand to change.
  5. Well, I agree, that Thailand wouldn't entice many farang if it weren't for the women, but it certainly isn't for their intelligence. They have a certain je ne sais que.....uhm, they are trollups. That said, the women are cunning and deceitful, however, and (probably) more so than the men.
  6. I am not looking for generosity. I take care of myself and my own.
  7. Plenty of people have become poor from giving. Half the plebs who have married Thais succumb to that fate. And if I ever do need help, it won't be strangers - especially not in this country - who help me. Take care of your own. 💯
  8. Yeah, I have the same glasses at home, probably just a few mouthfuls less than 500ml.
  9. Do they serve from different kegs at different times of the day, or something? Lol
  10. That looks like a decent pint....and actually 500ml, too 😉 😜 Where did you get that?
  11. Indeed. I sent it back. They were puzzled. Moved onto a different beer which was okay.
  12. Yup, it was. That's what you get for 45 baht.
  13. I guess it's just the schools accredited by the Council of International Schools that are proper international schools and are not governed by OBEC?
  14. He'll need a yellow house book for that, I think. If this is the case, he can get SS. Private schools can get it, contrary to what a lot of private schools say, lol.
  15. Who cares? Let's be honest, this is a feudal system. Just watch the game. It's not your circus. You don't have to care about the peasants; the local 'cream of the crop' don't. Let the rich and powerful Thais run their country as they please. It doesn't affect you, unless you have a sick buffalo to support.
  16. Seriously guys, what does Thailand have to offer for tourism, except partying and chicks? There are far better places for beaches, mountains, food & drink, nature, weather, culture, history, towns, cities, architecture, sightseeing, famous landmarks, and so on. I reckon any tourist who isn't here to get his bobby serviced is going to be disappointed and not return.
  17. Why does Thailand's tourist scene just attract scum from all corners of the country?
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