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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. So true. They don't get beyond adolescent brain development.
  2. That poor kid needs to go to social services. Literally everything about her family sounds awful. Am I the only one skeptical about this mysterious foreign man?
  3. Parents aren't dead yet, but diabetes and heart disease is a factor. They almost died recently. My grandparents died of cancer and dementia.
  4. They are skinny fat. We've all seen their floppy little butts. They are all the same. Not an hour of exercise in their life, barely even walk to get anywhere. Zero muscle mass. Diabetes is more related to body fat percentage than BMI. They also have more of a sweet tooth than Westerners and they focus their meals on huge amounts of white rice.
  5. He probably has good genetics to not get diabetes and then heart disease from that lifestyle. RIP Charlie.
  6. Yeah, and they have always eaten fried foods with bad oil. I am guessing: 1. More money = more junk 2. More sedentary jobs 3. More obesity = more diabetes 4. More diabetes = more heart disease And instead of eating 2-3 square meals a day, they are snack round the clock now.
  7. Choice 1: be a free man Choice 2: suffer the Ways of Ploy Easy choice, if you have half a brain.
  8. Well, in case you hadn't noticed what this thread is about: apparently there's a problem with these historical speeches being translated into English for us to hear.
  9. What was his vile, heinous felony again?? You mean when the Democrats tried to have him jailed - so he couldn't run for president again - for an accounting error when he paid hush money to (or was extorted by) a porn star he had consensual sex with? They have a point. A lot of SERIOUS crimes have been commited in the West by immigrants. Thailand has the right idea on how to deal with naughty farang. Kick a Thai on the back for sitting on your steps and be swiftly dealt with and made an example of.
  10. We should study history. Why don't they want us to know what Hitler said?
  11. I see. That's not what you said here, hence the miscommunication.
  12. I am not getting your additional point here. Wasn't it you who said the Por Ror Bor would be void if the driver was under the influence? And I agreed with you and also pointed out that any other insurance would be void too, if the person was unlicensed or drunk.
  13. I see. Cheers. All insurance is void though if driver isn't licensed or under influence.
  14. What does the basic insurance that you get with your tax sticker cover?
  15. What does the basic insurance that you get with your tax sticker cover?
  16. What does the basic insurance that you get with your tax sticker cover?
  17. Nah, but I have taken up: - driving bumper to bumper with the car in front. - speeding - not using my mirrors - driving over crosswalks with people on them - letting my 12 year old ride the motorbike himself I also: - hound my daughter for money, ignoring the fact she has to sell her body to support me - drink in the morning (and all day) - gamble all day - beat my kids - then abandon my kids - and demand respect cos I reproduced In case you haven't figured out: I don't do any of these things cos I am better than that. That's why I haven't assimilated to Thai culture. And I like to be on my high horse about it too. What you call culture, I think is beneath contempt.
  18. Yeah, it's mind blowing, isn't it.
  19. What counts as a mass shooting? Do gangs of real OG's shooting each other up count?
  20. Mission Hospital offers a cardio ankle vascular index test whereas St Louis offers an exercise stress test, both at same price packages. I wonder which is better? These packages always seem to have some weird marketing trade-offs.
  21. The Saint Louis packages look decent. But the only difference between the 30+ and 40+ year old male packages is an exercise stress test and a stool exam, but it costs 3k more just for those two things.
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