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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Yup, for me, I think I've been fined 500 about 4 or 5 times.
  2. If she gets preferential treatment, it's cos she's a woman.
  3. You painted her as the victim, rather than him. Here's what you wrote: The "village bike" or "hooker" part is irrelevant to my point: you are victim blaming the guy. And by the way, when I said "hooker" I was referring to the part where you suggested she was doing sex work in Taiwan. I wasn't talking about his gik (aka. village bike). Maybe you should work on reading comprehension, lol
  4. In the UK in the 1950s, you could buy a nice house in a good area for 600 pounds. Now, the same house is selling for 300,000 pounds
  5. This pretty much sumarizes it. It seems boomers were able to coast through life relatively easily benefiting from the rising tide and now millenials are trying to survive in a <deleted> up economy. And most boomers cannot teach their kids about this because the challenges are different and they have no clue.
  6. To be fair to both sides, most boomers didn't teach their kids about finances because they, themselves, are financially illiterate and, therefore, could not. The difference is that financially illiterate boomers grew up in a world where a blue collar worker could buy a home and have 3 kids and a housewife, despite the fact that most have no clue about financial instruments (except buying a home and maybe having a savings account). They could also get lucrative white collar positions (e.g. engineer) with nothing more than a couple years of parttime nightclasses at college. They benefited from the booming economy, basically. Now, however, millenials are living in a world of educational inflation where bachelor's degrees are not worth much and most people can forget about buying a house and affording a large (or even moderate sized) family.
  7. Of course, I think every here knows that. It's pretty obvious 🙄
  8. Would you be saying the same BS if it was the man who stabbed his wife? I think not. You wouldn't victim blame her. Fascinating how people perceive crimes differently when the victim is a man and the perpetrator is a woman. And if you are right that she is a hooker, then why shouldn't he sleep with other people? She's doing it too. Should he be faithful to her when she is bonking any guy in Taiwan?
  9. While I agree it's an evil business, it's no worse than cigarettes, alcohol, marijuana, sugar, fast food, prostitution, and maybe even religion. They can all destroy lives and wreck societies.
  10. Well, it's not our circus. They are big boys n girls, let them have some fun.
  11. Honestly, I hope they do. But not because I have any problem with tourists coming here, but rather I find the tourism industry here deplorable and it would give them a good dose of 'som nam naa' because very few people would come.
  12. It's not about hygiene, they just cant be arsed sweeping
  13. I wouldn't worry too much what they think, Bob. It's misplaced energy. It's just the LOS.
  14. Why wouldnt he want to protect his country?
  15. You could just find some deserving people and transfer the money before you die.
  16. That ain't my job. You are thinking about this like a guy. Guys are very much attracted to a woman's biology and often guys are very visual-orientated with what turns them on. Women are not this way. They are attracted to other things beyond the superficial visual characteristics, such as: success, power, ability, confidence, height, size, strength (mentally and physically) etc. etc. It's more about who you are, what you are, and how you act, rather than how many abs she can count on your stomach. It goes back to the caveman times. A woman is instinctively attracted to men who can provide for her and protect her. Men are instinctively attracted to just about any healthy, fertile vessel that can carry their sperm. Her physical appearance tells our inner caveman that she's fertile and ripe. This is not so important for women. If she loses attraction to you, it's not cos of what you look like, its cos of what you have done (or not done) or how you carry yourself. For this reason men can actually age like wine, whereas women cannot.
  17. Indeed you are correct, even when removed by a doctor. Best just to let them go away on their own.
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