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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. In no particular order: Heat Pulp Fiction There Will Be Blood
  2. I agree. So many women nowadays feels entitled to everything; they don't appreciate anything.
  3. I'd love to see you say that if Trump had said it. ???? ???? The media strings up Trump over anything they can; imagine the field day they'd have if he went around sniffing and groping children on camera and talking about them like this.
  4. They were dancing in the streets a few days ago celebrating the terror and death of innocent civilians in their own homes in Israel.
  5. Well done, France (and others) I am almost surprised.
  6. What's wrong with that? Different countries have different military capabilities. When Hamas launched the terror attack, they had fairly sophisticated weapons and vehicles (courtesy of Iran/Biden), so why shouldn't Israel defend itself? Hamas has also murdered unarmed innocent civilians in their homes and raped Israeli women before parading their naked twisted bodies around, and you're talking about a power imbalance??
  7. Right............you're just saying, "Meh, stupid dead idiot"
  8. There's nothing subhuman. Name one living thing that's worse than people.
  9. Of course, but nobody is glorifying or supporting Israel's actions. However, much of the world is supporting Palestine and turning a blind eye to what they do. Maybe they think you have to crack some eggs to make an omelet. Each to their own. I don't support Palestine because the Islamic extremists will turn on us next.
  10. Exactly. Islamic extremists are savages. Although, they may have a worthy cause now, they are still committing atrocities to innocent civilians as we speak.
  11. Love this image. With men it's different: we have a cobra inside our own mind; we just keep doing stupid <deleted> it keeps biting us.
  12. Certainly not the person who wrote the article. I still don't see her fraud and theft in the article
  13. You think Islamic extremists only dish out bloody noses when it's deserved?? They'll also cut your head off if you are not Muslim. Sure, Israel probably deserves what it gets, but Islamic extremists are the inherent enemy of western civilization and a danger to our innocent people (not Israel).
  14. If you see something on TV, it's not possible to link it. A poster could just say, "BBC just reported xyz...." Is that acceptable to you, O' Supreme Scholar of AseanNow?
  15. I can think of something for you to inwardly ingest.
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