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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. You gotta love how the SUV just turned the corner like nothing happened and drove off. No <deleted> given, at all.
  2. Amazing how easy it is to die on the roads here. The accident didn't look that bad, especially for the turning rider. I assumed the one who died was the one going straight as he was moving so fast and therefore would gave hit the tarmac harder.
  3. Everything is racist these days. So many radical snowflakes about. I read an article that white people in America are racist for drinking coffee. Ironically, the article itself was racist towards whites, lol
  4. Yeah, I can think of numerous healthier cuisines: Greek, Spanish, Lebanese, Mexican, Japanese, and even good old fashioned meat n' two veg from the UK!
  5. Jesus, 800 baht almost for a takeaway fish n' chips in the UK? It's less than half the price for a 'sit in' cod n' chips in an English pub in Bangkok.
  6. So, they are calling themselves "big sh*ts"? The comedy writes itself here, haha.
  7. Please.......I just got a mental image of a man's ass. It didn't look anything like a rosebud
  8. Then, the viagra stops working or even worse, his wife takes out a life insurance policy on him, and he knows it's all been for nothing. I mean some retirees have blood relatives here so maybe they have some meaning.
  9. https://www.thaicitizenship.com/thai-military-service/ The red ball/black ball lottery thing is absolutely hysterical.
  10. I think what the OP is saying is that his son tried to get the reduced national service term (of 6 months) due to having a degree, rather than the full term, which is think is a year or two (?)
  11. I haven't spoken about my sexual conquests at all. You are in a peeing contest with someone else, apparently, not me. In fact, I think it's just you and Neeranam who are in a peeing contest together. 🥳 Who said anything about Arabs? 🤡 Maybe you should reread the thread; it's only 2 pages long. Actually, the only person looking down on others is: you! You are looking down on people who pay 4 play down Sukhumvit. Why are you so interested in their sex? They are adults, up to them. Nobody said anything about Arabs here 🤡 🤡 🤡 😄 🤣 😂 😆 😄 🤡 Apparently, it's not over yet.
  12. Please........you weren't getting "an ocean of free women" down Khao San Road 20 years ago - I started living here just a couple of years after that - and it was a commercialised tourist trap then. It made Sukhumvit look good! I took one look and never went back. The western women would have been free, that's about it!
  13. Pull the other leg, will you. That's settles it then. Guess I'll throw my factual data in the trash.
  14. They also missed Thailand's highest HIV rate ever (1991) and without any effective meds available anywhere in the world. Most died by the millennium. I'd say the sexpats are better off mongering now. Just some perspective.
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