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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Damn right. Thai beers in general suck, but Leo is the worst. SanMig and Heineken all the way.
  2. This. They know fine well what they are doing; they just don't care about anything. Well, money and face. That's about it.
  3. Nah. Screw that, man. You've got to draw the line somewhere. If you don't respect pedestrians on a crosswalk, you don't respect anything.
  4. You've really gone native when you drive over a pedestrian crossing - with pedestrians on it - without a care in the world.
  5. Wonder how long one of these lasts?
  6. You'd think they'd go to Malaysia or Indonesia, or at least a modest and civilized part of Thailand. What on Earth could attract so many Arabs to NANA?!
  7. Phrom Phong is still okay in comparison to Nana and Asoke, I suppose. But it still aint what it used to be.
  8. Asoke doesn't have much going for it anymore, unless you like Terminal 21 or overpriced booze and overpriced birds on Cowboy.
  9. Nana is an absolute cesspit now; the place is infested with Arabs and Africans. Most bars can't pour a decent pint and the staff are not worth a tip. Plenty of beggars hassling you nonstop: the Indian fake Rolex characters, the bargirls wanting ladydrinks, and a variety of other salespeople and homeless.
  10. Not really. Mostly absolute skanks around that area
  11. Is there no minoxidil shampoo on the market here? Seems like the most convenient way to apply it.
  12. 90% of the women here have daddy issues And mommy issues They really have family issues, tbh
  13. I feel like you've just arrived from another country, or perhaps another planet. On behalf on Earth, I welcome you, and let me introduce you to the concept of being a 'sugar daddy' to a Thai lady-of-ill-repute: they're doing it for the money, buddy! Nothing else matters. You think Tom Cruise or David Hasslehoff is going to pop up any minute to give her a better offer?
  14. Sounds like trying to seduce a cross between: a magpie, a Jack Russell Terrier, and a goldfish.
  15. Some people like headaches. But doesn't he already have a wife for that? Haha I certainly wouldn't want to navigate those waters.
  16. You sure about the data on that? I think you underestimate the risk of regular polygamous women.
  17. I went with three comedies. In no particular order: Curb your Enthusiasm Frasier Still Game Loved Game of Thrones til they messed up the last few seasons. Friends and Breaking Bad, excellent too
  18. Exactly my point. In 2016, they went to great extremes to try to find dirt on Trump. They dug up a tape from 2005 where is said lewd things and they published it one month before the presidential election, in 2016. Haha Faur enough. Okay ???? The majority still voted for him anyway in spite of that. But Biden - as the president - goes about sniffing kids, acting creepy, and making unnecessary physical contact with them during photo opportunities...........right in plain sight......and nobody seems to care. ???? I'm just saying, if it were Trump they'd be all over him like a rash. Hell, the media mocked Trump for the way he held a glass of water, his skin tone, his hairstyle, and even the way his son clapped his hands, saying he could be autistic or something. They were savage, absolutely savage. Biden just gets a free pass.
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