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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Gotta be careful with this kind of talk around here. You'll be getting accused of "hate speech" and called "transphobic", or "homophobic."
  2. Say what you want about this guy, his country does not have same problems as Sweden.
  3. You are gaslighting other members here all throughout this thread and on other threads. Not wanting a man in the girls' toilets or changing rooms is not transphobic, for example Not wanting males in women's sports is not transphobic, for example. Another example, not agreeing with puberty blockers and gender reassignment surgery is not transphobic. But when posters here express concerns, you (and your buddies) start gaslighting them, calling them transphobic, homophobic, and accuse them of hate speech. It's gaslighting. It's abusive. And it's really just your tactic to remove freedom of speech to the point where people can't even express their concerns without being falsely accused of being something awful.
  4. It's not their race. It's their religion. But that's just part of it. And also the fact they arrive without documents and claim - without proof - that they come from a war torn area. And where are the women, children, and elderly? It's almost all just young men. Then, there are terrorists attacks, riots, lootings, rapes, murders, bombings, and crime (done by then). Also, they don't want to work, integrate, or assimilate. What problems did the Irish migrants cause? Did they not integrate well in America?
  5. Time will tell. No need to imply anything or speculate. The experiment has begun and I hope for the sake of our countries that the above statement is not true.
  6. Islam is different. It has a terrorist problem. Poland has zero terrorist attacks. They are proud of that and their immigration policy protects their people.
  7. The ones on the boats even have their own Tik Tok channels and post their own videos of their journey. They are making AK47 signs with their hands and they also display symbols related to ISIS in some videos. All fit military aged men. Where are all the women, children, and elderly? Are these really refugees if they leave their families behind?
  8. Don't you know, all those fit military-aged men you see in the media arriving (not a woman or child in sight) from Africa and the Middle East on boats all over Europe are scholars, engineers, and doctors? ????
  9. I wonder how long before the "do gooders" wake up and realized they have made a big mistake and their country is ruined? Europe (and America) needs to take a leaf out of Poland's book. I am just thankful we won't see this in Thailand.
  10. I got my Thai driver's license in my wallet
  11. Twerking in G-strings for kids after luring them there with a storybook is also acceptable in come countries. Some countries have freedom of speech.
  12. Exactly, it's really bizarre. The question is: where will society draw the line?
  13. Ever tried swimming against a rip current?
  14. There's always an overlap on a Venn Diagram. ????
  15. You really should not be misusing the report function; it's against forum rules.
  16. What's racism and misogynism got to do with this? Are you running out of words in your Outraged Woke Handbook to throw at us? JT has run out of vocabulary too; They can be found exclaiming "fascist" to everything and anything. I'm afraid this is where you'll end up if you continue down this path.
  17. I "just left" a couple decades ago. Still happy with that decision. You gotta live life.
  18. Haha. Trying to be insulting. Nice. Actually, yes, I even graduated from university twice. We are talking about trans here. It's not about gays. Get with it, dude ????
  19. What did he say that was homophobic? Misogynists? Racists? You are just babbling about random things now.
  20. He didn't say anything homophobic. You are calling him that name to try to silence him.
  21. Ah yes. Calling people names to try to silence them. You don't believe in freedom of speech? And he is right, there is indeed a difference between homosexual people and this trans trend. I'd think nothing of it if my child came out as gay, but if they wanted to remove body parts, I'd be calling a mental therapist to help us. And if teachers were encouraging this, that would be crazy, right? And if I didn't agree with the doctor's prescription, I could lose my child. There have been cases like this. There have been females who cut off their breasts even before they were old enough to drink. And they were on puberty blockers since a young age. Then, after the surgery they regret it and end up suicidal. I've read cases of this too. It's just wrong.
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