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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. Vasectomy. Then, say yes to another baby, just to keep her happy.
  2. Putting your pension in Bitcoin might not be a great idea. You need 35 years of payment for full pension, by the way.
  3. Those people getting 500 a month didn't pay into the social security system. If they had, they would get a better pension. My country pays zero to those who didn't pay into the social security system.
  4. All money is going to zero. It's called "inflation"
  5. What do you expect? Cash is going to zero.
  6. Doesn't bother me at all. I hate the state and taxation more than I hate billionaires. In fact, why should I hate rich people?
  7. I don't think the state should be taking half of anyone's income.
  8. In which country does everyone pay the same percentage? I would applauded that country. I think it would be great of everyone paid the same percentage, but that is not the case. In many countries, for example, lower earners pay 20% whereas higher earner pay up to 50%. I have a problem with that. And we are not just talking about billionaires. This happens to regular people.
  9. 2% is 2% But you are right, they are not the same, the billionaire pays more.
  10. Alright, let's see if you can tell me exactly what he'll do? Didn't think so.
  11. How many nuts does one have to suck before one becomes nuts? At least Trump didn't suck nuts to get where he is. You think she can run the USA?
  12. It's a pity we don't still have Australia to send them all there.
  13. It's sad that America's healthcare system is like that, but in a capitalist country you should be invested. If you can't beat em, join em.
  14. They dance like that on temple grounds in Isaan regularly
  15. What's fascist about him? The Democrats want to take away your amendments, censor the population, control the media, ban free speech, and import voters to create a one party state. Did Trump try to jail or assassinate his political opponent? Nope. Who was that?
  16. This seems too high. I reckon 90% of the country are on 15k or less.
  17. Fun poll guys! 😆 It's anonymous, don't worry! 😅 I get that many of you live in different parts of the country and there are many different choices available (massage, bar, club, online etc. etc.) and different factors involved (type of venue, barfine, ladydrinks, hotel room, etc. etc.) Just answer to the best of your knowledge (or from your experience) what the average/typical cost is nowadays. Let's see what our consensus is! 😜
  18. You could have saved an hour of your life not starting this thread.
  19. What harm does it do? Most people already have cold sores. Same thing, different location.
  20. Dengue can kill you. Herpes is harmless. Herpes is cosmetic. Dengue is life threatening. See the difference? Try thinking rationally.
  21. My dad hallucinated on Thai weed the first time he tried it. He only had a few puffs, said it was super strong. And he'd smoked weed plenty of times back West.
  22. Yeah, gonorrhea is the most likely STD from oral. But why would you be scared of that? How is it different from a normal throat infection? I just had strep throat earlier this year. Who cares? Genital herpes from oral sex is rare. You'd be more likely to get oral herpes ( the common cold sore) from a person's mouth. By your logic, you should rethink ever kissing someone again, lol. And you forgot syphilis, by the way, which can be spread by oral, although much less than vaginal or anal sex. And of all the STDs it's one of the rarest, especially in heterosexuals. But frankly, malaria or dengue fever Is scarier and you get that by simply by being outside (or even staying at home) with mosquitos. Perspective rather than irrational fear.
  23. I remember that one from back in the day. Is it still going strong?
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