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Everything posted by FruitPudding

  1. You just described about every red light woman in Thailand. You kiss hookers. You should be very proud of yourself. And you even make an effort to impress them.
  2. 100 baht for what??
  3. For me: yeah, money makes me happy.
  4. But then nothing can actually make a person happy, fulfilled, or content, as everything is just external stimuli that we process consciously or subconsciously and then we have a positive, negative, or neutral reaction to the feeling that it gives us.
  5. I'd say, "Hey Buddy. This ain't Hong Kong, ya know. You can't just act like you own the place."
  6. Probably the gayest (in the happy sense of the world) lunch I've ever seen ????
  7. I think the word you are searching for is "filthy" Ever been to China?? "Leaving a mess" is an understatement
  8. Well, certainly some of those things on your list make sense. Nothing wrong with starting at 25 years then adding on more years for the destruction he caused to the victims family and so on. I mean murder sentences are handed out routinely with the judge taking into account a whole variety of unique factors of the crime anyway, right? Every case is different. Some more severely punished than others
  9. Particularly out in the sticks.
  10. Seriously, on what grounds could you possibly disagree with this?
  11. The funniest thing is: he's getting that black vote now. Seriously, look at the latest polls.
  12. Did you ever fill yer mate's shoes up with water and put them in the freezer? That was always a good one.
  13. I think it was more to do with the violence part.
  14. Reminds me of that time my old mate came marching down the street in the morning with a hangover and a come-down utterly furious that someone in our group had drawn all over his entire face with a black permanent marker (even colored in his front teeth black). I think he had a dick on his cheek too. I never saw him (or anyone) so angry. We couldn't breathe with laughter; just the sight of him marching down the street still brings tears (of laughter) to my eyes. Those were the days
  15. Nope. I am just a mass of vibrating particles (kalapas, in Pali) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kalapa_(atomism)
  16. I think it's spelled Preta in the literature. But I don't view this as an actual ghost in a ghost realm. We can see them walking among us; they are human. I am pretty sure we have all spent some time as a 'hungry ghost' ????
  17. What's the gist of the technique? What was your former life? Of course. We all have. At different stages in our lives we are living in different realms of existence. Most of us have been through hell in this very life. Some of us are living in gluttony/addiction as a 'hungry ghost' (a 'preta' as described in the literature). Some have experienced tranquility/heaven right here in this life. This is how I understand reincarnation after practicing Vipassana for many many years. I think it all pertains to our life on Earth; we are reborn into different states of consciousness in this very life. I don't really think reincarnation means I'll become a frog in my next life.
  18. The liberal nuts are ruining the world.
  19. Uhm....the local public swimming pool. Duh. There's no excuse. I am very thankful that my kid's school has a pool and they get swimming lessons.
  20. Of course they don't want foreigners having power over Thais in Thailand. And they have a very good immigration policy to protect their country. Rightly so.
  21. Maybe they don't have a problem with those other religions.
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