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Posts posted by mrrizzla

  1. "Why didn't Yingluck just ask the army to help during the PDRC protests like Abhisit did"

    Guffaw! Christ you are deluded rubl. The army publicly stated (and lied) several times that they wouldn't get involved. Prayuth wouldn't of ever helped the government. He was too busy colluding with Suthep who publicly admitted as such.

    Blah blah blah Thaksin, blah blah blah amnesty. Same old mantra from you. We know that he's a corrupt and manipulative a hole. But unlike your myopic self we also know that his enemies are just as bad or worse!

  2. Some logic missing.

    Anyway, this topic is on 2010 with the army being involved in heavy gunfights with 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists'. Even the last day those 'peaceful protesters' dropped grenades on the army and the Canadian reporter vanderGrift.

    'peaceful protesters'?

    It is a relevant comparison Dr. Deflect. Terrorists are terrorists right? Well the PDRC had armed elements, threw bombs at police and even murdered people. Dangerous no? Why didn't the army come in and disperse them?

    We all know the answer to that even if some of you pretend you don't. I highly suspect you will reply with lots of deflection techniques as usual.

    For the case under discussion here the proceedings three and a half year later have no relevance.

    The armies over zealous actions in one set of protests compared to their complete inaction in others (due to clear bias) is clearly comparable.

    But of course you will do whatever you can to deflect attention a way from the army/democrats who apparently can do absolutely no wrong. Everything is the bogey man in Dubais fault.

    This situation like nearly every other on earth is not black and white (or red and yellow in this case) there is a WHOLE lot of grey.

    In the so-called "heavy gunfights", only one side was shooting...

    Complete fiction that the Thai army did anything besides massacre the protesters in the last 6 days of the 2010 protests.

    They have a history of this of course. 1974, 1976 and 1992. I suppose some of the Kool aider drinkers here would blame Thaksin for that too :rolleyes:

  3. So the PDRC protesters that "chose" to stay there and were bombed by extremist nutters. Are they also undersiving of your sympathy or do you play a different tune for a different set of protesters?

    Why didn't the army come and clear those protesters? Who also had nerferious armed elements.....

    Some logic missing.

    Anyway, this topic is on 2010 with the army being involved in heavy gunfights with 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists'. Even the last day those 'peaceful protesters' dropped grenades on the army and the Canadian reporter vanderGrift.

    'peaceful protesters'?

    It is a relevant comparison Dr. Deflect. Terrorists are terrorists right? Well the PDRC had armed elements, threw bombs at police and even murdered people. Dangerous no? Why didn't the army come in and disperse them?

    We all know the answer to that even if some of you pretend you don't. I highly suspect you will reply with lots of deflection techniques as usual.

    For the case under discussion here the proceedings three and a half year later have no relevance.

    The armies over zealous actions in one set of protests compared to their complete inaction in others (due to clear bias) is clearly comparable.

    But of course you will do whatever you can to deflect attention a way from the army/democrats who apparently can do absolutely no wrong. Everything is the bogey man in Dubais fault.

    This situation like nearly every other on earth is not black and white (or red and yellow in this case) there is a WHOLE lot of grey.

  4. When the military advance with a superior force and , APCs fully armed and equipped with live bullets and snipers, it is silly to think that it was for protection. It's disproportionate use of lethal force on their own people and the leaders that gave the order must be held accountable. Please don't make comparison to war time as it is totally irrelevant and silly. Even more silly is quoting the war of drugs and stating the people killed as though you know the facts.

    What is it you expect? For the the military to advance with inferior force? Or perhaps for the military to advance with exactly equal force, just to show what gents they are and make it a fair fight? Of course the military advance with superior force. That is their job. It's very easy to sit behind your computer making pronouncements willy nilly about what was excessive and what wasn't, but it wasn't your neck on the line out there was it. The soldiers had no choice to be there. They couldn't walk away. All of the protesters, armed or not, had that choice. They chose to stay and some paid the ultimate price for their decision. My sympathy is with the soldiers and all those like the medics who weren't there of their own choosing.

    So the PDRC protesters that "chose" to stay there and were bombed by extremist nutters. Are they also undersiving of your sympathy or do you play a different tune for a different set of protesters?

    Why didn't the army come and clear those protesters? Who also had nerferious armed elements.....

    Some logic missing.

    Anyway, this topic is on 2010 with the army being involved in heavy gunfights with 'peaceful protesters, not terrorists'. Even the last day those 'peaceful protesters' dropped grenades on the army and the Canadian reporter vanderGrift.

    'peaceful protesters'?

    It is a relevant comparison Dr. Deflect. Terrorists are terrorists right? Well the PDRC had armed elements, threw bombs at police and even murdered people. Dangerous no? Why didn't the army come in and disperse them?

    We all know the answer to that even if some of you pretend you don't. I highly suspect you will reply with lots of deflection techniques as usual.

  5. When the military advance with a superior force and , APCs fully armed and equipped with live bullets and snipers, it is silly to think that it was for protection. It's disproportionate use of lethal force on their own people and the leaders that gave the order must be held accountable. Please don't make comparison to war time as it is totally irrelevant and silly. Even more silly is quoting the war of drugs and stating the people killed as though you know the facts.

    What is it you expect? For the the military to advance with inferior force? Or perhaps for the military to advance with exactly equal force, just to show what gents they are and make it a fair fight? Of course the military advance with superior force. That is their job. It's very easy to sit behind your computer making pronouncements willy nilly about what was excessive and what wasn't, but it wasn't your neck on the line out there was it. The soldiers had no choice to be there. They couldn't walk away. All of the protesters, armed or not, had that choice. They chose to stay and some paid the ultimate price for their decision. My sympathy is with the soldiers and all those like the medics who weren't there of their own choosing.

    So the PDRC protesters that "chose" to stay there and were bombed by extremist nutters. Are they also undersiving of your sympathy or do you play a different tune for a different set of protesters?

    Why didn't the army come and clear those protesters? Who also had nerferious armed elements.....

  6. As the Buddha sat peacefully under the Bodhi tree he summoned his followers to come and listen to his wisdom "Come here my children" he said softly.

    Buddha's robed students gathered and sat cross legged in front of the enlightened one, so eager to hear his words of wisdom.

    "My children. When you have attained enlightenment you realise a few things. You need a really nice vintage car. Preferably a 1950s Mercedes for that suave classic look. Oh and if you are really smart and enlightened like me you'll import it into the country piece by piece so you can avoid paying tax. We already save money on tax being a religious organisation so we are really clever and devious! Oh and my children. You should get yourself a nice cream coloured Gucci bag to match with the colour of the Mercedes".

    The Buddha's students look at each other baffled.

    "Do not look so confused my pupils. Unfettered materialism is what my teachings are actually all about. Well, at least they had been twisted to be when I had a glimpse 2000 years into the future".....

    The students then scramble off to rob money from the public to fund a private jet.

  7. Potential role

    well, that's right. But it might be too late already. The other ASEAN states started years ago already and even Burma is on the way to overtake Thailand.

    Thailand was dealing to much with themselves and tried to solve internal problems dealing with different clans filling their pockets.

    Maybe it's not the best example for democratic State but Singapore shows how to do and also Malaysia is on the right track. Or Indonesia.

    Only Thailand is not moving forward.

    Everybody knows why....

    Nailed it.

    All of Thailand's neighbors are moving forward. Even Burma is moving away from something Thailand is regressing back into. I guess the arrogant elite of this country haven't learned much.

    Thailand had something of a head start in the region because of the Vietnam war. Now it is starting to lag behind due to it's own stubborn aristocracy.

    "All of Thailand's neighbors are moving forward." To what? "Now it is starting to lag behind.." Lagging behind in what way? Most surrounding countries of Thailand were once part of it, sir. Thailand is unique and should stay that way...America just wants to extend its big-brother disease in the form of ASEAN...and I will do what I can to stop this takeover of Asia..period!

    You mean large sections of Thailand used to be part of other countries like most of Issan?

    Are you Thai or a troll?

  8. Recently in my, a philipino lady was found raped and dumped on the side of the road dead. There were no witnesses and no clues.

    1 person had seen a grey car in the area .the police showed the person the different cars as the witness could not remember the make. The witness thought it was probably a Toyota. The police collected the name and registration for every grey Toyota in the area, then looked for known criminals within that.

    One man stood out, so they searched his home. He had washed his car from Top to bottom. The police found only the victims purse and a knife with the victims dna . the man originally confessed but recanted.

    He said, he had found the purse on the road far from the scene.

    He said, the police had planted the dna evidence on the knife and contaminated the scene.

    The judge said "mate you have had 3 months in jail doing nothing to cook up this story ".unbelievable. bam down went the hammer. Guilty.


    This relates to this case how?

    The crime scene on Koh Tao was compromised and heavily contaminated from the get go.

    Evidence was poorly collected or "lost".

    Certain individuals refused to give over CCTV footage from their businesses.

    The B2 were tested weeks and weeks before the police suddenly decided they were guilty.

    The top cop on the case pointed the finger to local mafias then was quickly 'reassigned'.

    B2 tortured into confession and the translator used didn't even speak their dialect.

    Dna evidence 'lost' and 'used up'.

    Translators working for media outlets received threats and named the Island mafias as the people making the threats.

    Other suspects in the case disappearing for days on end after the murders...

    This case wouldn't of even made it to trial in most places in the world. The B2's fate has been bought and paid for. You maybe gullible enough (or are trust plain trolling) to believe it but most of the rest of the world don't.

  9. Don't these teachers get medical coverage? Seems a bit dangerous to be unnecessarily flying someone all the way back. Lucky for him he was young and worth more alive than dead. Had he been 70 with an insurance policy would the outcome have been different?

    I received (optional) medical insurance at my old job. It was something like 600 baht a month. Cheap but it only covered a certain amount a day. If you had something serious like an aneurysm it would help cover maybe 5% of the cost....

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