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Chip Allen

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Posts posted by Chip Allen

  1. 1 minute ago, JAG said:

    Geographically, politically, ethnically or in terms of the quality of its broadcasting?

    Tell us, do. You see I'm sure no one here minds in the slightest if you choose not to listen to or watch their output. Quite a lot of us are not impressed with the idea of that choice being made for us.

    One thing about the BBC...you can ALWAYS expect them to be on the side of truth and freedom.

  2. On 3/3/2017 at 9:28 AM, maxcorrigan said:

    I am a retiree here in Thailand, i have bought a house, a car, all new, i pay for all the food all the utility bills any repairs etc. and yet you are telling me i pay no tax! Well that's a new one me!

    The "faithful" believe that only a tax on income constitutes tax payment. Sad, but, a fact of life among the "Love it or leave it" contingent.


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  3. I'm consistent. I don't trust EITHER of them. Thai men and women totally deserve each other.

    The fruits of a libertarian society where all must fend  for themselves. Compassion and regard for 

    justice does not grow in an environment where there is no social contract between the state and the 

    individual. Western mixed economies and outright welfare states are the only places you will find men

    and women who understand true equality and the necessity of working together to achieve common


  4. When I first came to Thailand in 1998, I was impressed with the ease of taxi service as compared with places like the Dominican Republic where every taxi ride is a hassle with the driver. Now, taxi service in Bangkok has deteriorated to the same level. Many drivers simply refuse to take me where I need to go or want to charge me USA prices. Uber and GrabTaxi are market forces responding to an intolerable transportation situation where the taxi driver wants to dictate terms to the customer.

  5. On 3/19/2017 at 7:30 PM, JAG said:

    No. The case itself is certainly not about religion. But quite simply, if as I suspect many of those responsible for fitting her up are Buddhists, how can they square what they have done with the teachings they claim to follow? The rest of my comment, asking why the Buddhist establishment remains silent follows from that.

    That's what I mean by (for me) a troubling inconsistency. It is a side issue.

    Good questions....no clear answers.

  6. 17 minutes ago, JAG said:

    No. The case itself is certainly not about religion. But quite simply, if as I suspect many of those responsible for fitting her up are Buddhists, how can they square what they have done with the teachings they claim to follow? The rest of my comment, asking why the Buddhist establishment remains silent follows from that.

    That's what I mean by (for me) a troubling inconsistency. It is a side issue.

    Buddhism is also silent on many social issues: poverty, homelessness, corruption, prison reform etc. One thing that sets Western religions apart is their tendency to push for social reform.

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