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Everything posted by Presnock

  1. Yeah how would you like one of thos DEI doctors operating on you? Not me.
  2. Those may show a report card with 8 years of English but a very subdued bunch of lessons taught by a semi-literate Thai English teacher. Even in the schools with farang teachers, the Thai English teachers normally are not allowed to get any help from the farage English speakers. I experienced this with my daughter, in on homework assignment of 15 questions on pronouns, 9 had nothing there on pronouns. I corrected the homework in RED ink and put a note in Thai that if the teacher didn't understand let me know and I would help her. She said that the homework papers are prepared by the school director and cannot be changed nor discussed withe the farang teachers. Needless to say we departed that school fairly soon thereafter. It was basically the same at every Thai school that we enrolled our daughter though each had great reputations and waiting lists to get into the schools. After 6TH grade we enrolled her in an international school. She is now in college doing great, Native English and Thai, has taught basic Chinese at a different HS, and has tested at level 4 in self taught Korean language. On term breaks from the #1 university in Thailand, she takes courses at the #1 university in Seoul, Korea (received outstanding achievement award in Korean language). Ranked in the upper 20% in here college class. When Ifirst came to Thailand in 1972 I don't recall anyone speaking any English at all and it was necessary that one speak Thai to get anywhere here. Times have changed but their language training hasn't...If they join BRICS, guess they might change to Chinese Language.
  3. where was his "courage" in the 1960's? Heel spurs! but still playing all the sports in college. I have had heel spurs off and on my entire adult life but it sure didn't keep me out of the military or VN. I just wait for his campaign speech about the medals he was awarded for VN service or the Middle East/Afghan service.
  4. Actually for the LTR visa he BOI wanted the 1040 for PROOF of my income - I had given them the 1099R but they wanted the 1040 so gave a redacted copy of course and within 12 weeks had the visa. They mentioned when I called to chat with them about he 1099R, as that is the "official" US document on salary and taxes so..,.go figure! anyway best of luck.
  5. Well, I sure am glad that my tax situation is so simple. If I had to do what you and others do then I would definitely need a tax agent. I file my US tax as soon as the 1099R arrives in mid Jan and usually get my refund check the first week of February. Fortunately, I only have the US civil service pension so only the US can tax it plus now with LTR nothing anyway but just that it also gets rid of the 90-day report. Trying to get everything easier as I get OLDER and OLDER. But, you seem to have a good handle on your taxes and can defnitely help others here. Have a good one.
  6. Agree. I have lived in Thailand more than 30 years total. Been through a lot of coups. But one of the biggest complaints by expats is the immigration - Many changes have been made since I retired here in 2005 and got Retirement O visa. At one time we would have to arrive at CM immigration (some more than 8 hours) but at least 4 hours of waiting in a queue just to get a queue number for the same day. After getting the queue number, when they broke at lunch they would advise that some that had been waiting hours, that they needed to come back the following day. Used to have to show up for the 90-day report, now on line. Used to have a TM 28 for expat to show a move to differentt location; they stopped that and then made the expat responsible mostly for the TM30 and now that too can be done on line. New visas have shown up - many just this year. Glad the LTR came up and not so many signed on so they dropped the price by 50% (50K baht!). Then the OECD agreement of July 2023 and taxes changed and possibly to change even more. Elections last year and now 2 PM's gone, possbly a third but all in all, Thailand remains a great place for my retirement. By switching to LTR no more 90-day reports for the next 10 years. Food remains great here with even more variety no matter what kind of food one likes,. Used to be no western foods as all except one Villamart. Baht has changed too over the years and we get a better rate now than we used to but not as good as the late 90's. All in all, still a paradise for me and my family. Schooling for daughter going well and a lot cheaper and if she so desires, she can get a great paying job in the US or elsewhere. Weather too is changing but no one controls that but I did hear on the US news broadcast this morning that the MAGA crowd is claiming that the DEMS are controlling the weather so that Republican states are suffering these horrendous hurricanes. (I am not joking, I saw several US news (YOUTUBE) broadcasts this morning.) For those looking to move, I read this morning that Panama is a tax haven and the weather is great too.
  7. Actually, the politicians have seen the OECD agreement signed ion July 2023 and along with that article, a reporter mentioned worldwide income taxation and immediately the cash poor Thai politicians jumped at that possible source of taxe. IN some of the webinars on possible scenarios in taxation, some mention that this discussion is still ongoing as not everyone is on board with such taxation. Who know, the current government might not be around soon either, if they go down along with the other groups, then pretty soon there won't be any politicians left to nominate for anything.
  8. I mistakingly dropped the "not" ...meaning if you are not in Thailand 180 or more per calendar year then you are "not" a tax resident so couldn't be taxed on that money.
  9. The way taxes in US are done, one should do the US taxes first, followed by the Thai as opposed to letting the Thai grab a chunk first off and try to get something back - have heard bad stories about anytime one tries to get reimbursed here,. Just saying
  10. can't believe that they would ever try that, but TIT and every department seems to like having another department do their work for them, i.e. immigration/taxes
  11. Agree that local schools (not international) are just about a total waste of time. We tried that for 5 years with our daughter. But, we also spent a lot of time with her leaning at home. Finally we went to NEW sathit school, ultra modern buildings BUT locally controlled education so a complete wasted year. Within 3 years every child except the K group had been pulled out by their parents as a wasted time. Not a cheap tuition school either and we were offered free tuition to stay but opted instead for the Chiang Mai International School - best decision we ever made for her education. That school taught her how learning can be fun and she graduated with 4 languages (Chinese, Korean, English and Thai) and is enjoying college at the number one school in Thailand (plus whenever on a multi-week break at the number one university in Seoul). Right now she doesn't plan on working here in any capacity and says that is what college is for, to determine what kind of career one might pursue. I am fairly fluent in Thai but that was just wasted on any of her Thai teachers or school managers. THEY control the school and want to let farangs and other parents know that fact! IMHO anyway.
  12. I totally agree with this. That is one of the primary reasons I decided to retire in Thailand after working and living in many countries including EU, Africa, Asia, Central America - that plus I do not like cold weather, I love the PI too but they have strong earthquakes, big typhoons, volcanic eruptions, but no cold weather either. The food in Thailand is great! and varied not so great in the PI to my liking. People are very receptive to foreigners (at least they have been to me) and usually let us live like we want - without hassles and without bothering them. I have been retired here for over 20 years and just extended my visa for 10 more years- hoping to last that long. No place is perfect by any means but Thailand sure checks most of the boxes.
  13. I see that Panama is a very popular expat tax favorable location too!
  14. any prospecitive person planning to relocate to Thailand will quickly learn about the "discussions" on worldwide income taxation plan of the current government. In addition, visa restrictions will also be considered i.e. 90-day reports, tm.30 reports, etc. If the Thai govt really want people to consider moving from another country to this country, then changes need to be done to make Thailand even more attractive. My opinion only and I retired here 20+ years ago and still love it here.
  15. Funniest I have heard yet from Trump - he is complaining that because they reported his refusal in detail, it was too close to the election so a violation of the "airing" rules thus he should be awarded the victor already and no election needed. He also wants to kick all the anti-trump media out and resell their air licenses . Total idiot IMHO. He claims the laws in such a way that only he has an advantage, yet because he violates so many with his blatant lies, he is the one who should be penalized. Guess it really doesn't matter as neither one is worthy or qualified to be the President of the USA IMHO again!
  16. Well based on what I read in the past week, in the US health insurers are zooming the premiums to such an extent that the media is calling those packages "Cadillac Coverage" meaning you paying for all the extras in the basic price. I am on a pension, thus also have a govt sponsored insurance company but it did enable me to get an LTR. Only good think about it I guess as in my entire life I personally have been blessed with good health and never filed a charge but my wife was killed by breast cancer/treatment and they paid dearly for that I guess.
  17. I read a recent news articlle that said just the opposite. But if Trump is to win, and the Republicans keep the house then I think the debt will ZOOM again under him just like his presidency days. I am not so sure that the Congress will approve much for her either. But the future sure doesn't look too rosy for Americans IMHO.
  18. well the AI experts say 2034 that AI will rule - not hard to believe as I am totally AI ignorant to the extreme. I managed an office with 50 computers but fortunately I had computer techs and expert users or I would have failed at my job. I do feel sorry for all those that worked their butts off in schools getting those degrees, offered great jobs and then having the rug pulled out from beneath them during a huge immigrant influx taking anything and everything offered just to get a couple of $$. Many of those youngsters also have house and car payments that are still due.
  19. I have come to the conclusion after so many years of being like this, he does not even realize that he is not telling the truth. Just he never admits to ever doing anthing illegal or wrong. But some of his relatives say he has been like this since a child - maybe that what his dad taught him.
  20. Trump is even worse that KH as at least someone will have a leash on almost everything she does of any importance whereas Trump just plans on destorying democracy of the US, wiping out the constitution, getting revenge on all those who have told the truth about him. According to stats, his four years tint drove the debt 7 trillion further and he plans on doing even worse this time around, promising more tax breaks for the richest group and their companies. He is corrupt, a poor negotiator, lies about everything he doesn't like or understand and blames everyone else for any mistakes (not that he admits to of course) that he makes. This is my opinion based on all the stories I have heard about him since VN days.
  21. Personally, I am not against anyone qualified to be the president of the US. Woman should have that right too. Those that speak about this in terms of religious beliefs, should read the US constituition about separation of state and religion. As long as one is a good person, will back the US Constitution oath faithfully, and honor the freedom rights of the US citizens, and work without any corruption, I would support that president, no matter the sex or race or whatever. However, the rich and powerful seem to have taken over completely in selection of the candidates, based (IMHO) on what the winning candidate will provide them with ever increasing rewards. Current candidates should never even have come close to being a candidate for the presidency in my opinion. But I am only 1 vote so I refuse to give it to either of them!
  22. Hypochondria stikes again...getting untold number of hospital/doctor visits with no definite answers as to cause would probably have any insurance coverage denied. Just saying. But if you can afford it continue your doctor visits.
  23. Well once AI rules, yeah I am sure life will change - already, in the US many young folks who got STEm degrees and worked for many of the leading companies of the "future" have had their jobs taken away by the very things they were writing script/apps about that ended up replacing themselves by AI methods. Now they can't find jobs, still young and that will happen to more and more - just look at some of the auto manufacturers that have replace people with robots. Expensive at first but then cost effective as no salaries, no health insurances, no pensions, and no strikes. Those sci-fi movies we watch are more accurate that the human mind might think. Just my thoughts and observations.
  24. Check it out, alcohol is classified as a POISON for the human body. Alcohol and alcoholic beverages contain ethanol which is TOXIC! The World Health Org. says that no level of alcohol is safe for one's health! Just saying...I had my days of drinking a beer or two but gave that up decades ago. I hardly ever got high even as I just could not stand a hangover and I worked out every day as I still do and it seem counter intutitive to why I exercised. Just saying and agree it may also waste one's money but to each his own I guess as many are probably laughing at why I exercise so often. Best of luck and health to all.
  25. Originally I of course used the embassy letter with my pension yearly but then eventually the embassy stopped providing a letter and the IO told me that he only wanted Thai documentation and since my pension just goes to my US bank, he didn't want that document either, stating that I was providing way too muchj documents! I swear he said that! this was at CM too and then that is the way I did my yearly extension of stay with only the local bangkok bank documents of the greater than 65K monthly deposit from overseas until I changed this year to LTR.
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